guess the map. winrar posts new map.
Guess the map. winrar posts new map
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American military aid?
Countries that last abolished slavery?
I know that is Jus Soli but you can easily reverse search that, make it harder pls
Penis skin cutting
correct. it is your turn.
>Best guess for this image: 2014 fifa world cup
how 2 search
cigarette consumption?
Rate of meat consumption
Rate of alcohol consumption?
no, slavs would beat everyone in that
Maybe median age of retirement??
tip: it's related to love
divorce rate?
Well if its not average loss of virginity age then I'm dense as fuck
cunts where porn is illegal ?
>no middle east
have you made this up?
does it have anything to do with religion?
that particular map? yes
but the countries in it all do have something in common
no, economics
I would say Buddhism status, but Japan isn't there
tea exports? idk
you overestimate the amount of buddhists in india
think NAFTA
Ratio of illegal drugs consumed vs exported
countries that import more to the us then Canada
Any other hints?
i meant what they have in common is similar to NAFTA, not that the map itself is related to NAFTA
some sort of economic partnership?
hmm, countries with trade agreements with Russia?
it's the only active regional trade organisation to connect india and china
why are Spaniards and pooptugals so into cheating their partners?
*it's also largely irrelevant and lacking teeth
it is, yes
Its not the SCO it seems.
not SEO as no Russia.
not a bad guess, but no, it's missing quite a few SAARC countries
The countries are coloured in by date of ascension
It's the map of cucked countries. I'm surprised Sweden isn't there.
Right, he already got it, though
I guess you can go if the Indian guy is not gonna post?
prisoners per 100,000 people
fuck! I knew that would be easy.
This should be easy too. I removed the legend though.
some meme iq map because le asians smart
How do you fool image search?
Some really obscure maps have fooled it for me in the past.
>le asians
You sure are smrt. Post your map, Slavoj.
Non native nigger population
Only country in the americas to beat America in a war :^ )
english speaking cunt'ries
it is canada, but it's not the answer, the answer is what separates canada from the rest of the countries in the world
child porn?
why do you think spicks would have no law against child porn?
Oh is it trudeaus "Sucktheknot" act
smoker population
countries which have a leaf on its flag
>smoker population
no. There are tons of smokers in canada
Am I wrong ?
I thought canada memed it's way into history with that fucking ruling that sucking a dog is a-okay.
Thanks Obama
you should add lebanon tho
lebanon has a tree not a leaf
its flag has a tree with leaves on it
otherwise it would be brown, not green
internet censorship ? or something to do with privacy