What does Sup Forums think of MGTOW?

What does Sup Forums think of MGTOW?
Men Going Their Own Way.

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i would go my own way.. or caprice's way
whichever came first

I don't think any women would notice those men dissapeared.

worked with a single dude a few years ago. And I mean, he was single. Had been working in the restaurant business since he was like 14, never had a wife, hadn't been in a relationship for over a decade, he was in his 40's.
It kind of depressed me a little. Having a life partner even just a girlfriend is a good expression of being a dude, having a companion etc. just like girls giving birth.

wow you swallowed the blue pill hard

I once fell in love with a woman which was my first love, even thoug in 23 it's kinda late for firsts...but since her i never again fell in love, not eith any women i was in relationship with after her...so i kinda like this opinion

haha are you me?
23 with one love.. minus the other relationships however.

i even had a very long, very lucid dream about her last night.
kill me

Buncha whiny cunts that can't keep a woman happy, so they act like bitchy feminists that get a guy. Basically a feminist with a penis.

>Unrelated question - Who's the cute blonde porn whore in the middle?

watched a video on their homepage. pretty cringy stuff

*bitchy feminist that CAN'T get a guy, that is.

OP here.

I think you sir, are missing the point. It's basically like men no longer worrying about relationships/marriage & live with freedom. It may be lonely but if you really think about all you have to put up with for vagina is it worth it?

Maybe i have the wrong idea, please Red Pill me

>people still asking for sauce before even image searching

I have dreams like this pretty often and it's really a long time since I've seen her, she just completely erased me from her life and I went abroad to never see her again.... try working out and working a lot... this helped me to not get over her, but to move on

Hey, you can act like a bitchy feminist with a penis & "avoid relationships" all you want. Your life, user. I prefer having a woman around. Different strokes for different folks.

But most MGTOW I've met - irl & online - were on the receiving end of shitty abusive relationships from feminist greedy cunts, so I can understand where they're coming from, I guess.

i don't know man it has been 5 years since our relationship and we recently connected once again but i misinterpreted things and then sperged out and blocked her from social media to "forget" her.
99% of the time i never think of her unless i catch a whiff of similar perfume she wore or she invades my dreams

user, you probably only think you still love her because she was your only/last gf.

I'm a lazy faggot & it's Sup Forums...gimme sauce of fuck off :^)

it's not like being without sex, just out of relationships/ marriage etc

yeah because i have never met a single person in 5 years that would possibly change that...
i am not IN love with her but I still love her.

do you understand the difference?

dude u're exactly the same, i blocked her from everywhere as well and i wanted to write her just to catch up how she is so i unblocked her and she has instantly blocked me

it's not even so much as striving to NOT be in a relationship... the whole ideology of MGTOW is just that... men going there own way and doing what they do whatever that happens to be

it is an encouragement for men to return to their natural selves. oddly enough if you want to put a man on the moon... chasing some bitch around the mall isn't going to help with that process.

>she has instantly blocked me
that's harsh man i don't think she should have pulled that shit

with me it went:
>I added her on FB over a year ago
>never ever spoke or anything
>my past birthday in November she messages me out of blue
>we reconnect
>we talk a bunch
>we meet up in person and hang out for awhile a little guarded and awkward
>we text and i push it to relationship talk
>she lets me down easy because she is good like that
>i flip my shit and block her
i am pretty pathetic, i will admit

Eh, most MGTOW I've seen are chubby fedora-tipping greasy neckbeards, so it's not like they "Went Their Own Way" by choice.

The message can be good but the fanbase is cancerous

I cam first...

we broke up really badly, after her cheating couple of times, i just told her really bad things and then we just stopped existing for each other....and i left immediately in half a month away to be as far from her as possible....i should've just ignore her but i was unable to

To me, MGTOW is basically the opposite spectrum of fanatic feminism. Not all females are psychotic bitches. Dont bend over backwards to please girls, but if you meet one who is chill, and makes you happy, why not stay with her?

been with a girl for about 9 years now. I never really have to do anything for her, I make more money than her, but she actively tries her hardest to pay her share for food. She actually pays half my mortgage, gets me stuff to drink when I play vidya, never really denies sex (when youre with a girl for long enough and sex is accessible whenever you want, it becomes less of an urgent desire).

