If a minor tells their therapist that they fantasize (not plan to) shoot up their school, will the therapist tell the police?
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If a minor tells their therapist that they fantasize (not plan to) shoot up their school, will the therapist tell the police?
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Depends on what kind of therapist you're talking about.
It certainly wouldnt be cause to break doctor-patient confidentiality.
One that helps with mental problems
Considering that the point of such doctors is to find out information like that and attempt to help you stop thinking that way, probably not.
No licensed professional would spread that kind of information.
If you're talking about some homeopath or the local wise woman, you're on your own.
Yes if there is a perceived real chance of harm.
Doctor/patient confidentiality doesn't mean what you think it means.
What if the therapist is told about how the patient that fantasizes it has no guns and no weapons in their possession?
Fantasies are normal.
If they think there is a real potential of harm to themself or others.
My advice OP, dont go to therapists or any sort of professional. They dont do SHIT.
Ive tried 5 or 6 in the past 10 years or so. They never did anything.
first of all, saying things like that out loud or thinking about them isn't a crime
second, if someone heard you say shit like that they would just force you to go and talk to a shrink about your problems
T.knower, my school thought I was going to shoot everyone
Thanks :)
you can absolutely sue him for that and we don't have though police yet - no proof no case.
if anyone would tell that to officer - thats different )
you an americunt?
If americunt, he will probably shoot you if you tell him, if no then probably not.
Ive told mine the weirdest sickest thoughts I get sometimes and he just shrugs it of and say "mhm"
I'm an American but do you seriously think that you'll get shot for that fucking kek
While I was in my sophomore year someone stole my ipod and i was mad and made a joke about how i hated the school and wanted to blow it up.
the next day i got suspended for 3 days because a kid "thought" he heard me say it.
I almost got a federal terrorism charge when i was 16, they dont fuck around anymore.
If they think there is a REAL potential for harm, they have a legal right to say something to guardians/family members/ etc.
No they won't tell. I believe they're obligated to say something if you claim that you're actually going to do it
>perceived real chance of harm
not sure how this would work.
any mention of violent thoughts could be perceived as a real chance of harm.
No, a therapist must only tell the police if there's evidence they have or will do things like that. You cant tell anyone about your patients otherwise.
must suck living in a shithole
I once had a toy gun with me in school and my teacher thought i was going to kill my classmates for bullying me ( which they didnt even do). Head of the school called the police and they didnt give a shit, called my dad and he told her to eat shit.
And nothing ever came out of it.
"A patient of mine told me he has bad fantasies but no plans to act on them, officer!"
What the hell would the police do with information like that?
doesn't there need to be an actual threat made? if a patient tells a professional about just fantasizing about this than wouldn't it defeat the purpose of his job to get anyone with severe problems arrested? Not that there's 0 chance of them saying it's a threat if they're absolutely horrible at their job but most therapists want you to mention these ideas before it gets to "I actually should do it"
jesus fucking christ people are fucking pussies.
Not just that, but suspending someone for saying something like that makes literally no sense.
If the person didn't mean it, and it was just an off hand joke, then why the fuck suspend him?
If a person did mean it, then suspending him helps no one, and in fact it makes the person even more angry.
>They never did anything.
They made money, so I guess it was you who didn't do nuthin.
Are you white?
Fuck you, nigger/niggerlover.
Me and a buddy had written out on a school map a plan for a bombing/shooting that they found too somehow right after. Which didnt help.
But it was bullshit. Not like it matters since I dropped out. But thats the american education system for you.
OP, nowadays you cant even trust your psych. I had multiple that would call my parents after my sessions and shit. Its not worth it, they do nothing at all.
It depends on the psychological paradigm in which the therapist works. In most of the cases NO, but if the pacient shows signs that could make the fantasie come true, at least in the form of killing people, then YES
Damn man that sucks. Hope things are going better now at least
did you expect the therapist to start a lesson about assault rifles and how to do the Perfect Gunshot ?
That's not what I asked, retard.
If they have access to weapons, yes. If there is a credible danger to others, a healthcare professional is obligated to inform the authorites.
I totally forgot
If they think there is a danger to yoy or anyone else, they are ethically and in some cases legally obligated
I don't know, a few of my friends go to a therapist weekly, and they think it helps.
Mind you, it only helps, it's not some magical shit that will make you feel better.
And even then, you have to actually say what you feel, not just bullshit them.
