If a minor tells their therapist that they fantasize (not plan to) shoot up their school...

If a minor tells their therapist that they fantasize (not plan to) shoot up their school, will the therapist tell the police?

Pic not related

Depends on what kind of therapist you're talking about.

It certainly wouldnt be cause to break doctor-patient confidentiality.

One that helps with mental problems

Considering that the point of such doctors is to find out information like that and attempt to help you stop thinking that way, probably not.

No licensed professional would spread that kind of information.

If you're talking about some homeopath or the local wise woman, you're on your own.

Yes if there is a perceived real chance of harm.
Doctor/patient confidentiality doesn't mean what you think it means.

What if the therapist is told about how the patient that fantasizes it has no guns and no weapons in their possession?

Fantasies are normal.

If they think there is a real potential of harm to themself or others.

My advice OP, dont go to therapists or any sort of professional. They dont do SHIT.

Ive tried 5 or 6 in the past 10 years or so. They never did anything.

first of all, saying things like that out loud or thinking about them isn't a crime

second, if someone heard you say shit like that they would just force you to go and talk to a shrink about your problems

T.knower, my school thought I was going to shoot everyone