tldr: why would you turn down a healthy relationship with an decently chill and intelligent woman?

okay well that is anecdotal evidence that feeds into your own ecological fallacy.
i tried women.. and they are alright. i don't feel that attracted to men... and i don't have the resources nor the care to chase materialistic women in the 21st century. most western women are trash these days
guess i will MGTOW

damn man there are some similarities here so i feel that pain. there was some cheatiness in out relationship.. then forgiveness.. then forgetness.. then break up and two separate colleges etc. etc.

attempting to rekindle anything recently was my mistake and i felt the embarrassment and shame. a little bit better than feeling nothing at all, though to be honest

then you sir are a lucky man, but sometimes one woman breaks you so much that even if u get a girl like this, u'll never kinda love her...u will be just happy with her....

Growing up, I always wanted to have a wife and kids. I wasn't really romantic, but I fell in love easily, and I felt like I would be a good father. I would like to fantasize about raising my kids and teaching them all of the important life lessons that my parents never taught me. Keep in mind this was me in high school and the first few years of college.

Well I'm 21 right now, about to turn 22, and I'm getting over losing the "love of my life". I know it sounds stupid, but I really loved her, and she didn't care about me in the same way (it's complicated, I won't get into it). I have a hard time believing that I'll ever fall in love like that again. But of course I know that I'm still young, and I'm sure there will be more love in my future.

Over the past year or so, I've learned that women and men are completely different creatures. A woman will never love a man in the way that he wants to be loved, because women and men have completely different ideas of what love is. I actually really wish I was gay, because I think my love life would be more satisfying. Now, I guess I haven't given up hope that someday I'll find the kind of woman that I want, but until then (and that day may never come) I'm happy just living my life the way I want to. All I really want is a pretty girl to be my fuck buddy, and I'll be set.

My desire for kids is slowly going away, but even if I regret not having them as an old man, I can just go out and find a hot 20-something and marry her. That's what's so great about being a man, there's no time limit on baby making.

ok so its really simple right, the guys on youtube doing those man going their own way are fucking niggers and feminist scum shit cunt attentino whore fugots. those niggers can piss of and go to hell alright

ut if you are a real man and dont make youtube vidoeos u can go youro wn way without making youtube videos and you can still achieve the same goals as man going their own way without the youtube shit arlight

you dont need tob e a attention craving opusy to be a man going their own way

im happyil going myo wn way and im not doing t hat youtbue cringe beta shit

now if you want to be a man going your own way go ahead but dont annoy otherp ople with ur bullshit otherwise u end up like the feminist s and thats not what you wanna be

you can talk on Sup Forums about and shit and ask if other peoplear are the same but pls dont attention whore

>u will be just happy with her....

and this is bad... how?

have you ever watched gay porn?

just put yourself into something with a meaning. I got into half a year if heavy depression and working out and drowning myself in work have became addiction for me, which made me a lot hotter cause i work out everyday and in half a year i became part of the top management of the best company in its field in my country....this brought me a lot of chicks waaay hotter than the one which broke me,which is pretty ironical that i cant love any other.... just use that sadness to motivate you!

>an decently chill and intelligent woman
If you're gonna make shit up, at least make it semi-believeable

Whos the blonde

If that's how you view things, user. I'm 34, married to a 21 y/o "western woman". She's old fashioned, wears jeans & flannel & we literally live in a cabin on top of a mountain ridge. Her only "wants" are a garden every spring & a satellite tv/ internet connection to watch the outdoor channel & discovery channel. You just gotta find the right gal. Hell, she's even more of a backwoods redneck then me.


yeah, you just changed my mindset completely.
did not think of it that way. I'll enjoy my freedom and not bend over backwards but i avoid a great relationship if it comes my way.

I feel dumber having read this.

this user is damn right

but i won't avoid*

>I'm 34, married to a 21 y/o "western woman"
HAHAHAHA you will be divorced and homeless by the time you are 40

I'm sure I've seen gifs or webms or stuff on here before. I've never sought it out. I'm really not gay. I've been hit on by gay friends, so I've had opportunities to experiment, but I never have because it just weirds me out. I know it's something I'm not interested in.

