The Complete and Total Emasculation of the Barbarous American State by the Heroic Men of the British Army edition
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There is literally nothing wrong with having the occasional KFC and I will not let you make me feel guilty for doing so.
this so much
that meme is long dead mate. try and keep up.
ah yes the so called /brit/ general
nice try, janny
my life is a joke
Reminder that Devon spends his days bossing around teenagers at his day job as the manager of the Tiverton branch of McDonalds and then comes home and relaxes by bossing around teenagers as the janitor of Sup Forums.
>tfw it has now been more than two years since I've shitposted from the york uni library beanbags
>it's another /fit/ invasion and consequent argument about height
it is cute
you're broke, your love life's DOA
haha why
haha man up you pathetic cunt
*flicks your ear*
all true except i dont live in tiverton
>watching crystal Maze
>that lightbulb moment where they realise how to solve the really easy puzzle
>only 35 seconds left
>if they'd worked it out 6 seconds earlier they'd have gotten the crystal
>that identical look of embarrassment and autistic self-loathing they all get
Love it.
How do you spend your days?
>argument about height
What argument is there to be had? If you're a manlet (under 6'1) you got dealt the short straw and will have to compensate in other ways. Don't see where there's a debate.
shitposting from a certain uni's halls rn
not going to doxx myself by posting which uni
>york uni library beanbags
i've seen this so many times but i wasn't there at the height of the gimmick so i still don't quite get it
did people actually meet up there?
Change it then. Take matters into your own hands.
Fetti was geht
t. manlet
>under 6'1
surely you mean 6'4, right? user?
you're not a manlet, right?
eating some honey soy and chicken chips lads
haha moment of silence for aussie who has been truly BTFO
stronger than the average lad but not strong at all by /fit/ standards
all sorts really
>its important how long your skeleton grows
5'7 145KG 8% BF
DL: 100KG
BP: 60KG
>my manager sent out an email and quoted eminem in it
is he trying to appeal to the youngsters or something
does he not understand that everyone there is working purely for beer money
She's so qt
fuck off murderer
businss idea: /brit/ discord
v. standard vague answer
liquorice allsorts
lick o'rish
you like irish men
What's a skeleton?
what sort of answer were you expecting lol
i do desu x
yes as its an indicator of how inferior your genes are as well as how shite your parents are as height isn't determined by genetics alone.
fuck off
skype group is gayshit, same with all non-thread shit
reddit flags should be executed
bloody hell
you're better off not knowing
what kind of job you have
I'd NEVER want to be with a guy or even be friends with a guy who's been to prostitutes.
think the blood would put out the fire lad
I live 50km away from there
i'm 5'1 lads
post vagina
5'11" 80kg
SQ: 135kg B: 95kg DL: 185kg
>be beanpole dork
>have nothing to brag about
>bully people shorter than you
i have a penis unfortunately
bet you hate it
Height: 6'4"
Weight: Like a brick shithouse
Lifts: ur mum
he's a new reddit flagger, they always get excited and post retarded shit
Member of the janitorial team for a well-known online image board
what size?
i'm 5'8 and my brother is 6'2 so it's not genetics or parenting.
>I'd NEVER want to be with a guy or even be friends with a guy who's been to prostitutes
yes and you little runts will sit there and take it
it's about 3" now
don't do any weight lifting but I can pick up my gf.
I don't actually :c
>people taking Kyle Bosman seriously
Top tier post
>i'm 5'8
Feel like you're taking the piss out of me very subtly?
(fuck off reddit flagger)
don't lift
Jeez you got a big minge. Jeez you got a big minge.
Why? :/
someone wank me off RIGHT NOW
>BP: 60KG
>OHP: 70KG
idk just being myself
ITT: We pretend to be Stephen Fry
I'll start
Waaaaaa I'm so depressed I'm going to kill myself not really lol look at me ahohohoho I'm depressed
okay user :3
stroke that cock for me
will smash both of your heads in
me right now
>at least I lift!
have you seen manlet "bodybuilders"? they look like literal jokes. all it does is draw attention to their lack of stature. 90% of girls would go for a 6'2 guy who has never set foot in a gym in his life over a 5'10 manlet who thinks he's shredded
>ITT: We pretend to be Stephen Fry
>I'll start
>Waaaaaa I'm so depressed I'm going to kill myself not really lol look at me ahohohoho I'm depressed
looking forward to talking to cheshire in the /brit/ discord voice channel
making an arrangement