Do you love Russia?

Do you love Russia?

Katya got ugly, stop posting her.

Cute girl
I like dis girl



hate it

only girl. not Ruski man and country.

who is girl?

What does нaфиг mean in Russian?
In a stream chat about a game on tanks I saw this : нaфиг eти тaнки yжe

Does it mean "shoot these tanks already" or something like this?

I might even go so far as to say I dislike Russia, tbqhwy.

They can fuck off already
So yes, you're right

i like russian kikes


like "fuck these tanks" but not in rude form

And russian girls :(

How do i get russian gf?


World of Tanks?

>wanting a golddigger whore as gf




Isn't shy and forever young chink gf better?


no, fuck this shithole

Self-hating is pathetic.

I love Russian girls around 10 years old
it is very cute
give me pict

but i like myself. not my fault i was born here though.

No fuck rusia

Only if they love me

>not my fault
You speak like a child. Grow up dude and face it: you will never leave this country (probably) and as long as you think that you live in shit — you'll be shit as well.

>you will never leave this country

I will take him with me

I love pre-Peter the Great Russia, modern Russia is shit

For what purposes? Anal slavery or cleaning your french le toilette?

Does Russia love me?

I always cheer for Russia in the skating competitions, becuase they have the best style.

I guess that's love. Kinda.


No, I detest it with a burning passion.

she just look less childish

chink gf is a meme
here they are the same as american girls

Maybe I can strike a deal for sex at the very least, here they expect you to have money, charisma and attractiveness

kys attentionwhore

I love russian girls.

best place in the world ёптa

They're poor, and Russia is very cold. But girls are fuckin cute. I envy Russia (`・ω・´)

>katya will never be your gf


thank god, she's ugly


int belongs to Anzu now

I'm russian.
I'm willing to trade a russian girl for some shiba inu puppies. Deal?


Met some Russians in Sunny beach, didnt realize they were Russian untill they said they couldnt understand me.
They were some rich kids, funny guys, really nice.

> baiting for a replies

>Anzu will never be your girlfriend(male)

>Eating grass dressed up as a Disney princess
Looks like she has serious mental disturb, so I'd advice you to ask her, because she might aswell accept.

Yes, I know it's a shithole but some part of me wants to live there desperately.

Thank god I'm too poor to let me do anything stupid like actually go there.

What ever happened to her? Did the abandon the internet when she realized how many people fap over her?