Sup Forums I need ideas on how to produce a gas with only household products

Sup Forums I need ideas on how to produce a gas with only household products

>I'm trying to think of a homemade Exit Bag
Don't want to order online nor do I want a messier alternative like jumping or bleeding out

>ingredients need to be readily available to a anyone i.e. no bulky pressure tanks etc
>no irritants in the gas so I don't cough/sneeze or anything that would make me take off the mask/bag
>needs to be portable, I want to choose where I die
>as many ideas as you can, I want to ensure there are redundancies in case the first fails

help me out Sup Forums

>pic entirely unrelated

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Baking soda and vinegar produce carbon dioxide, so not that.


aluminium foil and bleach produces hydrogen, right? But does it make an irritant? The smell might make you cough...

Why do you want to kill yourself? Are you 90 years old with inoperable cancer?

Or 17 years old with your first broken heart?

Bleach + ammonia =chlorine gas

Hermetically seal a small room and make a fire with some wood/coal .. that's it. You are out.

let's not focus on the why and instead focus on the how please.
What I can tell you is that it's not due to a broken heart, and I've given myself over 2 years to try and fix myself up.

isn't chlorine gas an irritant? like wasn't it weaponized and then banned because of how painful inhalation was...?

chlorine gas hurts like shit and might just injure you
do this and die in peace

uh... portable. I live near the sea, so if possible I want to go out sitting on the beach.
Also the body detects suffocation via too much carbon dioxide, right? so burning isn't a good idea...

I was hoping for a baking soda + vinegar kind of reaction, just one that doesn't make CO2. Something I can bring with me in a bag and mix together to make the gas.

get an oxygen mask and attach a helium tank. you'll fall asleep and never wake up

getting a helium tank is the problem... I live in a small country. Helium isn't a common thing to buy here. The smallest available I've found is a tank over half my size which I can't possibly lug around inconspicuously...

No, if you burn stuff CO2 and CO is produced, the latter kills you smoothly. You know, people die because of smoke inhalation, not the fire itself.

Forget the portable stuff, without a mask and a gas tank you will never have enough gas to kill yourself.

Also, check this:

It is so easy to do this, people who just talk about killing themself and say there is no method to do it easily are just attention whores.

Really, baking soda and vinegar is your best bet if you do it right. If CO2 amount increase in the air to 30% a few wiffs and it's enough to pass you out. Closed room. No air moving outside ( car?)
10 KG of baking soda, 3 KG of vinegar, done. Kills you swiftly and painlessly.

shit nigger if youre going to the beach just swim until you cant anymore.

Damn. Really?

I thought I could make hydrogen for example, keep the container below my face so the CO2 would just fall to the bottom of the container and I'd keep breathing the same hydrogen over and over until I stopped breathing

Also I really don't want to do it in my home... I share this home with 5 other people. I don't really like them per se but I'd rather not have them constantly aware I died just a few meters away.

okay, yeah I get what you mean by attention whores, but the idea of burning alive and/or suffocating in pain on CO2 scares me. I'm a coward in terms of pain tbh

god no drowning is so god damn painful water in my lungs no way

You will never ever be able to produce enough gas to kill yourself.
Did you read the wiki article? A family accidentially killed itself with this method. It easy, done a million times, safe to do, 100% deadly (just use enough coal), no danger of fire (coal in an iron bucket), pain free, silent.

Not only will you never collect enough gas, you will also not be able to breath it in efficiently. Forget it.


bullshit, don't even try this. go for charcoal

whoops forgot to add pic in previous post

your link brought me to Inert Gas Asphyxiation and then which is exactly the thing I wanted to avoid so now I have a name for it lol

the Hypercapnia reflex is the thing I want to avoid, and is the thing that CO2 causes
man let me be a pussy, I have no pain tolerance at all.

Anyone have any ideas on reactions that produce something OTHER than CO2?

>1 (800) 273-8255
>National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
>Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week

You're welcome OP.

This is why you should not try to produce CO2, but burn charcoal to die from CO. There is no pain, only peace. You think a family would accidentially die when they would wake up due to pain from high CO2 level?

I'm not in America kek

okay, that is a reasonable argument... Honestly tho at the risk of sounding ungrateful... Are there any other gas-producing chemical reactions you know of?

Just read this passage over and over again
>In November 1998, a middle-aged woman in Hong Kong committed suicide using this method inside her small, sealed bedroom. She had a chemical engineering background.[6] Meanwhile, Hong Kong was suffering from an economic depression at the time, and suicide in general was increasing. After the details of this suicide were highly publicised by local mass media, many others attempted and succeeded in committing suicide in this way (an example of the Werther effect) Within two months, charcoal-burning had become the third major suicide killer in Hong Kong.

