Tfw you live in a frozen shithole

>tfw you live in a frozen shithole
>tfw it's difficult to breathe because you inhale snow due to fucking blizzard
>-10 C
>wind velocity is 7 meters per second
>girl ahead me in a picreleated was knocked down by the wind
Oh fuck. Who have made my retarded ancestors to come here? Why not Italy? Why not Greece? Spain? Florida? California? Singapore? Fuck.

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Worst part is coming home to a cold, dark and lonely apartment. Atleast if I had a gf...

God, I hate winter

I live in new england and its fucking cold as hell today.

Which is why I dont get this cold. = comfy meme

Snow is cool for maybe a day then it kust becomes a pain in the ass

Ideal comfy would be somewhere like hawaii, warm all year and not humid like florida

If I win the lottery Im out.

You have a Golfsream, European countries can't be considered to be really cold because of it. Europe is naturally warmer than Russia. You'resurrounded by the seas, it makes climate softer. You only suffer darkness. I bet you have never felt -30 C.

I feel sorry for you

>shitty commieblocks, dirt and snow
>expensive cars
Why do our people have nigger mindset?

snow makes great recreational opportunities
it just gets in the way for most professional stuff though

it's comfy in europe
usually people don't get knocked down by the wind here

I come from far north. You're right it's warmer than similar latitudes in russia but that would be far north siberia. We still regularly get colder than -30

>cold. = comfy meme
The most retarded meme ever. Maybe heat like in UAE is too much, but Mediterranean climate is really perfect thing, California and so. Pretty dry and warm all the year is the best thing possible.


winter is the best fuck you

I wish i was born in Vorkuta

Well, you're the exception yet -13 as daily mean is warmer than in Moscow. Also in Siberia -40 is winter average. In some areas engine of your car works all the winter long because if you shut it down it would be impossible to start it again.

suck it up princess

you refill it when warming?

don't you just have the electrical cord you plug in to warm it?

If you guys didn't mention russians really do like to brag about how they have it the worst.
You may think of this as of national characteristic.

streets are empty when it's cold and I like that

The wind chill is brutal

>-10 C

I'd rather have shitty winters and nice summers than no winter and shitty summers. It's been almost 3 years since I've seen frozen precipitation.

You can always go there for free and find many new friends.
I don't live in Siberia, but I have relatives there. Some places just don't have electricity and wasting oil from generator on heating it may be bad idea. Idk for sure, but in some places they just don't shut down the engines.
Well, we are objectively the coldest country in a planet.

Blame russian history. While western europeans fucked each others in wars, Russia conquered wild land in the East.

I have never experienced winter or snow in my life senpai.

is that why you are a virgin HAHA

Rare flag. Can't recognize it.
It was not the conquest, we just settled there. Also
>implying Russians are Europeans
I am tired of Westerners in Sup Forums considering Russia European. Geographically part of Russia is in Europe but we actually have our own civilization in ex-USSR.



I think it's US Virgin islands but I'm on phone

It is, and get a mobile app

snow+commie blocks is comfy as fuck.

even russian wind is a bully

anyway op, not everything is just chill in Spain, from time to time we get massive floods

>I think it's US Virgin

Speak for yourself m8

weather is nice today

>wind velocity is 7 meters per second

15 miles per hour? That's a light breeze here...

Pan heaters are the fucking shit in cold weather. I have two on my workbench cause I am too poor to heat my shop.

It's not dude

me, 4 months ago

>tfw no blizzard
>tfw barely any snow, only ice

I hate ice because when I live on campus id walk back to my apartment drunk from the bar and a couple times I slipped and fell. Broke my nose once.

>tfw you're a virgin neet living in virgin islands

I work outside and the cold is great unless you're not wearing gloves.

Most warm and cozy countries are filled with poverty, corruption and rampant normalfaggotry...

For those who are introverts and poor, living in one of the warm countries feels like having a reclining chair in hell.
You may be cozy but the suffering is brutal and endless

Russia is pretty much Europe
Just because you own a bunch of land that nobody lives anyway doesn't make you non-euro

I understand you.

This is why a Greek world would be a better one.

I like it though.

>snow niggers
Truly a fitting name

they are slavs

Poor people are like that everywhere

>Poor people are like that everywhere

This. It's the same here.
Poor and uneducated people have the exactly same mindset even if they are from different poles in the planet

they dont

Weird how materialistic poor people are, that's why they resent rich people, because they believe having expensive possessions makes your life great.

