Your country (very Sup Forums related)

>your country (very Sup Forums related)
>do you eat at subway

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No. Isn't that considered impolite?



Not regularly tho. Once in 3-4 months, don't eat out much

I think he is talking about the fast food chain, you dumbo

N-oh nice trips
Not ON THE subway, silly

is mistake

Subway is better than other food chains, but it still has many chemicals. Please be healthy and eat your own home grown vegetables.

No you weebs, i eat at Big Bite

i would if i didnt have terrible social anxiety

1. Hungry
2. There's only 2 cities with subways in them and the closest one is still 200 km away, so very rarely.

Almost never eat out. Especially since last 2 years when I started dieting and even more strict about since the last one month since I started lifting.

I've lost around 40 kgs

Can you even grow vegetables in iceland? I thought only grass and trees survive there.

@subway rite now

Thank you Iceland, but I don't own any land to grow a garden on
What's that?
But it's good practice
Then what do you eat when you're Hungry?

>What's that?

Norwegian fast food chain. I'll rather spend my money so it mostly stays domestic desu. America gets enough of my money, doesn't need my fast food budget aswell.

Haven't eaten in subway for a while, i like burger king more.

I 100% support economic nationalism. So is it a Norwegian Subway?

Just realized I haven't eaten at a Quiznos in years, friends.

Feeling sad right now.

We venture west on our horses and raid western european subways tbqh

there are very few of them here. I want to try but I'm afraid, I'll pass for a loser for bying their pre made subs and I'm afraid to be judged for picking my own ingredients so I don't go there.

I eat subway 7 days a week. Every single lunch.

I switch between Meatball, Spicy Italian, and the off-menu Chicken Pizziola.

I am a Subway expert. I'm not even Indian.

Not anymore after looking at that furry shit picture

>Big Bite

I like it too.
Don't fear being judged, my frog friend. Subs are subs

I live in philly and get sandwiches from local delis and hoagie shops

theres a subway down the street from me and it's always empty...I don't even know why its there desu

Thanks Merika for Pizza Hut. Lunch buffet for $6.44 and a stamp card to get your 11th pizza for free.


Gern geschehen. Ich mag Pizza Hut nicht desu, weil Domino's besser ist
Oh cool. Do you like meatball subs?

They don't have that sadly.
Here's the menu if you care enough. I guess you'll understand some of it, or you can just Google translate it.

I LOVE Subway brand sandwiches.
Every day I squirm with delight as the though of their new turkey cranberry sub which just melts in your mouth.
Don't forget their new deal of a 6 inch sub for 3.99 or 5 for a foot long
Boy do I love Subway, everyone should eat there

(Can I get my money now pls)

>pizza subs
Oh, sounds good

What are you talking about, leaf?

Ehh, never tasted, but it seems pretty stupid. Can't imagine it tasting too good.


No I can't be fucked with that. I don't really understand it anyway plus their spokesman is a paedo which I don't approve of.

no, its shit

If I eat at my american overlords then it's burger king

did your mom drop you on our head when you were a baby?

Eneste jeg ikke liker med Big Bite er at det mangler mayones eller dressing som er smakssterk nok til å overdove at ost og skinke er middelmådig

Perhaps. There's this one Chinese/Italian place in my hometown with pizza subs. My brother really liked them but i have never had one myself
But it isn't like they paid him to have sex with kids
Burger King is good, but I don't have one here


There are like 4 subways just in the centre of my 100k city for some reason so I get it quite a bit

Regular sub:
>hearty italian
>veggie patty
I wish they had another heated vegetarian filling because otherwise there's nothing I can get

no subway here smhtbhfam

>Pizza Hut
Ekelhaft uezs, geh da nur hin wenn es mal 2 Pizzen zum preis von einer gibt. Danach immer 2 Tage Verdauungsprobleme wegen der ganzen Hefe

>tfw checked the flag

>healthy subs

I find myself craving a sub every now and then.
Then when I actually get one it's not that great.
I won a meter long club sub from summer job raffle (recognizers will recognize), that one was surprisingly good.

