Immigration to USA

I got greencard and im planning to move to USA,
What city/state u recommend for me ?
I need:
-White people as majority
-Warm climate
-there must be job for me

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I don't know too much of the rest of the country, but cities like Savannah and Jacksonville are currently experiencing growth.
But please do not move to Savannah unless you are a conservative. We need conservatives here to offset the incoming liberal menace.

What type of skills do you have?

18 y old
im good at math and think about going in IT
but I am dreaming of making/playing music ;/

55.04% Black, 38.03% White, 2.00% Asian
these numbers scary me but city looks nice
I dont consider myself to any political ideology but sometimes im being called "conservative faggot" so i think u will like it

Blacks are ok if they are educated.Look at Indians.

There is no place for you anywhere swine

Hello my slavic brother

Hey I remenber this place from The Walking Dead

Florida or Texas

i'd recommend Virginia because of IT jobs, and there is lots of conservative areas in VA, plus hot summers. But more and more Kebabs are moving here, especially in Northern Virginia (NoVA) near Washington DC...

Come to Atlanta
race relations are chill and the deep country is a few minutes away
tons of growth, especially in tech, lots of opportunity
very warm, but not Miami-oppressively hot
It's pretty great

A warm climate with only white people and good job prospects? That doesn't exist in the US. Warm places include: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana. White only places include Kansas, Iowa, and Idado. Good job prospects include New York, Virginia and California. You can't have it all my slav friend.

pic related, city has been on constant cleanup since the olympics, it's now one of the nicest cities in the US and its only going to get better

I North-East for sure. I would go to Vermont, MA or VA

So it's ok to be white there?

Yes, whites are a minority in Savannah. But all the blacks I've known here are wonderful people. Very sweet. Just stay away from the projects.

The walking dead covered my city? Fug. :(

Savannah was also the setting for the first level in Left 4 Dead 2.

oh well thank god

Blacks are never educated.

Anything else that features my city? I love seeing different perspectives on my hometown.

My family's been here since 1751 on my mother's side. I don't know much about my father's side. My father's last name is Hyde and his mother's maiden name is Bruce, so all I know is that they're British.

> there must be job for me
This is what you should think about in first place.
I guess a lot depends on where (→in which company) do you want to be employed.

Same for Savannah.
Savannah's a very small city, population 140,000.
So it's easier to learn and navigate than Atlanta

We hate white ppl

Savannah's right on the coast. If you like fishing, you can catch sharks here

Yes, you'll be fine

We get a lot of limeys in Savannah

Bump. Another picture of Savannah
We've got an airport here, too, so you don't have to worry about driving too far to travel

I took this photo a few days ago
This is the beach near Savannah

>18 years old
>got a green card

low key gun central
weather is fine but gets shitty in the winter

>majority white

That's the problem here. You want to move to a place that is ostensibly white, yet you also want a job lined up. The irony is the places experiencing the most growth aren't whites only land like New England or Cascadeia. These places are also cold with shitty seasons. Also no guns.

You can find plenty of places in the South where the majority is white in a given area, but much of the surrounding area is black. Savannah is an example I'm seeing posted.

I'd recommend a place like Charlotte in NC. It's a gentrified and growing, and you'll probably find an IT job there for you.But everyone in this thread is basically pointing you toward Dixie land, so start your search there. Also consider Texas, they're growing too.

also, majority white means something totally different in Europe vs USA. In america race doesn't quite matter as much, we're much more mixed/cosmopolitan.
Inner cities suck, but that's because of poverty drugs and guns.

Agreed, there are some pretty great black folk here. But there are certain elements to black culture that I find destructive, but they really only apply to individuals in the inner city like you mentioned.

Also I'm not sure if we really qualify as mixed on a macro level. >90% of our african american population resides in a belt spanning the south, with the rest living in cities.

Anyway you're right I don't think OP should be shying away from them. I just hope to god he comes here L E G A L L Y.

You won the greencard lottery?

100% L E G A L L Y, i even didnt gave any false information in my procces of receiving permanent residence.
My complete move in US will be sometime near summer so i have quite a lot of time to think about state and city, these variants that you listed in that thread are quite interesting ;').

>In america race doesn't quite matter as much

Is this a joke? Americans are more obsessed with race than any other nationality

Ye, funny fact that i applied for participation in lottery in last day and it was my first try to win in this lottery.
US ambassador in kiev is good man btw, didnt expected that interview would be such easy

Great. Another fucking immigrant.

The U.N. should pass a law. From now on, everybody has to stay where the fuck they are.

Fuck you man, I've applied for 3 years on the first day it opens and never win.

find yourself, im not your employer

>White people
>Warm climate
You just killed it.

Why UK wants to USA so hard?

Eyyy, welcome to the US
fuck you this guy is coming here legally and planning on working as soon as he gets here, this is exactly what we need


then go to Africa or where you from

I suppose now that I think about it there are some states that could work for you. Most of them aren't really "warm" though.
Missouri, and NorCal come to mind.
I would welcome you here in Iowa, but our winters are pretty cold as fuck.

isnt California too rich and c o o l for ukrainian boy?

If you can get work there then it shouldn't be a problem. The job market is still a bit more competitive than in other states.
The cost of living is higher on the coasts too, but pay also tends to be as well.

hmm , i will spend 2-4 years for education at first. so it will be better to start with not so c o o l and rich state

Well if you want good education then upper midwest or New England are your best bets.
Texas isn't too bad for education either.

Question for americans

how is Detroit doing? last time i heard from her it looked like an local apocalypse, did she got better?

Still struggling, but doing a bit better.

How did you get a green card?

Biggest difference between USA and Europe is that in America, a good American can be of any race and can be called an American and live life to the fullest, and it goes beyond white people, America has a lot of good black people contrary to Sup Forums and Sup Forums but we also have a minority of blacks that ruin the image for most black people, same for arabs and Mexicans. In europe, you are only considered European of you are of European heritage

>Warm climate
All the shitty states here are in the Warmer climates

Fuck you

Go to Nebraska or the Dakotas

You just need to apply on the last day like this guy
It shows a good American work ethic.

somewhere up north like Colorado