>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that do not own guns
Who /guns/ here?
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that do not own guns
Who /guns/ here?
>not own guns
think maybe making fun of martial artists is a great idea?
Yeah it probably is because they are powerless if someone holds a gun to them and isn't a dumbass
nice 10-22, everyone should own a plinker and a shotgun atleast,tons of fun can be had
fucking everyone owns a 22 one way or another. if you think you dont you still do.
Cant own a gun in my country, you need to pass a lot of tests, spend a lot of money and still have a small chance to get a paper for it.
I would love to have some rifle thou
I only don't because I'm a poorfag that can't afford it. Still counts, sorta, right?
what strange country is that?
only retards who live in farms and smell cowshit all the time own guns
city life all the way.
Always carrying my H&K vp09 on me.
30/30 and a 12 gauge here.
I live in Phoenix and carry my gun daily. Fuck beaners man, they're almost worse than niggers
i didnt know poland were so nazi on gun regulations
Owner of shotgun. 44 mag rifle. 9mm pistol. Everyone should arm themselves if able. Bummer if gov says you can't have it.
one would think a country like poland would be more asimilar to switzerlands setup the hole hitler thing
sweden get scared or something?
>poor sweethearts preciousness
if they say you cant have it they aint gov nufriend
Beretta M9 right next to me atm
Have fun getting mugged raped and beaten to death. You need a gun more than any farmer.
this is what i mean, go and socialize it wouldnt surprise me if youre one of those weirdos sitting in the park looking at people and judging them in your head. being a loner makes you mentally il
is this bait senpai?
>be australianfag
>live in australia
>can't own guns
>can't even carry pepper spray for self-defense cause it's illegal
>get mugged at night behind macca's
>fucking cunt took all my gas money
>call cops, they say they'll look into it
>never heard of any of it since
>mfw got cucked by toney again
get back to /k/
lol pleb tier firearm gw
havent got raped or mugged yet, i guess i should live in a farm and shell myself from society. who knows maybe fuck my cows too.
A lot of people would love to own a gun but yep, only rich and police/security etc. can easly get one. Average people have a very low chance for that.
only if you realize anime comes from the most city like countries.
I honestly could be anything but American. I literally hate everywhere else. It should all be conquered and made America. I don't know how you all live.
8mm. Mauser and double barrel in my closet, Ruger Blackhawk 357 and SR9 in my headboard, Cal legal AK, AR, and SR25 in my safe. Meh I think I've got a decent start to a collection
you dont need a use you just need a gun just fucking think of it like the next mac installment
oops meant couldn't, obviously.
No. You shouldn't do that. But you do need a gun more than a farmer. Especially if you're white and trump gets elected. The dindus are gonna nuffin their asses off
yet is the operative word there.
too bad they can't nuffin themselves into self genocide
>market opportunity
Then your country doesn't think people have the right to self defense unless you're rich.
New Frontier Armory lower, Spikes Tactical 16" mid length upper.
1975 (I think) P64.
SW9VE Sigma.
here in norway we can have guns, but we cant carry them publicly, not that u would need to anyways, wery little killing going on around here after breivik got put away kek
yeah your country is crap. get one illegally.
Why'd you reply to me with that? Did you mean the guy I replied to? I have several
Why people dont understand that not EVERYONE is an american where its legal to own guns in some ways..
Like 95% of the countries that exists do not allow there people to own guns.. im from the netherlands and here is weed legal (kinda alteast), and everyone find it shocking.. But guns are illegal here
>be australian
>drug fags cut my sisters breaks
>sister confronts them
>they pull sawn off on her
>mfw she tells me the story and i purchase a black market firearm to put them in check
>mfw they call the cops
>mfw cops dont search their house
>mfw they are laughing
>mfw cops still dont care
>mfw i get out of jail
>mfw i make a pipe bomb and launch it through their windows at night
>mfw three dead
>mfw its in the local musswellbrook-bumfuck-nowhere paper
all you had to do was give the people the power to protect themselves and their belongings. you did this australia.
i live in the city and its safer than living in a rural area, weird people come out of those places. also everything is close, hospitals, shops, people, clubs, etc. everything that makes a human normal is here.