No, because it's absolutely useless to produce gas, e.g. you could never store enough helium to kill yourself with household materials.
Also, why ask for another way when there is the perfect, unrivaled way already mentioned? It's like asking for an alternative for food when you are hungry.

buy NO3 in cartridges and a dispenser, connect to your bag, seal it tight around your neck and die giggling like a motherfucker.
It's basically like dying from Joker-Gas. Paint your face for maximum effectiveness.

You are talking about N2O and this is a bullshit method, I won't even explain why.

man come on I just don't want to risk a painful death that's all
>This leads to asphyxiation (death from lack of oxygen) without the painful and traumatic feeling of suffocation (the hypercapnic alarm response, which in humans arises mostly from carbon dioxide levels rising), or the side effects of poisoning.

I'd say it's more like asking for better food if the only food offered is stale bread... I'd eat it if need be, but if there's something better...

Nitrous Oxide? I never really considered it because I have no idea where to get it. Isn't it only for dentists etc? Where can I get NO3?

Here's the real answer OP:

Purchase potassium chloride and syringes online (Amazon). Obtain some strong knockout drug (something like Oxycodone).

Put your potassium chloride in a small pot, add a bit of water, just so that it's more liquid than powder. Slowly add water as you bring to a boil, never allow the potassium chloride to dissolve completely. Let it cool, you now have maximum concentration potassium chloride.

Fill multiple syringes with your solution (no clue how much you need). Go to your beach, take your Oxy, wait for it to start kicking in. It's imperative to wait as long as possible, this stuff works pretty fast. As your oxy starts to kick in hard, inject your potassium chloride solution (you just need to hit any vein, look up how to shoot up Heroin beforehand if you're worried).

Oxy will knock you out, potassium chloride will stop your heart

you can buy it on amazon

He was talking about N2O.
I won't respond anymore, you 100% don't want to die, so I hope you get the needed attention.

those are good ideas, but if I could order stuff online and have it delivered without suspicion I'd just buy an Exit Bag...

damn. he left. I was hoping he had a better idea than "burn stuff".

Charcoal suicide was on second place in Hong Kong during the suicide wave, even before hanging.
1st one was trains.
You are a chicken, so trains/hanging is out. Still, you ask for a better method. kek

don't you have parcel boxes where you live?
don't really know what they are called in english, but basically they are lockers where you can have your package sent to.

OP is probably some edgy teenager who still lives with his parents and doesn't want mommy to open his packages before the schoolbus gets him home after school

Trains were place 4, 1st place was jumping.


I've been trying to work up the courage to jump but yeah I always back away from it eventually...
Which is why the idea of just putting on a breathing mask and falling asleep is such an attractive idea compared to actively jumping or burning stuff...

I've not seen something like those where I live. Then again, I am a hermit, so... yeah. It's always noteworthy when I go out...

you're quite close, but no. I'm over 20, and yeah I live with my parents but mostly because my country doesn't really have enough space. Some 30 year old married adults still live with their parents here. Housing prices are ridiculous.

And while I don't like my parents enough to stick around much longer... I don't hate them enough to give them the trauma of finding their dead son in their own house.
Getting a call from the police or something will be bad enough.

Chloramine poisoning
Mix Calcium Chloride (household bleach)
With Hydrogen Nitride (ammonia).
This will produce a chloramine vapor that will easily kill you within 10 minutes provided you have mixed in large enough amounts. Generally 50ml of each should do it in an enclosed space.

isn't that basically what the nazis used?

Don't do it OP, don't die like a jew

Hot damn I'm reading the Suicide Methods wiki page and sepukku scares the shit out of me

>Rapid-sequence intubation was attempted but was unsuccessful because of swelling of the upper airway. Emergency tracheostomy was performed.

my throat will swell and I'll still be awake? noooooo way man that's no better than strangulation...

Just slit your wrists and lay in a warm bath. Remember: across the wrist for attention, along the wrist for results.

Don't be a pussy.

My appologies, here you go.

Dangit isn't there a webpage SOMEWHERE that lists gasses that don't trigger the Hypercapnia reflex and how to make said gasses?

oh god, the pain. I've talked to friends that have slit their wrists. They do it specifically for the pain. Something about the pain drowning out their other pains.

Pain is something I'd like to avoid...

god come on man I've mulled this over for like 5 years now. Attempted suicide when I was a teen, decided to give adulthood a chance and I'm still here and this still sucks.