It's pretty much just someone who you can talk to about anything that's bothering you, and they try to help you catch patterns of thought that might not actually make sense.
It's just a question newfag holy shit
sure you 15 year old edgelord fuck
Yes, also get the fuck out
>being this new
Underage confirmed.
Mods take this scum out
>I had multiple that would call my parents after my sessions and shit
That's retarded. Like seriously, they shouldn't be therapists. I... Fuck, man, that's just so stupid.
fuck off OP, everyone knows youre underage faggot
Its all a joke. They make a shitload of money off the weak-minded who are willing to believe anything will help.
The truth is nothing will help, your mind will always eat away at you no matter how medicated you are. And eventually you will an hero.
Its just a waste of time user. Just go through as many pills as you can, telling them none work until they give you some good shit like xanax.
Start abusing your meds and smoke weed. Life will always be shit
Also, underage b&
You talk like a 16yo summerfag
I dont understand why anybody trusts anybody these days. EVERYBODY is in it for themselves at the end of the day.
I really dont give a shit what anyone says about that. If you were born past 1950, you are probably an awful fucking sociopath at the very least.
because he is?
Probably came here from Reddit because they dont approve these kind of questions and FBI would track him down
especially in regards to minors. if you're below your state's age of adulthood then you don't really have those rights. this is coming from a place of experience. i was seventeen and had a therapist call my parents in to tell them everything i had told her in confidence because she felt they had a right to know. i'll never trust another therapist for as long as i live. 34 here, btw
I fantasied about killing people for the goverment
I thought spook shit was kill
Was a teen and said I wanted to snipe people for the cia
apparently wanted to defend this country is bad behavior
And Ima pretty good shot
Assholes shoulda trained
If you truly believe nothing will help, then yeah, I guess therapists won't help either.
If you actually want to change the way you think about things, then they can help.
Also, you sound really depressed, user, I hope you get over it some day.
the sense I make
is so good
shoulda trained me
I might not have expressed myself properly.
The reason why I think it's completely retarded to tell the parents about what your patient is talking about is because it breaks trust, and that pretty much makes the therapy useless.
If you're a child and you believe that your therapist will just blab everything you say to your parents, you aren't going to talk for shit, and then all the therapist is doing is taking money for doing literally nothing, while pretending that he's helping.
Ive been willing to be "normal" since I was 16. You truly cannot cure a mental illness, no matter the amount of prozac you dump into your system and how much you cry to a faggot making 50k a year to sit in a chair.
Im not so much depressed anymore, its more like ive finally woken up and seen the world for what it really is. An absolute pile of abysmal shit.
Youll find out when youre not underage b&
You have ups and downs, but it will always be down at the end of the day.
They could offer you daily blowjobs from victorias secret models and you would still be pouting.
Dont waste the terapists time with bullshit like that. Come back when you're ready to work. Try not to hurt other people while you do your drama-act.
I actually asked my therapist this in high school. Basically, if you had full intent, yes they would inform the police. But if it's just fantasy, then no.
Kek I spotted a NEET
Do you even know what the world is like? Especially living with multiple mental illnesses?
Little fucking faggot.
ehh, that's kinda bullshit.
First of all you don't have to be "normal".
All I'm saying is that even though the world is a shitty place, and nothing matter and we're all going to die, and all that crap, you can still chose to be happy, or at least fine with it.
That's honestly the main reason why I'm not depressed. I'm a 21yo kissless virgin with barely any social skills, If I really thought that any of this shit mattered, I would have killed myself a long ass fucking time ago.
And I'm not saying that you can cure mental illnesses with prozac and crying. I'm saying that you can do it by changing the way you look at shit.
You're depressed because the world is a shitty place and that the people are shitty? Ok, then try to be a non shitty person, enjoy yourself, smoke weed or do whatever the fuck you enjoy.
Being depressed doesn't fucking help anyone, so why the fuck not be fine with this bullshit.
>Kek I spotted a NEET
a kind of bullshit is that now?
Yea go ahead and try doing that. I was and youll come crashing back down. You can only run around with a fake smile for so long.
NOTHING is going to change the way you are. At all. You will live your life in complete blackness forever. Youll always know that even if youre trying to cover it up in your mind.
The is no light, there is no good people, there is no reason for life or living.
>"Not in Education, Employment, or Training"
pretty much means that you're a freeloader and that you're doing nothing with your life.
Which is kinda weird since you pretty much said the opposite of what a neet would say imo.
