this is iceland. say something nice about her
This is iceland. say something nice about her
10/10 lakes
>born in this shithole
>not glorious Iceland
I wish i was born there my life would probably be much better then it is here.
I like Iceland. I don't like Denmark.
ur names are goofy
they're very good at being a giant tourist trap
That football chant they stole from us was pretty good.
They believe in Elves.
>comfy magical island up north
>cool flag
>great landscape and volcanoes
>kind and friendly posters
What's there not to love about Iceland, I wish I was born there...
I hate you the least.
You belong in my basement
too cold, too dark and too damp
just my type, where be the icelandic wimmin at?
>tfw no giantess iceland waifu to love you tenderly during the long icelandic nights
>>tfw no giantess iceland waifu to love you tenderly during the long icelandic nights
That's not Iceland m8. This is Iceland.
d-don't say that...
Just kidding I don't own a basement but you can live in my kitchen
they have very polyvalent part-time dentists
Believing in elves is way better than catholicism
Is there any way of doing Iceland on the cheap?
10/10 language, million times better than Swedish/Norwegian/Danish
I have been there, everything else was nice but people were talking in swedish to me. To be certain they said random swedish things to me while speaking english, like people do try to say something in foreigners language when they want to create a good image of themselves. Didnt even trigger me though