Just mix bleach and comet you dumb fuck and hinale that in a bag shit

I don't blame you for thinking it sucks, I used to drink to cope with depression and mental illness. Now I'm a year sober. It sucked a lot worse when I'd wake up sick vomiting, not because I drank, but because I didn't wake up in the middle of the night for a couple shots, and that 6 hours of sleep was too long without booze.

I woke up 3 times in the ER due to alcohol poisoning, that's the times people walked in on me after od'ing on booze. Everyone thought I was gonna die by the time I was 30 (26 in july.) My eyes a constant piss yellow from liver abuse and dehydration.

Now after rehab, AA every week, a year without the booze, my doctor gave me meds that gave me (since I quit booze he was more open to giving me alternatives,) the guts to move from a 4k population town I've lived my whole life, to a 100k population town soon once I'm guaranteed a job.

I attempted suicide several times, and was near successful. I'm lucky I didn't have any access to a gun after showing signs of heavy drinking and suicidal tendencies.

I have no idea if it will be better, it could be worse for all I know, but it's change.

I also resented the world because as a kid I wanted to be a rockstar, and I was good. I thought school was a joke, I breezed through it, but it didn't open any doors for me. I also got a criminal record for stealing booze one time, which is what got me on the fast lane to rehab, before that I couldnt' get in, hated that it felt there was no help when I was 21 and on a rehab waiting list for over a year before I told them I no longer cared.

Everything I own is worth less than >1.5k, I have heavy debt, and I made music for a few semi successful indie vidya games. I'm not a rockstar, but writing music for videogames and amateur youtube animations isn't a bad plan B. It's not a living though, that's why I need this job.

congrats on being sober and I wish you the best, but tbh I can't empathize with you... I don't have a drinking problem, nor a smoking one, nor am I drug-addicted.
My problems are, to quote a few people, in my head. Not something I can get rid of, I think...

I just want a painless out, honestly. Anything with a risk of pain just terrifies me. I'm not a strong guy at all...

All you need is about 10 cans of deodorant and a cloth, put the cloth over where the deodorant comes out, put your mouth on it and inhale while you spray, you get a damn good high out of it and its a quick death, you wont be squirming around in pain, its more like fainting and then you die while you're passed out. Pretty good way to go and its cheap

Now I'm no longer suicidal, I try to have a more positive outlook, I ignore the debt I have and just make the 50 dollar payments a month.

I had my liver, heart, and all the abuse I've done to myself checked up on, turns out I somehow didn't cause anything that concerned doctors aside from high blood pressure, which is normal now I'm on meds for that too along with my mental illnesses.

Something that helped a lot when I was 23, I went under psychological observation, I was so scared I didn't sleep, I sat on a chair by the nurses desk and cried, I was a shell of anxiety, I couldn't function, even go to the store.

Now I can walk around town, no problem, and not even to buy alchohol, just walk because I'm bored. I found a fix, and I was so unfunctional at one time I thought I was going crazy.

huh. I'm a total idiot, that never occurred to me before. It's nitrogen in there, isn't it? I can just spray it in a sealed bag and create my own nitrogen bag, can't I?

okay... I don't want to undermine you, but our problems aren't similar.

Imagine a 5 year old kid.
Imagine that kid crying, saying things like "please" or "stop" or "get out".
Imagine that kid doing that repeatedly, over and over again, whenever you do anything that is remotely taxing on the brain.

That's going on in my brain, and has been for over a year now. The only way I can shut the kid up is if I sleep or something like that.

There is no painless, only quick.

Failing the suicide could make things worse for you physically, respiratory problems are what you're looking at, but there's people who survive self-inflicted gunshots to the head. Dying isn't easy, it's hard enough no one in this thread has done it, it's much easier to change your life than it is to end it if you're that concerned on whether it'll be painful or not.

Go get help user.

Xanex, Lithium, Ciraquil, anti-psychotics, psychostimulants.

You can run the gamet of drugs doctors prescribe trying to figure out what will give the abuility to do taxing things.
Whether it be shutting the thoughts out, or feeding you amphetamines until your brain is active and happy and motivated with dopamine bursts.

Prescription dependance isn't ideal, but it's better than ending your life.

not vinegar, citric acid and baking soda, vinegar is irritant, citric acid will let you die from carbon dioxide with a fresh lemon scent

jumping and landing head-first is a pretty much guaranteed death, isn't it? Messy tho.

I've been staring at my local suicide helpline for the past half hour ever since posted it... I feel like I should talk to someone, but I really don't want to be talked out of dying...

My mother gave me ritalin when I was in school, for exams, but stopped quickly after.
When I tried to talk to her about docs and meds a few months ago she shut me down so quick. Prescription, while it might work, is not something I want to explore...