I probably know more about life than you do.
I dont believe you have any mental illness. You're spoiled. You act the way you do because you get away with it.
There is always another therapist to coddle you. You get your food, housing and clothes for free. There is always more "Xanax".
You sit there, at the computer someone else pays for on someone elses internet-connection and you whine.
You dont need therapy, you need to be thrown to the wolves. Fend for yourself or starve, that would fix you.
yeah I googled it. Sadly I don't qualify for that fantastic new acronym to categorize people since I am over 35...
This. Time to thin the fucking herd.
I have been on my own since 16 because my parents dont approve of marijuana which I use for medication. Ive been diagnosed with Severe Depression and Anxiety and Severe Borderline Personality disorder. I spent 2 weeks in the mental illness section of a hosptial 3 hours away from my home to figure out proper meds and get more mental evaluations.
Ive worked a full time job for almost 5 years now. I havent been to a therapist in at least 3. I live in a room thats less than 10 sq ft and I eat once a day.
Tell me again how I dont know anything.
jesus fuck
>You can only run around with a fake smile for so long.
What I'm saying is that you don't have to put up fake smiles for other people or yourself. You can be a fucking hermit and still enjoy life.
>You will live your life in complete blackness forever.
Seriously, for someone calling other people underage and neets, you sound like a fucking 16yo fucker who has just found the wiki page for nihilism.
Get over youself. Some people enjoy life, you're not the first person to be depressed or to feel like the world is a shitty place. You can try and look at this shit from a different perspective if you want, if not, no one is going to do it for you, and you can continue living in "complete blackness forever".
Sounds like you actually dont have a mental illness youre just a whiny fucking teenager.
I cant wait for the human race to be wiped out. There is so many autists and faggots living in fantasy lands.
>I spent 2 weeks in the mental illness section of a hosptial 3 hours away from my home to figure out proper meds and get more mental evaluations.
Sound like you didn't actually try to fix shit, you just hoped that you'd get some meds that would fix shit for you. Doesn't fucking work that way.
>Ive worked a full time job for almost 5 years now. I havent been to a therapist in at least 3. I live in a room thats less than 10 sq ft and I eat once a day.
Again, all this shows is that you've given up on life and that you're waiting for death. Yet you think that you know everything there is to know about life. I'll repeat myself. If you want to be happy - work for it.
I didnt know I had BPD before I had went. It was when I got diagnosed, so I found meds that could help with it.
So tell me about your life. Do you have a sort of schedule?
I never said that I had a mental illness.
And I'm not the one whining about life being useless and the world being a dark place or whatever the fuck.
And I find it funny that you think that everyone else is living in a fantasy land, and not you.
Have you given the thought that maybe you're the one who is living in this fantasy world where every person is a narcissistic asshole, and that everyone is actually miserable and that they're all lying to themselves? And that actually some people are happy despite living in a pointless world?
no, the therapist will try to mitigate the situation first by informing the parents and a subtle course of action of what to do, perhaps a shooting range, or hunting trip
16-year olds dont use marijuaan for medication. Thats a lie, unless your talking about self-medication for your "anxiety".
2 weeks in the psychiatric ward. Wow! Poor you, you must really be sick then. Right? Thats the reaction you expect? Thats how your friends usually react?
In the real world, it means nothing and i think you know it. You fucked up your life. They gave you some time to get your daily routine in order, sleep at night and eat at mealtime. Thats what 2 weeks in a psych-ward means.
Then you went home and continued fucking up.
laugh my ass off
how do you find the will power?
And THOSE people are the ones who should be recognized as truly mentally ill.
There is nothing to be happy about in life.
>16 year olds dont use marijuana
fucking KEK
Spend two weeks trying to find better meds. Ive been going through meds since I was about 13. None work.
>went home and continued fucking up
I dont see how the fact that Im mentally ill is MY fault but keep assuming what you want. You have autism, and are just trying to act edgy.
Nice try user, you sure thought you had me pegged.
How are you so sure about that?
Just because you've had a shitty life, doesn't mean that life is shitty for everyone.
I mean jesus fuck. Do you really think that everyone else is just pretending to be happy?
Do you really think that no one has ever had a fucking existential crisis about the meaning of life or whatever the fuck?
I mean god fucking damn it, get the fuck over yourself. You're not a special snowflake who has figured out the truth about how life is all bullshit. Pretty much everyone with half a fucking brain has had those thoughts.