I'm 42, married to a hot woman, and have a great kid. Make close to 100k a year. Life is perfect. I had a bad breakup in my early 20's that ruined me for a decade. I eventually got over her emotionally and moved on. But I still think of her every single day and even dream about her alot at night. I love my Wife tremendously, but she was the love of my life.

Highly doubt it, user. By the time I'm 40, she'll already have given birth to the twins she's packing now & wants to home school them. Not my fault you can't keep a woman happy.

i get that user. i am pretty liberal with my porn viewing habits but i just can't imagine kissing a dude... as in i would literally suck the right dick before i kissed the right mouth.
ehh i am probably doomed to be alone anyways

I used to live the wild life. Was having sex with different women every week. Fucking girls with bfs because hey I'm not doing anything wrong they are. Now I'm married to a great woman who I took the time to get to know before hand and actually put some thought into her before marrying her. Now she's letting me get "us" a gf. Her best friend. She thinks it will be super hot If I impregnate both of them at the same time. So basically I am going my own way but still went the way of a great marriage.

>you can't keep a woman happy.
are you sure you know what happiness is user?
are you sure that you are so in-tune with what happiness is that you can project it into the mind of another?

life happens user.. good on you for being happy in this moment right now... but nothing lasts forever. and i mean nothing

I think I understand what you're trying to say, but you said it like a fucking moron.

I'm not rich by by means. I just do book keeping for different outfits from home. I "telecommute". Make a comfortable living & spend year round here in my cabin. Met my wife when she was 19. She's a local from town down at the foot of the mountain. We're both rednecks who love living in the woods. I talked about selling our cabin & moving into town, but she vetoed that idea.

The 13 year age difference isn't an issue since I act immature as fuck & she acts like a 40 year old Quaker.

I think it's a defensible position for men who have had their lives ruined by a woman (actually by the legal system).

For the rest of us it's better to
>stay in the game
>try to change things however we can, even if it could take generations
>learn about the risks we face and do your best to avoid them
>if you have a family, teach them right and homeschool/private school them

Even the MGTOWs are still supporting women by paying into a system that destroys men and coddles women.

Pathetic specimens so bitter and angry that they'd rather pretend to be single by choice rather than because they are aggressively ugly, fat or otherwise a complete loser. Bonus mental gymnastics to explain how it's ALL the women's/feminist's/illuminati's fault.

Basically bottom-tier 9fag redpill leddit types.

Balance is key. Don't put women (or anyone else) before yourself, but don't either do this MGTOW shit. Of course you're going your own way, you don't need that cringy butthurt stuff.

Do stuff you like. It's stupid to dwell on human relationships.

i'm going my own way too, into a ton of hookers

if you live in fucking dumbass usa that's the only way... usa has fucking crazy shithead feminazis all over. and they're voting trump
i dont even know how theyre still alive

in the us, it's worse to be a sexist than a racist

i dont think the men would care that the women dont care
thats the fucking point, you know?

It's cringeworthy shit and usually the guys they have represent it are total fuckin loser dicks. But they do have a point, idk millennial women are shit. They have absolutely zero domestic or living skills mostly and just have their body to offer. Millennial men are the same way, honestly millennials are just absolute shit


only option in US, I'm moving back to Europe to find a decent girl and remove kebab

Memories are important to women, she said.

Why does the human mind have to be a piece of fucking shit when it comes to memory?

When you so desperately want to forget something, it shoves you in a room with it, chains you to the operating table and reminds you of it all over and over and over and over and over and over and




Why the fuck do 99% of the feminazis come from america, though?

source? i've seen the rightmost one and i'm sure this is a porno

Are you 12?

Check em, because the Jews own the USA outright completely. It's seriously useless to be a millennial and try to date and build something worth while in the states with a partner these days. Outright waste of time, fuck the girl and leave. No more. No less

are you a meritard?

oh you think, they make porn?
you seem very smart mr. user!

if you press the small arrow in the OPs post you will see an option to search for sources of that image. YOU ARE WELCOME.