>>fresh lemon scent

I voted for reddit just to screw with you

just fart

Get it off amazon or something


What happened with the ritalin?
If you had a bad reaction ritalin is an amphetamine, benzodiazepines might suit you better then.

A lot of parents won't give their children adhd medication, maybe you were diagnosed and she wouldn't let you be treated, or you've had a script somewhere, but she's been taking them.

try saphris for a few weeks before you kill yourself. it made the voices in my head go away. it made me feel like a functioning human being again.

seriously please just go to a psych doctor and ask about it. i used to want to kill myself every day. i used to want a painless way out too.

i promise it made the voices stop. i promise it made me feel sane again. don't give up, user.

Ahhh the capital of Spira

if you stared that long it means you want to talk to someone

bag ur farts store them in a jar

>play it off like pokemon gotta catch em all

nothing happened to it, she just told the psychologist to only prescribe enough for my exam times and that was all.

After my first suicide attempt, psychiatrists talked to me and cleared me.
In the army (all males in my area have to go thru army, a bit) the army psychs also spoke to me, nothing was prescribed.

I can't find a good reason to go and honestly I don't have the finances to. Plus I don't even know where to start looking for one, let alone a trustworthy one.

I actually have no idea what that is. I'm just grabbing from my wallpaper folder. I think I took that off an Imgur wallpaper dump...

I've stared at other things for longer. I've also talked to some people on 7cupsoftea. Talking. It does nothing.

If you were prescribed ritalin as a kid you probably have adhd.

You might be prone to abuse caffiene, sit around do nothing, suffer from extreme boredom because you can't sit long and pay enough attention to watch movies or play games, and find nothing enjoyable. Forgetful of where you just sat things down, any work or concentration is mentally taxing. That's how I feel with adhd.

... I mean, with that level of accuracy you might as well be me already...
I have a cup sitting beside me that I just drank the last bit of coffee from and nowadays I watch youtube vids at 1.5 speed.

congratz user, you know me spot on. Not sure how that makes me feel...

In fact before I leave, you should look into actual help, if help doesn't work, you can give up later.

Just say you need ritalin or something to motivate you to get a job or something. Or help you with work. Most places can help with finances.

If you mom is alive ask if she'll help you pay for the doctor visit, or if she'll help pay rent if that gets you the money for help.

I do read tho. I find that reading utilizes an internal voice that drowns out the kid... most of the time.

mom is alive, I live with my parents (in my area we usually do, houses cost upwards of a million bucks) but it's their disapproval I don't like the idea of.
I won't care about their disapproval if I'm dead, but I'll care a whole lot if I'm alive and receiving their disapproval.
welp thanks user I guess. People in this thread have been rather helpful... mostly.

I get adderall for it, but I never see the same movie twice if I make it through one. Aderall and chlomazopam fixed most of my problems, but I drink almost exclusively caffienated drinks.

But yeah, filling out a sheet of paper or form can be so mentally taxing on me it makes it feel like I'm getting sunburn. I'm not stupid either, it just takes more focus than I'm normally capable of, that's why the prescriptions.

My father disapproved of my meds. I just didn't tell him what my prescriptions were, and kept them hidden from him. In fact I still live at home, and I still don't tell him about my medication. I said previously now I'm sober I'm moving for a job within a month.

I don't see how they'd disapprove of treating a mental disorder. My dad only disapproves because of my alcohol abuse he thinks I'm prone to other addiction.

But I'm happier, and I help out around the house a lot more.

OP please don't kill yourself with these advices, you are going to end up disabled in the intensive care hating your life more than you allready do. Prepare your exit carefully. Do it right the first time. Just get really drunk and od on pills or hang yourself or something like that.

it's more along the lines of "you shouldn't NEED mind-altering drugs"
I can't really do anything on my own without my parents being notified either... Even if they're not directly notified, they'd figure it out because they have access to my finances. Hell, they even asked me before when I made a withdrawal larger than my usual amount.

currently thinking the idea might be best. Turn the deodorant can upside down and spray, what comes out should only be the nitrogen pressure filler thing... fill a bag that way and I've got my nitrogen bag right there

as an adult, let me ask you why your parents have access to your finances? Are they supporting you or do you fund yourself?

You fucking coward, you're already pussy enough to try and off yourself but now you're going out like a bitch too? Dieing is probably one of the easiest things you can do, like just stop eating or drinking, stupid bitch.

mostly cultural like the housing thing. In my case probably also because I never was very independent.
I tried working and in the end the voice of "it'll be easier if you're dead" just became too distracting and pervasive, so I quit.