Look, I'll put it this way.
Life is meaningless and everything is stupid. We both agree on that.
Ok, so since we know that to be true, what can we do now?
Well we can either kill ourselves and end it now, or we can continue living.
Since we are talking here, I guess we have both chosen to continue living.
Now, if we wish to live, then we have another choce.
We can be miserable about how everything is shit, or we can chose to be happy and to try and find interesting stuff to do in this shitty place.
You have chosen to be miserable. Most people prefer to chose to do interesting shit. That doesn't mean that they're lying to themselves. They might fully understand that all of this is useless, but they chose to not be miserable because being miserable sucks.
So all I'm saying is that since you haven't killed yourself yet, why the fuck not try and find something interesting to do with your life.
Travel the world, fall in love, smoke weed, I don't fucking know what would make you happy, and I honestly don't exactly care. But just stop being a pussy about it.
this is a 37 year old paranoid schizophrenic with constant visual haluciantions and phases of deep depression with combined 3 years of psychiatric hospitalisation 2 almost working and countless half assed suicide attemps. All thos happened before my 30th birthday and I would be lying if I would not from time to time think about it even today.
Here's what helped me: focusing on the small stuff in life. My family. My interests. Working out a bit (boy that shit does wonders!). Finding likeminded people (on the internet for example).
And stop focusing on the big stuff that I can't change anyway. Yeah, the world can be a big pile of shit and most of the time it is, but once in a while you find a daisy flower growing out of the pile. (And by daisy flower I personally mean weed but that's off topic.)
Stop focusing on the shit and dig for what makes you happy. You'll get dirty and it will stink and it will make you want to puke. And even if you find nothing you will notice that you got rid off a lot of shit on the way.
This. Listen to this guy.
Nice reply but it's all for nothing. You should realize that everything has no meaning. you can run around do things you enjoy but youll still end up dead and gone and everything you did will have no meaning. youll have no recollection of anything. Im not being a pussy, its being realistic. Nothing actually brings people joy, they just think it does.
Voices being good today user? Apparently. Youd probably be more fun if you were still a raving lunatic instead of being on multiple sedatives that cut off complete parts of your brain. Nothing actually is making you happy, youre just thinking its making you happy because that is what society has taught you to expect. All of this is for nothing, it is all bullshit.
Theres no point in bullshitting around it. Stop acting like everythings fine.
Lifes a bitch and then you die.
Yes, because you're a minor and you're threatning someone.
Only if they are white.
>ou should realize that everything has no meaning. you can run around do things you enjoy but youll still end up dead and gone and everything you did will have no meaning.
i literally agreed with you on that. What I'm saying is that since nothing has meaning, then why the fuck not have fun while it lasts. Sure, fun doesn't change the fact that life is meaningless, but it's just that, fun.
Some people spend their lives having fun, other try to understand what the fuck all of this is all about. Trying to figure out how and why anything exists, shit like that.
Have you ever been happy in your life? Even for a moment. If so, you should realize that it's just plain and simply nicer than being miserable. Sure, it doesn't matter, but that's what I'm saying, if it doesn't matter, then why spend your life being miserable?
No voices, just moving letters and wallpapers and that blanket next to me is twisting and turning in funny ways. But you get used to that.
And I never was a raving lunatic, quite to the contrary whenever I had an epsode I'm rather reclusive because "they" are watching me and I can't let them notice that I know that "they" are watching me. I know htat it's all bullshit of course made up by my brain but that does not concern the part of my brain that is under constant stress and in fight or flight mode if I do not take my meds. Being a sceptic does help a bit with identifying paranoia and distinguish bullshit from reality. And I am on one(!) pretty mild dosage (200 mg) of quetiapin for several years now and I'm OK. Not great. But OK. Sure there are side effects but I'd prefer those to being without meds a thousand times. I can sleep now. I can focus on shit. I can go outside without the feeling that everyone is watching me.
And don't tell me what makes me happy and what does not. I know happiness. I am happy when I see my old grandfather who's almost 90 another day. I am happy on christmas when my whole family is together. I am happy when I hold my girlfriend in my arms. I am happy when I smoke up, when I meet friends, have a drink with them, when I see my pets and play with them, when I get a new pair of shoes, cook something tasty, even more if I cook for somebody else. And yes, it is ultimately all for nothing. Of course it is. Ultimately the universe will freeze out and die and everything anyone ever did will be in vain.
