An hero thread starts now.
An hero thread starts now
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[Insert hitler pic here]
These guys fascinate me. Usually I'm completely disgusted with acts of violence but the way they did it, why they did it, the suicide at the end.. Poetry. They made a statement. They got in, did what they had to do, and got out.
>killing a bunch of unarmed kids
>not understanding the depth of thier actions
>voting for Bernie
It must be lunch time in highschool.
You mean this right?
haha what? monk burning himself in protest of persecution of Buddhists is making a statement. Some kids killing other kids isn't "making a statement"
Haha go back to class you fucking normie shit eater.
Theres a movie you can get called absolute zero i think. Its a complete reinactment of the shooting. Filmed on a handy cam
>depth of their actions
They were just some outcast kids drunk on mania. They shot and killed people that had done nothing to them. They had a persecution complex born from their own antisocial persona. They were not victims, they were not poor, and they didn't have any real problems. Idolizing them while edgy and lulzy is also an incredibly sad insight about you.
Zero day, sick movie
You mean "A hero", not "an hero", you filthy piece of shit
Why are you in this thread? Why are you on Sup Forums? Your SJW opinions don't matter to anyone else than you. So please do us all a favor and fuck off.
>done nothing to them
You little preppy fuck, you have no fucking clue and that's very clear.
You're obviously some blind little prick whose mommy and daddy love then and you have oh so many friends and Sup Forums just ironic for you and a break from tumblr. Get the fuck out, leave, go suck daddy's cock like you love to do.
They did what they felt they had to do. Fuck normie swine who insist when somone gets bullied and blows up the fucking cafeteria that ' they had no motive, this was all so tragic'.
Run along ,billy. Men are talking.
Biggest fags in history, insert Putin that piece of shit onto this too
> men are talking.
Lol bullying. Quit being such a fucking weirdo and it'll be fine.
kek he's triggered
Quit picking on people different than you and this kinda shit wouldn't happen.
If preppy normies would just not be dicks to everyone a little off, a kid wouldn't feel like he has to blow your brains out.
This isn't about the wierd kid getting a gun, it's about the average white kid being so high and mighty they STILL cannot face facts that they caused this.
Normies are the cringiest shit on this board nowadays.
One true hero
That's not Hitler.
I'll let you in a secret, it's not just the way you look or dress or whatever faggy little hobby makes you a special snowflake, it's mostly your shitty childish attitude that makes you a premium target. I bet you call yourself a nice guy.
>preppy normies
tell me more about you being a poor loser
ITT: edge lords.
Nigger with two white minors in bed.
newfag here, who are those guys?
wtf a monkey
These fags werent bullied enough, thats whats gone wrong. Used to be a stable pecking order where non-fucktards would keep the fucktard population in check. Either the fucktards learned not to be such aspy dickholes or they didnt and their self esteem remained (correctly) in the shitter.
Then somehow everybody got feelings and the fucktards got egos their Aspergers cant cash and the result is them shooting unarmed people up like the pussies they are.
Bring back bullying.
an heroes
some silly atention seeking school shooters
plot twist
OP can't afford to live in colorado
Today I fell in love
who is this?
Obviously its the perfect woman. She mustn't be real
And life is survival of the fittest. We see it here. They were weak... Which is why they are dead. A victim of Darwin.
Looks like some angsty teen.
>Everybody actually liked this song at one point
>Starting hating on it to fit in
>Accidentally played into the message
Cringe indeed my friend
I bet these guys fantasize about murdering some douche who made fun of them in high school everyday.
It's ok guys, I used to do that too, but don't go crazy and pick up a gun and start shooting... It won't end well.
This thread is officially dead.
literally a dude with nail polish , all black , lack a trench coat sadly , rings and earings dont be a faggot and no says shit im cool with most people maybe they want the warning text.
would buy
Burt and Ernie
looks like some prissy bitch get the fuck off my bored
this post really is something else, eh?
This thread is dead now....Hopefully.
This thread will be dead soon.
just 4 u anonmos
Gook king approves.
Not while I'm here