... I feel like I should be insulted but I can't disagree with you.
Dying is easy, but dying painlessly needs a bit more planning. I now have a method that should work. Now it's just this other kind user trying to talk me into going to a psychiatrist...

Nice dubs. Part of me wants to think it's your life, do as you wish. The other part of me hates you for forsaking life.

My best friend (as depressed and cynical as he was) loved life but ended up dying suddenly of an unknown heart condition.

Who cares if life sucks. It's not supposed to be easy. But don't throw it away.

Eat lots of greasy food. Wait 30 minutes or so.


dubs is truth

I actually mulled this over, and did consider trying to donate my organs. Trouble was, I couldn't think of a method that would guarantee my death while also not poisoning my organs and making sure it was within whatever time limit to keep my organs viable.

If you have an idea that meets those criteria, I'm all ears. I'd like to know my death benefit someone in need.

...? what?

How many friends do you have? Close family members? Siblings that would mind if you died?

I'm not telling you to not kill yourself, just think about how it's more than just you and your parents that's affected by your death.

user just try the saphris

if you want i'll mail you mine

i will go back to hearing the voices until my next appointment if it would save your life.

on a loose guess... I can think of maybe 9 people my death would be in the "greatly affect" range...?
I don't really leave my house, so I'm not really that close to anyone, I think.

Selfish, I know, but at the same time they're not footing the bill for my continued living and would be unfair to expect them to do so.

I'm very grateful (and amazed) at your generosity, user, but it goes right back to the "my parents will find out" thing. And the last thing I want is for them to think I'm a drug dealer. At least for now they think I'm a good, obedient child, which gives me some leeway.

Keep at your treatment, man. It would be a shame if I interrupted that success. It's working for you, we don't know if it'll work for me.

here again

i'm telling you, it gave me a new lease on life. it gave me hope where there was only despondency. it made me feel whole in a way i didn't know was possible. it changed my entire perspective and allowed me to go outside again, to look people in the eye again. it took away all the fear and pain.

i really wish you would try it before you decide there is no hope left. i had a plan to kill myself. i had no social contact whatsoever. now i have a good job, and people to talk to, and no more voices.

please, user. don't end your life before at least trying antipsychotics. if they don't work then i failed you, but it doesn't sound like you want to die.

it sounds like you just need a lifeline. don't end it. don't listen to the people telling you to die. don't leave. please. schizophrenia is genetic. i lost my brother to suicide and almost killed myself too.

but i'm still here and i miss him and i wish i'd known then what i know now. don't you give up too. please user. please trust me.

okay, so no medicine. paypal? can i give you the money to see the doctor? i don't need it back. just send me some pictures of the ocean and i'll be happy. i bet it's beautiful there.

Save a month or two from your usual withdraw?

I could get adderall from a family doctor, without seeing specialist or psychologist. They might try to give you strattera, an adhd medication that's a non-stim. It sucks by comparison and has much lower success rate than ritalin or adderall. Vyvanse is given to adults alot.

You obviously need something if you'd rather die than live for no other reason than an innability to function independently, don't enjoy anything, andI imagine you're overly self-conscious to the point you over-examine any social interaction and cringe at little things that don't matter.

Adderall literally fixes all of that, and in the states it's 50 bucks for 60 20mg instant release tablets.

Read a few posts, not reading all, but carbon monoxide, or CO, is not painful, you just get drowsy, nod off, and don't wake up. Just need to burn something to produce it, and the only drawback is you might be warmer than you'd like for your last conscious minutes. The charcoal method would work, or get a propane space heater at Home Depot, or whatever. Plenty of poors die this way accidentally, burning gas indoors without ventilation to stay warm.

ah. I don't have schizophrenia... the only voice in my head is the little screaming kid but even then it's more like me at 5 years old, if that even make sense. Sorry about your brother...

god, no. maybe it's my introversion, maybe it's the way I was brought up, but I have a strong aversion to being given stuff. I didn't earn it. Don't give it to me. It's your stuff, treat yourself...
The beach I'm close to doesn't pan out to an ocean... it pans out to a strait, and there are lots of ships, so the seawater is not clean at all. It's nothing like the Maldives look...

To get those meds I'd need a prscription, wouldn't I?
user... I appreciate you wanting to help. But it's been 5 years since my first suicide attempt. It's been a long time. I'm tired. When this thread 404's I'm gonna give the deodorant method a trail run, see if it can knock me out. If it can, I'm gonna run with it and hope for the best.

Hi, new user. Do you think is more effective than the charcoal method? I'm thinking this one might be the one. They often use Nitrogen as the pressurized gas, right? Turn upside down, fill a bag with nitrogen, that should be plenty.