
Shhh, Chen is sleeping - edition

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Fuck you Chen.
I hate you so much you stupid bitch.


hee ho!
a-wakey-wakey!!! sleepy time's a-ovaa starfox!

the night is young, do not give in to such primordial cognitions of sleepiness

but its cold

*runs at you*

*drifts away*

The night is young and so are you.
Bedtime. Now.

a bit of cold is good for the soul. Also I think that futon just raped Chen by forcing her to sleep with it, please delet

*dashes behind you*
*throws a kunai into your head*


h-he's fast

Anyone got a nickel

piss off bum

You're gonna have to earn it.
Show me what you got.


Looks like Winter's finally here.



How do I look?

I have 48 hours to cram a quarter-semester of differential equations. Should I jerk off or watch netflix?

jerk off then think about it

a noose around your neck may make for a good accessory :^)

the world needs more /cum/ if you catch my dift

>tfw wasted my entire day perfecting my plant collection notes, labels, and online bullshit and didn't study at all for my tests

Why I am I so slow at this meticulous bullshit?

Shut up, you'll probably still pass.

thanks buds, you guys always know what to do

why is eurobeat so good, buds?

>pissed away hours upon hours upon fucking hours

I really do hate myself. I'm just sitting there at the computer and I don't know what the hell happens, I mean theoretically I'm "working" on the paper but I'm also sort of not, I don't know. The end result is that now, I have fuckall done and it's due in like 16 or so hours, it's supposed to be 8 pages, and I feel absolutely fucking burnt out despite doing NOTHING somehow. Seriously I don't know where all the time went.

is NorthAmericanbeat not good enough for you or something pinko?

it's even better on adderall (may cause palpitations)

get your balls outta your asshole and write that paper

Gonna play some MKX. Not sure who I wanna play as

unfortunately not

Take like a 4 hour nap and get to work like a madman.
Don't stop for any bumps and return to them later to tie up loose ends.
Keep notes on the side for said obstacles.
That's what I've done.

But I agree.
I'm so sick of myself procrastinating my college life away. I never learn.

US navy aircraft-carrier will be an assemble in the pearl-harbor at December 8.

its a Big Chance!!


my head is dead, i gotta go to bed,
night /cum/

is trump the greatest president in US history?

Not yet.

A national embarrassment more like it.


Good morning /cum/

I hate myself




I have no penis and I must /cum/


goodnight deadhead

It's 2:50 AM. What are you, some kinda time traveler?


sleepy time

Good morning /cum/

rest well legend

go back to sleep

allahu akbar

I miss the neet life.

I don't want to go to work

allahu akbar

Who up af and woke af


It's time to pass on the heritage


It all started with a black man.


>go to quickdraw.withgoogle.com/
>it tells me to draw "Leaf"
>draw the Canadian flag
>I don't know what this is


whoa, I just nearly ate through a whole new jar of pickles. I also learned that pickles cure brain freeze
pickles are a gift to man from above



im sure he walked home alright

>be muslim
>live in muslim country
>still get islam'd
There's no escape

>religion of peace

It's an unstable region, the wars are paid for by the foreign support of wahhabism. It's also all just a bunch of barbaric sons of bitches playing conqueror in the sandbox.

are you sleeping, lads?

but I will be in about 20 minutes

Back to work Ivan you don't want to make mama disappointed again

saudi arabia is garbage

they've caused more unrest in the islamic world than the US and euros together

and that's saying a lot

it's too late to work, lad.

And at the same time they've long been the only reliable ally of the western powers in the area

It's a complicated relationship to say the least

the god emperor welcomes a citizen of his bro vladimir

its because they've tied theirs and every OPEC member's oil to the US dollar through OPEC

it gives them, and us, a shitload of control over the entirety of the world oil economy

>saudi arabia
>reliable ally


Compared to how unstable the rest of the region has been, yes. Plus they were an ally against the gommies in egypt, iran, and elsewhere so there's that as well

t-thanks. I hope we'll save the white rce together...

Help us btfo the eternal chink Ivan, God demands it

The Soviets were a reliable ally when the Nazis were around so there's that as well.

y-yeah, first I'll learn proper English then we'll save the world from subhumans like niggers, chinks, spics, etc. just u and me. forever ^^

the trail of Saudi blood money leads to
>Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nursa, lashkar e taiba, the caucasus emirate etc.
nice ally



Hispanic isn't a race


>Opening second morning in a row
I need some sleep ;_;

tfw you realize /cum/ is your safe space

Daily reminder that cumskinned, round-eye, milk-drinkers are the worst, most useless race on the planet.

t. James Smith

>tfw two smart too be white

Why is he so dark?

Because he's superior


To what, a gorilla?