Doesn't make the moments when I was happy any less real. And you do not get so many of thos moments. So get your head out of you ass and start digging in the shit. Read again what I wrote before, I never said everything was fine. In fact, there's tons of shit that is not fine. But that does not take away from a moment of happiness. Doesn't even have to be happiness. Mabe just a moment that is not completely shit.
There is no true happiness. Just covering up sorrow with fake exctiedness over cookies and playing golf. Nothing is enjoyable when you realize its just another thing to pass time until your death. Im having fun seeing how autistic some people are, but thats about it.
You make me laugh user. Youre in a complete fantasy land.
>im on quetiapin
fucking kek. thats just a tic tac.
Nothing makes you happy, youre just trying to seem happy so others think you actually are and so you can try to trick yourself as well.
Just wait until your old ass grandfather dies, someone fucks you over, etc. Youll let the inner beast out again. I'll read the bullshit you wrote 100 times and it still wont change anything. Stop doing what the doctors want you to do.
>There is no true happiness
>Just covering up sorrow
ok, so if the happiness isn't true, is the sorrow true? If so, how is truer than happiness? If not then they're both useless and you can just do stupid shit.
Will you illiterate niggers please read what said?
If the therapist believes there is a real chance of harm, they are legally responsible to report it. A fantasy isn't necessarily something one would ever do. It's a judgement call.
100% right. People have no idea what that actually means... like people who think freedom of speech means you have the right to say whatever you want.
You need to find things to make you happy. Life in general will always make you sad or upset.
Go do something that makes you happy stupid faggot.
>Just wait until your old ass grandfather dies
guess what, I had that already. Still here. Hurt like hell.
>im on quetiapin
>fucking kek. thats just a tic tac.
so why don't you try some then. surely a tic tac can't hurt your superior cynical brain. because:
>Stop doing what the doctors want you to do.
sounds pretty paranoid to me.
>Nothing makes you happy, youre just trying to seem happy so others think you actually are and so you can try to trick yourself as well.
Whatever you say man. All I can say is that I did not try to off myself in 8 years.
You have a false understanding of happiness. Happiness is not a constant state of bliss. It's moments. Rare moments. Go find one.
Legal fag here, there is no client privilege in regards to future acts of crime. By law they HAVE to report it.
Crime-Fraud exception to the Federal Rules of Evidence.
Moments. Yea winning the ball game at the state fair will really help me work past debt.
I did try quets, they dont do shit. Youre just another braindead faggot.
pretty much this,
No one is always happy.
Everyone feels shitty from time to time.
The difference is that when we feel like nothing matters we decide to just say fuck it and do something instead of just sitting there miserable.
>Yea winning the ball game at the state fair will really help me work past debt.
so is it life that's bothering you, or your debts?
if it life then debts don't mean shit if you just want to have some happy moments, if it's debts, then go do something about them.
Without direct or implied intent it is still confidential. That doesn't mean that your therapist won't tell, it would just be breaking confidentiality without acceptable cause
> Yea winning the ball game at the state fair will really help me work past debt.
You know what, I might just do. But you will never find out if you don't try in the first place. And even if I doesn't you got that stuffed animal. Give it to a child or a loved one. Or cut a hole in it and fuck it.
>I did try quets, they dont do shit
then try something different, neuroleptics don't work the same way for everyone.
Maybe you do not need meds at all. Maybe you just need a perspective.
This only applies to crimes involving harm to self or other and in some states destruction of property.
Life in general. It was just an example. You arent actually happy. Stop lying to yourself.
I do say fuck it and do something. But while Im doing whatever it is, im only doing it because it is what is EXPECTED. I dont enjoy anything, and if I have to do something I dont like, even if its a slight inconvenience, more than likely I wont do it.
Nothing brings you happiness, your head makes it up. Youre just another faggot living in a fantasy. Come down to the real world.
This is pretty rich. Think of the money you wasted on the game for nothing. Theres something to bring you down. Im far from need some fucking "perspective"
My next step is meds that completely shut down parts of my brain.
I sincerely hope you realize how silly you are before its far too late.
>Maybe you do not need meds at all. Maybe you just need a perspective.
The guy you're talking to isnt mentally ill. With luck, he will grow out of it.
>If a minor tells their therapist that they fantasize (not plan to) shoot up their school, will the therapist tell the police?
100% yes.
Ive already been diagnosed, Ive been seeing various professionals over the years. Try again friend.