Well it is still fast food; it won't be as good as a homemade sub

1. flag
2. tried it once, the coffee was practically water so I'm never going there again desu

I'm not trying to make an amerifat meme, but do you genuinely think that's "healthy"?

Non-wholemeal bread, cheese, mayo and even to an extent sweetcorn are not healthy. There are far far healthier things you can get at subway, often with more ingredients than I listed.

>cheese isn't healthy

England was a mistake.

Meter one has the advantage where its long enough that it means they will open a fresh pack of ingredients for it.
Also the pictures one is well balanced in terms of acidity and taste, if the mayo/sauce/butter is flavored well

Its not like all the places has the same flaw:
1. Ham might be dry in container before opened
2. Potentially shitty white cheese as cheese
3. Bread might not be stored well

almost daily, there is a subway inside my uni

Oh, I am just bad at reading. You said hearty where I had read healthy, my mistake

Pizza Hut hat aber herrliche dicke Pizzas während Dominos macht minderwertige dünne Kartonpizzas die wie Abfall schmecken. Deswegen shicken sie ihre Pizzas immer mit Dipp um die Trockenheit abzubauen. Bemitleidenswert.

correlation =/= causation

Cheese is a functionally useless food that you should avoid from a daily diet. It's got a very high saturated fat and calorie content, especially relative to the few benefits of eating it. At best it provides calcium, vitamin A and a small amount of protein but these are things pretty much every food provides and not at such a high calorie content.

I told the other guy I didn't want to call them Amerifat but you're making it way too easy.

Fun fact: Milk isn't good for you either.

>tfw I've been eating subway everyday at least once (usually twice) for 3 months and I make my subs low cal and I've dropped 17kg in weight

Nimmst das zurück. JETZT!
Not that guy but I like how cheese tastes and I am underweight so I think I'll continue eating it

Yay Finland! I wouldn't be able to stand such a monotone diet but good on you!

1. New Zealand
2. Nearly every fucking day, there's practically a subway in every neighborhood, even in the rural shit holes.

Why does New Zealand like Subway so much?

they probably masturbate with them! LOL!

That's mean

Wish I had the money to do a diet like that.

no,subway is fucking disgusting


Looks like they stole the same sort of styling as In-n-out but they're also stealing the model as Subway

Why are Nowegians such prominent thieves?

I've never eaten on subway, and apparently there's only 2 of them in Denmark.

Subway is the McDonald's of subs, its shit

i can do a Bocata myself lol why would i pay for overpriced ones
does it feel exotic to eat normal bread instead of loaf bread in america? i dont think subway will ever take off in mediterranean countries bcuz we already do that shit ourselves and give it to children for school

Sure, Parmesan Bread, Turkey breast+ham+pepperoni+tomatoes+lettuce+onions+greenpeppers+olives with some garlic mayo and olive sauce

idk honestly.


Shits gross. They leave their ingredients out way too long.


No because the food is basic shit I can easily make at home way cheaper


Ate there once with muh bf

too pricey ;(

Are you a cute girl? Post pics please, russian grills are usually pretty

don't believe him he is in psychosis

tasted the teryaki chicken once
wasn't half bad

Yes, not much though, there are plenty of cheaper places to get food


.- -.-- -.-- .-.. -- .- ---

No, it is just awful. Like all other american food outlets. But sandwiches can easily be made yourself and taste so much better than that crap.


who is he?


Jimmy John's is better.

Not if I can help it.

Yep. Love it

nice flag faggot. Also yeah, I would prefer to make my own sandwiches, but Subway is a tasty quick lunch, and it's healthier than shit like McDonald's. I only really eat it because there's a subway 2 mins away from my work.

I live in Canada, but I often eat Quiznos instead of subway, although I do eat both

That's all you have around your workplace ?

No, but everything else is overpriced white people food where you have to wait upwards of an hour before getting served. I go to those places, but I mostly eat at subway because I'm hungry and have 10 minutes to spare.