Why do people even get married these days?

Based Ireland though

Because they are not Western sub-humans.
It wasn't allowed to divorce in Ireland until the 90s.

Walking in snowy weather in old town with people you like while some yung kids sing christmas song and you smell different tastes from every direction while everything looks fucking pretty with decorations+old buildings being comfy by nature. Really one of best things to do in Europe.

Now if i had someone to go with...

They should bring that law back, the amount of dysfunctional families is absurd.

It makes your life better.
Your post is shit.

>Poor people
expensive cars. then they are not poor??
poor people in the us drive old shitty rusty cars.

They should become muslim instead.
Catholics are false Christians.

Do not trust this sub-human.
It is nice for a weekend trip.
not more

People were morally forbidden to divorce back then.
After the revolution, lots of people divorced ASAP because back then, people would marry at the age of 16-18 with some random person because it was the only way they had to have the sex.
after fuckin like rabbits for 1 month they would realise that the person they married with was fuckin annoying but they were chained with him'her for the rest of their lives... Pretty miserable

>Weird how materialistic poor people are

They don't know nothing besides material posessions, since they are insensitive due to the lack od education (and being raised by boorish parents). In their niche, material posessions are the only source of status and personal achievement.

which cunt is 70%. neverlands?

We have much more common with turkic nomads than with europeans

There's a point where you're comfortable financially and then after that it's just pointless.

Have you not noticed how many rich people go a bit mad and start doing weird things like shoplifting?

I sort of agree with Catholics being false Christians but they shouldn't become Muslim mehmet.

its a non country
you dont have to care about it

you are right
Western Turkey is more European than Russia.

A good smartphone is always better than a made in china trash phone.
Very rich people should not exist.


A good smartphone will have very little impact on your overall happiness in life.

Are you a Turk by any chance, your English is too shit to be by a German and you have nigger tier views on material possessions.

>england always mild and rainy so not able cuddle on the porch with a qt watching the snow.


That looks beautiful.

I can't wait for snow.

It's -5 here, but no snow ;( only fog.

>Western Turkey

Western turkey is basically Islamic Greece + caucaus people

>A good smartphone will have very little impact on your overall happiness in life.

I am a Greek
you are the face of western hypocrisy

its ugly slav subhuman

Nativa Caucasians live only in the North. The others are sub-humans.

Why am I the face of western hypocrisy because I think smartphones are a bad thing?

We talked often about that topic in school.
westerners are retarded
instead of talking with you
we should exterminate every single westerner


No it's not.
Snow makes everything prettier

>watching the snow
this is what autism looks like

pic related

Can confirm. Own s7 still feel like shit.

germans are ugly freaks
blame your parents for creating you

Yes, cars on roads make everything look shittier.

I remember -24C°
Our russian fork lift driver told me that, because of more humid air, the cold temperature would feel worse than in siberia.
It just doesn't get that cold often.

I'm actually tired of getting 20 deg Celsius in November.

most people live around cars and roads

come here
people who suffer
will understand everything better

so european huh, so first world

Was -39 degrees two years ago in my town.

Was pretty fucking cold senpai

And that's just shitty.

Also lmao, them regions in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia which are the lowest possible density (Kordun, Dinara) former Serb territory, though to be fair, there's a low number of them in Kordun now, but dinara is still 95% Serbs.

And that low density on Romanian, Serbian, Bulgarian border

I don't think there's people there at all lmao

Getting a load of dirty snow from a truck into your face is still better than living in a tropical shithole.

Just imagine how better the world without Slavs would be.

I realise that you're the

>I am greek

Shitposter, but what exactly is your issue with slavs.

Not that there are any on the balkans, but still.

The world would be better without Slavs.

>-10 C
>frozen shithole
wew, look at this southern snownigger princess

oп дayн caжи тeбe

tfw no snowy russian gf to cuddle in my comfy commieblock

>Latino with Slav

ungodly combination should be forbidden

-10 isn't too terrible. I know Russia can get a bit silly sometimes with -30 and the like. Far worse than I even get here.

I am sitting at home for 1,5 months. Don't care about winter, kekeke.

>"user you dont like racemixed girls?"

There exists towns like Roros, where its cold as shit during proper winters.
That said -40C isn't that bad, mostly because frost do not get a lot stronger when its massive.

I agree with both of you.
Worst part of winter is when it snows, but the cold doesn't set it, so it melts, and looks like shit until the ice becomes a horror show.