Are these /our guys/?

Are these /our guys/?


What do you mean? Are they Sup Forums's guys?

>>>/ ٥٩د/

>that logo

Fucking cringe, looks like it was designed by Jack Kirby

It looks good, fag

The fuck off back to Sup Forums.

>le Sup Forums boogeyman

fuck off

im banned on pol for varg posting

>edgy neo-nazi group
>le /ourguy/ meme

Yeah, Sup Forums.

lol they look like school dropouts/shooters

no, these guys are.


Sup Forums is fat neets though

They would never actually go outside

How can you "look" like anything when your face is covered and you're in black clothes?

Based NA

>another shit pointless thread
>OP is canadian

what a surprise

Why the fuck is there arabic on the flag?

where are they from?

considering that everyone who looks like this clearly hasn't made something out of himself, there's a high possibility that they are.

Or skinny neets.

I know a brit who's exactly like that. Boy, that guy is autistic as fuck.

>Why the fuck is there arabic on the flag?
>where are they from?

The answers to both of those questions are the same.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you were right and they were all complete failures. However, you can't simply assume that. It's fallacious.

That's a lot of assumptions.

>Looks like this
looks like what? There's not much visible


No, anglo blood is not my people.

So they're Arab neo-nazis living in Engurland? If so, why do they look so howaito?

And if they aren't Arabs, that still doesn't explain why they'd put arabic on their banner.

To communicate to the mudslimes you fucking autistic

Racewar soon

But still makes you think like, who has the time to be sperging about >muh whiteness on a edgy board of a japanese cartoon website.

Maybe not all of them are failures, but i still think the majority is.

they probably don't use Sup Forums.

>I'm not Sup Forums, I just happen to be a nazi and shitpost

Every fascist guy I met was, that's why I assume it. Also their philosophy fits perfectly people who are failures, because it allows them to search problems elsewhere and not in themselves.

Like a fascist.

Get a proxy.

Fascists are successful though.

I think the losers you're referring to is White Nationalists or edgy racists from places like Sup Forums.

Fascism is NOT white nationalism (such as stormfrontfags or poltards).

enough autistic to be a NEET and a MAGA memeshitter

I also count Islamists as fascists. Which one are you talking about that are succesful?

>that Arabic

I will literally fight them for messing that up.

it always ends in it you fucking fool, and you know it.

They banned you for Vargposting? The monsters...

If it's any consolation, at least you probably get paid at your job.

the dead ones probably. :^)


Fascism and white nationalism are not the same thing. White Nationalists think that if you just remove non-whites everything will go well and that Whites are equal, but that's not how it is for Fascists.

White nationalism is more of a North American meme

race war imminent. one of them already killed a raghead.

About time


>leafs on Sup Forums

What nationality are they? British? God damn. Finnish nationalists are some ugly motherfuckers compared to those guys

>one of them already killed a raghead.
u wot? link?

There's no nazis on Sup Forums.

Just libertarians, white nationalists and edgelord autists.

I'm not a pathetic loser, so no

>Cherrypicking stormfags

Wow good one, rly makes u think

They're all losers kek

Do you think someone with a good social and professional life will risk his reputation atending this type of protests?? lmao

It always comes off as hilarious when they just put it in google translate & think they'll offend us but just end up looking retarded
Ffs they could ask any Arab


How is it not cherrypicking? You're just picking the worst of the worst or literal retard degenerate white nationalists.

>literal retard degenerate white nationalists
Can't talk about high standards when it comes to neonazis

I don't think you understand the difference between Fascists, white nationalists and LARPers.

it's not cherrypicking, all nazis look like this because no one else would want to be associated with something so hated

there isn't one hth

>implying there's a difference

>posting Americans

Yeah, that doesn't really count. They're genetically programmed to be LARPers


There is a huge difference.

Fascists don't have anything in common with these degenerates besides happening to not like niggers.

It's not really cherry picking when the vast majority simply are degenerate retards.

>having all these images saved for the sole purpose of cherrypicking in a chinese basketweaving forum
how pathetic is your life?

You just need to literally google "neo-nazis" and a big amount of cringe will appear in front of your eyes

t. SS Colgate Division
My life could not never be as pathetic as the lives of these """""aryan""""" """"warriors""""

lol ok

desu While german neonazis are indeed memefodder, these NAguys are new as they are a middleclass phenomenom which makes for more concious looks too.

Being into hitler and not mosley as a brit is weird tho. maybe they do it for shockvalue as there is no ammunition then left as they activly want to be protrayed as the edgiest there is under the sun.

>searching "dumb white nationalist" on google images isn't cherrypicking

Besides you're making some retarded strawman as if I agree, support or don't also laugh at these people.

Yes because they're American larpers

But Hitler respected Arabs.

Not Muslims invading White countries

It was a different time.

All neo-nazis look autistic as shit desu can't explain why they look in average like that, maybe because they have nothing else to lose

>black flag tattoo


People don't read their holy books and don't learn about the leaders they hold high.


>Times don't change

Yeah Hitler totally would have welcomed Refugees and given them money.

this board isnt for nazi larping, fuck off

Neo-nazism is a side effect of autism

Irrelevant to my point.

You don't have a point. What you wrote makes no sense.

They are based

El Salvador is right tho. This is literally the first pic on Google when you search Neonazi

>that shitty arabic
stromfaggots embarrassing themselves again


> refugees not welcome
Since they are treat to European peace - yes
> Hitler was right
Hitler has nothing against muslims

middleclass phenomenom which makes for more concious looks too.
they look like FC Petrolul Ploiesti hooligans, ffs

>that logo
are they supposed anarchist nazis or something?

theres a semi-nazi group in spain that feeds the poor as long as they are 100% spanish

>Hitler has nothing against muslims
And will have.