>Just had my first social interaction with a female who approached me in two years
Just kill me, it was a cringe fest
Just had my first social interaction with a female who approached me in two years
R9K is that way
I say hei hei to local lady at the shop near my home almost daily. And 2 weeks ago I had a chat with the woman at H&M about payment method.
They were okay experiences, try to handle it better next time.
Practice makes perfect. You can't make an omelette wihtout cracking a few eggs. Have many social interactions and learn from all the different responses; in the end you'll get somewhere.
can you gib greentext story already
>be me
>walking in the street
>some grill who said she's from northern Finland is looking for directions where to find a place (I don't remember what location she was looking for)
>don't know what to say because I don't know Finnish
>sperg out
>go home
ok now the story how you got beaten up
I won't tell you that story
there is nothing to be ashamed of we all have been beaten up once or twice
or three times.. or for times..
>socially awkward and introverted
>chat with stranger
>had a long nice talk about everyone and everything
>45 minutes pass
>wow we actually seem to have a lot in common
>"ok user, your hair is done. what do you think?"
ey tell us the story of how you got beat up.
>get into contact with person who claimed they were Fenno-Swedish through kik
>chat for a couple of days
>find out we both live in Helsinki
>schedule a place to meet up
>go to the meeting place
>3 neo-nazi looking fuckers show up and beat the ever living shit out of me
wait i thought you met someone on mammi here but i guess someone just said something dumb.
Also how bad was the beating did you end up in a hospital?
Tell me more about the encounter i am very curious.
>courage wolf
man is this a blast from the past
What the fuck, is this real? Did you call the police?
>tfw could easily get 5/5 women, but can't be bothered
the police probably would have beaten him up
>5/5 women
>Not 20/20
Get on my level faggot
t. virgin
>You can't make an omelette wihtout cracking a few eggs
But I can
I call bullshit.