Quality of Living City Ranking

I have performed calculations on quality of living and overall well-being in different cities all around the world. Here is the ranking I got:

1. Tokyo, Japan
2. London, UK
3. Osaka, Japan
4. Hong Kong
5. Geneva, Switzerland
6. Zurich, Switzerland
7. Copenhagen, Denmark
8. Oslo, Norway
9. New York City, USA
10. Vienna, Austria
11. Seoul, South Korea
12. Paris, France
13. Dublin, Ireland
14. Milan, Italy
15. Singapore
16. Sydney, Australia
17. Helsinki, Finland
18. Stockholm, Sweden
19. Amsterdam, Netherlands
20. San Francisco, USA

It's nice to see Tokyo being rated highly...but on what grounds?
Tokyo is great...but it's only when you speak Japanese.

I did not take language into consideration. I calculated based on things like availability of comforts, like good internet, good food, how well you can receive repairments if something gets broken, and I also added salaries, which are very high in Japan. That's why it brought Tokyo and Osaka that high. If I would not consider prices, It would have been Switzerland, some Europe on top, and some Canada on the list.

>2. London

Kek, we come really low down on all the quality of life survey things

>Quality of Living



Tokyo is mistake

There is no perfect place in the world, but if you do a comparison, you'll see other places are a bit worse in one way or another.

>London that high
>Dublin that high


>geneva higher than zurich

I have been to eight of these places

If you have trouble living in Tokyo without Japanese, you really only have yourself to blame.

Foreigners who feel life in Japan is hard when they've never lived outside Tokyo are annoying.

As much as I hate our cities I know for a fact that places like Toronto, Montréal, or Vancouver have higher average incomes, lower unemployment, linger life expectancies, are cleaner, are safer, are in the "most liveable cities indices," etc, than a few of the cities on that list.

Wrong but im happy

>Tokyo, Japan
Huge troubles with traffic and ecology. Also Japanese economy has been in decline since early 90s.
>Paris, France
Meh, it's very dirty there (as well as in France at all) because Frenchmen don't give a fuck about the hygiene and purity. I may expect shit like that in Russia or in the other 2nd/3rd world country but not in Paris. Also there are poor Arab hoods (well, poor by the 1st world standards). And France have very high unemployment, it's number one problem there.

Others look pretty legitimate, but you should give more southern cities because climate means a lot in a terms of life quality. Norilsk have high salaries but no one reasonable would like to live there.

No, Tokyo is the most dangerous and shittiest city in the world. Do not come here.

whitu piggu go home

>17. Helsinki, Finland
>18. Stockholm, Sweden

Just reorganising the cities you gave us

1. London
1. New York
1. Paris
4. Amsterdam
5. Tokyo
6. Vienna
7. Geneva
8. San Francisco
9. Stockholm
10. Sydney
11. Osaka
12. Milan
13. Oslo
14. Helsinki
15. Zurich
16. Sngapore
17. Hong Kong
18. Seoul
19. Copenhagen
1XX. Dublin

>9. Stockholm
>14. Helsinki

good one, kek

>quality of living



1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX....some random city in india.