Waifu claiming thread
>Post pics
Waifu claiming thread
>Post pics
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
kagami claimed, i have to leave for classes now...
Akiko claimed
legs for dubs?
Aww, have a good day!
>what your legs are made of
I could make a joke there, but nah
I won't let my poor nips bleed, promise
Your nipples are made of steel then.
Don't worry qt, I have to leave now anyway
>It's you
>Chara claimed
Best mage claimed~
Don't forget to tell your officer he stinks!
Thanks for the legs~
>Your nipples are made of steel then.
Nah, my legs hurts too much for me to feel my nips kek
Is 30 old?
I am 20 and I feel like im an old fuck.
I've always thought of 30 as the day I consider someone an "adult." Yeah, 18 makes you an adult, but there's still people in their mid 20s who seem just like teens. I mean, you can still act young and shit at 30, but by then, i start to really consider you old
Nice lurk hat mah boi!
>I kek'd
im at college talk to you later!
has your college transformed into a pc hugbox?
See ya!
Home from work.
I'll miss you!
You're not.
Yeah I was always of the idea you really become an adult once you graduate and get a job, not strictly age related.
I'm old then.
Thanks for that, I don't really want to be considered old. How old are you Mikan?
:x here!
Are you a wizard though?
I guess im not and no one else will call be old. But I feel old because I expected to have accomplished much more in my life than what I did by this age.
Wizards united.
Cute! I'm on the path to becoming one lol
That's good to hear
Was it expensive?
Hi there Juri.
C L A I M E D .
>always here
this is stupid
This is pretty hot.
Miho claimed
Close to thirty. Sometimes I lose track.
You know it.
> waiting for these useless threads to die
> always lurking
> you won't ever know who I am
>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, noclip activates edition
Mom, get out of my internet
>threads won't die
>we don't care
>we don't care either
Who are you quoting?
Same goes for you.
Breast friend.
Whenever I see that there's already 50+ images I just wait for the next thread lol
Who was moot quoting?
Booby brother.
Why haven't you done your homework? Remember I told you to wash your dishes after you're done eating. You need to seriously start looking for a job, and you need to wake up early everyday. Why are you on this website and not looking? I will seriously give you your notice to move out if you don't even put the effort.
Mootkins was replying to someone.
Plus he's dead.
Don't think that's what that is exclusively for.
Got milk?
How's your day been?
Good, haven't done anything noteworthy.
>I'm wasting my time watching these threads waiting for them to die
>not doing anything, just watching
>no one knows who I am on an anonymous image board, how edgy
God dammit mom! I told you it's my life and I can do whatever I want with it! Isn't it enough that I have good grades in school? Besides I TOLD you that I am looking for a job.
You´re useless
>this is bait
>a terrible bait
>I still replied to it
Tenryuu claimed
Nom nom nom
Im not sure how would I feel about having a mother that browses Sup Forums.
Enju claimed
I'm gonna go to sleep, shouldn't have stayed up all night. Bye everyone!
I have conflicting emotions right now.
A glass a day, remember that.
About what?
Shrouded in mystery and mist, I track your every move, forever waiting until demise finally takes you..!
>Motor boats Dat ass
My 2 emotions sadness and anger rarely conflict.
'night Konata
Bye Konata
What's wrong?
> these waifu threads are slowly dying
No one at that time.
good for you
> posted by someone who's doing the same on a green text
bumping for hypocrisy, give this neckbeard a trophy or something
> calls useless
> is on a waifu thread posting trash
Neckbeard logic?
> bothers to reply
You're as useful as a phantom limb pain.
You probably masturbate to that before going to bed.
Maybe someone actually can grow up.
There is no end to me! No end!
What are you? A wannabe fairy?
It amuses me to see retards posting, but I'm truly glad I'm starting to see a decline in the frequency.
My only feelings are hungry and tired.
I-I'm nervous, about this.
what decline? If anything there's too many threads.
Then ill just hug you then.
Hows your day?
Actually I think they've grown quite bit since I got here. We've also gone 24/7 as opposed to periodic threads. Sometimes there's 2 thread going at the same time
Lewd claim
> these waifu threads are slowly dying
You might say that they are getting more cancerous but I only see them getting larger and larger.
Busy, too many things happening, not enough time for myself.
H-How have you been, sweetheart?
ultra gaaay
The decrease of posts and threads over time.
They were much more active some time ago than lately.
You are cancer. Kill yourself.
Thats no fun.
I been doing ok.
No you're completely wrong.
Keep being delusional if it makes you feel any better about yourself, but reality is reality regardless. Stupid circlejerk threads.
nah m8. It's getting evening here in europe, threads will slowly get faster.
If you don't like it here, why are you here?
Just curious. You mentioned watching retards, but surely you only find that interesting for so long, and you seem to be acting like you've been here a long time.
Trust me, it ain't gonna die out.
If you think this is slow, you should have been around a few months earlier, where we didn't have almost 30 unique posters every thread.
I'm glad you're feeling fine. Cutie.
Shiki claimed
>Keep being delusional if it makes you feel any better about yourself
>Keep being delusional
hello beautiful eyes
>decrease of posts and threads
>much more active some time ago
You must be confused.