Indeed, our government thinks that rich people have a bigger need for self defense cause of all money and riches they have, average people can carry gassprays/ batons and stuff like that.
well netherlands sucks then. i'm in WA state. we have both haha.
yes i got 4 handguns myself^^
I was in the hospital on a psych hold last month.
I don't own a gun.
Enough said?
You must not live in America.
>be mudslime ausfag
>agree 100% with this post
gun control is why everybody hates because its all those cocksuckers who do the dirt and stand up guys cant retaliate because the police weren't there to witness it.
cool story bro
Cuz you need them..
The netherlands is a safe country.. 300 people where killed last year.. thats it..
cool. norway moving up. use them to invade those swedish faggots please.
How old are you?
well, it was half true :^)
12 gauge mossberg, has a tactical light underneath the barrel.
not safe for me unless i have a gun.
ok so we gunfag now and automatically lose common decency ?
25, i pay my own shit probably more than most people here since everything is cheap in rural places.
> American image board
>boo hoo euro shit.
It's hard to get a gun but not illegal. Yes it's prohibited for self defense but not illegal to own one for things like hunting.
:/ cellphone is garbage.
haha no thx we dont want sweeden, infact we want to give the oslo region to them cuz oslo people are just as faggy as the swedes^^
If no one have a gun, everyone is safe from being shot, including you...
Guns are just stupid that are needed in a country that is out of control, a country that is going down with gangs and drugs..
ur money gets more expensive the further out u go from the printing presses and initial bank that makes the loan from ur nations federal reserve
purchase with stores of value in mind & perpetual self sustainability
Glock G22 for OC
Glock G43 for CC
Rem870 12 ga
Sears .22 from the 50s
Ruger MKII .22
Falcon .22 SA revolver
Hello fellow vp9 owner
canadafag here. I shoot my sks and my double barrel all the time. Suck my balls.
Er du vestlending?
Same with knives. No knife no stabby.
Now just need a way to prevent people from punching and strangling...
I would but its not that easy thou, even gangs over here dont really use guns so often
>gun owner
>not a dumbass
I'll take my chances
nice 10/22 .. i like that long stock. i have a 10/22 takedown.. and this is my EDC, pic related
Knives have another usage then hurting other people.. You can accually cut your food and such..
By the way, allot of knives are illegal here aswell
Hideous looking fire arm looks like a high point
guns shaped the very world you live in and take a large amount of responsibility to take care of and use. Stop letting liberal media brainwash you.
>you think you dont you still do.
I have an XDm 40, Mossberg 590 12ga, Remington 700 .308, Windham Weaponry SRC 5.56 and I don't have a .22.
How is it, that according to you, I possess something which I clearly do not?
Yeah. You might wanna get a gun. And training. It's not likely that you'll ever need it but you live in a city. One day, maybe, you might be walking down the street at night in your safe city and some crackhead might pop out of the shadows with a knife or gun. That's a whole lotta mights that I wouldn't be willing to risk my life over.
Used to live in a place like that. We just build zip guns.
Don't even understand what you just said man
my grandma use to tour through india i remember her pride and joy as matriarchical the photo in her home her standing proud tall with her machete in hand i owned one since i was 12, they aren't weapons, they are tools
That's a lot of useless shit to carry every day. Of that pile of shit I'd use maybe 2 things on a daily basis: phone and keys.
Bernie cuck
Quick question: I'm bipolar. Can I legally own a gun if I have not been committed to a hospital?
Butt hurt
Also same guy describing he crackhead. Don't assume too much about rural places and peoples needs to pay for their shit. Guns and gun related hobbies aren't cheap. Most of us that have a decent collection probably do so because we have our shit together
you can be stabbed with any sharp object. a fucking screwdriver or pointy stick works just fine. don't be a fucking idiot. its impossible to take all objects that can be used as weapons from all human beings. laws which ban such objects, only remove them from those who obey laws, criminals will still make or obtain weapons. the only logical / reasonable course of action given the above, is to ARM YOURSELF.
Knives cut. Guns launch projectiles. That's all they do.
Intent of the users, that's the problem.
I own around 40-45 im guessing, been collecting them up for around 15yrs now
it would be down right illegal for you not to own one
i am /nogunz/ in california... please send help
so is a firearm
I just want to buy one to shoot myself one day.