Feels thread?
Feels thread?
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thanks man
Has anyone her ever tried positive thinking? Any tips on how to do so? I recently started doing this with the hopes that it will help me get more motivated to finish important tasks during the day.
he is nice indeed
Well is it actually possible? I mean positive thinking? Really?
Usually when I think for more than few minutes about myself or I reflect on anything more important, more complicated I start feeling like shit and I want to vomit or just lay in bed
Anyone feels something similar?
>shit soaked life user here
Yes. I feel like that every day when I wake up. I don't even want to get out of bed to do anything. I'm a broken person who is a husk of their former happy go lucky self. It's amazing how easily and horrifyingly simple it is to have something happen that can do something like this to someone.
>pic related
Yeah, I can sort of relate to that. It's not easy but it's certainly possible (I hope). We all have our different default set of beliefs and feelings that are triggered when we are exposed to failure and setbacks. From what I understand positive thinking is about changing these beliefs and feelings so we don't give up to early or stop trying at all. The longer we have had these beliefs and feelings the harder it is to change them. Our minds trick us and when we have convinced ourselves of something (these beliefs and feelings) it's hard to change that.
Appreciate it, user
>shit soaked life user
I'll have to watch that later. Another pic for you guys.
>be me, 19
>depressed as fuck with social anxiety
>gets hospitalized
>i get out, meet this 29 years old handsome man
>i become his boyfriend, everything is so nice in my life
>he's my only reason to live(it's sad i know but aren't we all?)
>fast forward i thank god I met him.
>he's becoming cold, distant, would tell me to find someone else, suspicious, would ignore me, wouldn't car if we break up
>starts hitting me at his house, car, public, everywhere
>he wants to break up for no reason at all
>i am left heartbroken, he friendzones me
>fall into depression again
>meds stop working
>cry like a bitch in front of the doc, I say there's nothing wrong
>get prescribed 4 different type of meds
>mfw nothing for anxiety
Why even live
I was bracing myself for that third panel to say "but you're amazing and unique and special, so ignore their ignorant hatred".
I was pleasantly surprised.
Because the world isn't completely full of assholes. You deserve much better than him. There are plenty of guys out there who would treat you with actual respect and love you. The only possibility of finding a person like that is to keep on living, to keep fighting your anxiety and to be the best version of yourself that YOU can be.
might've posted this the other day
am still confused about her
short summary
>meet girl online
>text for a month back n forth
>decide to meet up
>very pretty girl
>same kind of humor
>spends 3 days at my house
>we have a lot of fun, go to the movies, friends party, sex
>continue to meet up for the next 5 months
>just before christmas tells me she cant do it anymore
>gets back together with her ex
>3 months pass without any form of contact
>slowly start texting again
>i get "i've missed you in my life" messages
>last week
>some more of those kind of texts
>ask her if she'*s happy
>she says overall yes
i asked her why she's still so unsure about how she decided
she told me she "isn't unsure" and buts two texts with "it was beautiful with you" after that
what is up with this girl, besides obviously trying to either get me to tell her i want her back or keeping me on the back burner?
Aww, thank you user-chan !
You made me smile from the bottom of my heart.
The thing is I'm a fag and we're not so many where I live so the chance is small but still exists :(
I'm glad! :) Maybe you could try online dating if you haven't already? Otherwise you could always move to Sweden. It's full of wonderful fags here!
I'm using 3 dating sites/apps.
Yeah, I considered moving to netherlands already :c but too young
Great! So you have something to look forward to then! Netherlands is even better; no fun drugs are allowed in Sweden except alcohol :P
Would a girl ever say she might be interested just to get someone to stop bothering them? A while back I asked a girl out on a date for the second time and she said yes. Things went to fast for her and she told me she would have to get to know me better before being able to know how she felt about me, but that she would like to get to know me better.
Dem feels