MGTOW = male feminists

just a bunch of hurt, lonely, emotionally unstable people pretending to be empowered

i found this but it's not all

lurk moar

>being this reductionist
No wonder you're alone

on the one hand it could be genuinely liberating to refuse the marriage industrial complex and being manipulated by the puss

on the other hand, mgtow might just be a convenient way to get you to "voluntarily" give up something you weren't getting anyway instead of asking hard questions about why society is failing you so miserably

>just a bunch of hurt, lonely, emotionally unstable people
you are thinking of people who use Sup Forums to have "conversation"

i think you absolutley dont understand mgtow...
they just dont need women. they dont try to "equality" the womens asses so the men can get what they want. they just dont want anything to do with women in terms of relationsship
nice try though, feminazi

thats why you pay attention to the males who can get it but refuse because to be honest.
most women never relax.

i mean, why not both? why not hate women for the miserable pieces of shit they usually are while simultaneously drowning in snatch? i don't see why those two things need to be mutually exclusive

I don't honestly see how you can be anti-MGTOW unless you are a butthurt women concerned about "muh husband pool".


>millennials are just absolute shit

So true. A whole generation of useless faggots.

There is every need to be upset Kek
But we are a generation of selfish swine Jew greed scum

exactly the same as feminists.. they pretend they dont need men after men have rejected them

I'm actually embracing it more and more each day, and it's paying off. I don't have to deal with the drama and bullshit other men who are in relationships do, and when I make some serious cash, I can invest it in my hobbies, interests, and hard-savings (like gold and silver). Just bought my first silver bar today, in fact, for the same price it would have cost me to treat a woman to a nice dinner. I love the MGTOW movement, because it makes me feel less 'bad' about being single, and assures what I've known for so long but was afraid to say: women are nothing but cold, manipulative bitches.

Speaking of, how much do men normally spend a month on their girlfriends? On their wives?

Does this imply not seeing girls at all ? I mean not even fucking sluts from bars or hiring prostitutes ?

>a whole generation is shit that we can't even define

Okay kid. Just remember it was the baby boomers (our parents) who actually fucked up the world with their greed and narcissism.

People say millennial's could be born anywhere from 1980-2001. you're probably a millennial and don't even realize it. Otherwise you're over 36 and just a big faggot who doesn't actually understand the world.

kek, definitely a subset of Sup Forums but plenty here authentically just dgaf

>feminist with a penis
Difference being, women are at the advantage...and the fact that women don't have a leg to stand on.

I hate faggots who use the phrase "millennial's" like they're some sort of fucking god. You baby boomer piece of shit. You fucked everything up.

Go vote for Bernie sanders ya commie faggot

Lmfao, another faggot who doesn't get life.

>let's generalize an entire group of people.

Okay, goat cheese let's do this.

People like you are:

1. Racist
2. Homophobic
3. Bad at math
4. Autistic.

So let's do the logic.

If all millennial women lack domestic living skills, how is it that you believe all Mexican women are housemaids. If you believe all men only use your body, why do you believe that all fatties do is sit around and jack off to shota?

Obviously you're fucking retarded.

How small is your dick that you have to blame your kids for your fuckups...

>plenty here dgaf
keep telling yourself that a bunch of teenagers DGAF.
when we all know teenagers. especially Sup Forums using teenagers care way to much about others thoughts.
MGTOW because they want to just go home after a day of work and do nothing. or have the weekend come and have no plans.
women never relax so they always want to do something...which is mostly just looking at a thing or standing at a place.

>millennials are just absolute shit
Thank the generation who failed to properly raise us. The same generation that us so-called 'millennials' had to teach how to turn on a fucking computer.

You must be half retarded because I'm not even american you scum piece of shit.

And I've never understood why small dicked faggots like you even respond to my messages if you can't even fuck a pinapple into bits.

Yes. Thank you. This is exactly what I think. Baby boomers are fucked up.

This fucking thread has me fuming. I want to punch every faggot homosexual who believes they aren't millennial's and think they can even use that work as a derogotory statement right in the fucking face, knock your tooths out mother fuckers. let's do this. I want to fuck your insides with a paintbrush and then fucking fuck you with a dirty orange.

Mic drop.

>because I'm not even american
opinion disregarded

typical millenial response

it doesnt matter why youre shit, youre still shit

do something about it

13 year-old "Nihilist" detected

>do something
"something" sure makes sense.
i hope you are always up to a something because im about to something it up right nizzle