I escaped the forest fire that is currently burning down my city of Fort McMurray, Alberta in Canada

I escaped the forest fire that is currently burning down my city of Fort McMurray, Alberta in Canada.

So far 88 000 people have been evacuated.

Ask me anything!

Did you lose your family, house, or belongings?

Do you know this isn't reddit?

Also if you have it to spare to help support the evacuated people donate to Red Cross. I was told if you aren't in USA or Canada the number might not work and you have to go to the Red Cross website.


don't worry, we saved the cats
omg my house..

Is it too late to go back?


The firest aren't out, currently they are about a 5 minute drive from my house and are spreading. So right now my apartment is still in place.

I evacuated with my girlfriend and her dog. Our cat was at the vet and we couldn't get him, one of the vet workers took him with her to an evac camp. We were at a different camp and met up with her the next day to get the cat.

The town ran out of gas and I only had a quarter tank, I ended up having to ditch my truck and getting in with a friend to get out. No idea what the status of my vehicle is.

Lol canada. Just put it out.

Fuckin fires eh?

Damn was hoping you lost it all.

All you canadians need to shut the fuck up about this fire. Nobody fucking cares. I just found out about it less than 24 hours ago and I browse the net and Sup Forums daily.

Turn around and drive back into it OP. I hope everyone you know lost everything.

People who actually got out of the city are coming back and sneaking around police barricades to get to their homes to see if they are still there. They are driving around video taping like idiots and posting it on fb. And then police are finding out and having to go back into the burning city to rescue/force them to leave.

I hope you lose everything in your life but somehow survive someday. Hopefully you get some sort of physical disability in the process.



I'm from Timberlea, I evacuated early. Any idea if my home is still ok? It's on confederate way.

Man I wonder what it's like to be you. It must feel pretty cold and sad. I guess you will always have your daily net and Sup Forums browsing.

I have multiple times, good try though user :^)

Things getting a little hot up there? Lol stupid fucking faggot.

Walnut crescent has 15 structure fires

The back side of stone creek caught fire and houses are currently burning in that area, don't know what specific streets.

Also the new school being built in north parsons creek was burnt down.

And 12-15 trailers on McKinley are also gone.

I'm from timberlea also.

"nobody fucking cares", except the world. Even Queen Elizabeth II & the Prince of fucking England have donated & have said a statement about it on national television. Other countries across EU have been broadcasting about it as well.
Sorry user, it's only YOU who doesn't care, you edgy little faggot.

>Ask me anything!
>A s k m e a n y t h i n g !
>A s k m e a n y t h i n g !
>A S K M E A N Y T H I N G

Not really. I'm 450 kms south of the fire in an air conditioned hotel room. Thanks for asking though.

Oh you mean those big names that need to keep a good public image? Fucking kek

How about the 25 kids that were shot and killed in other countries while op was writing this pointless thread? Are those families going to have money donated to them to?

Or do all the canadians with free healthcare get it because they cant put out a fucking fire.

Well hopefully you find out somebody in your family is nice and toasty.

I escaped with my girlfriend and animals, my truck isn't paid off so it has whatever it's called on the loan in the event of something like this. So if my truck burns I get a new one. My apartment doesn't have any major valuables in it, my bed was like 2500 dollars and there's a couple of tvs. Other then that it's all small things. No renters insurance either.


what's sad is that people are actually falling for your shit-tier b8

I'm from the east coast of Canada originally, I moved here 6 years ago for work. None of my family are in Alberta. Also because the city is basically a mining/work city and everyone there has to be orientated for safety to work on those sites. 88 000 have evacuated with no casualties and no injuries other then from smoke inhalation. We aren't a bunch of panicking retards that just drop dead.

Fuck it feels good to see the people profiting by causing global warming suddenly having to deal with the consequences. Fuck Fort Mac.

You're clearly a weak minded fuck so this'll be my last response to you. I just cannot argue with people of an IQ below 90. There's a big difference between loss of life & loss of a fucking city. Death saves money, cities burning, homes, belongings, pets, nature, wildlife, vehicles, you name it; it's incinerated. You donate so people can rebuild their lives & actually have food, water and fuel to survive. What can you do for those that are already dead you stupid fuck?
The best part about this is "everyone on Sup Forums is an edgy faglord", no, it's just people like you of weak mind who are manipulated by the other edgy faggots & content you see on a daily basis on Sup Forums. You're not strong enough mentally to witness all the bad shit you see in the world & keep your composure.

I'm guessing you don't use any petroleum products. You don't own or drive a vehicle, you live in a hemp tent, and have no possessions made out of plastic. Congrats green peace.

How does it feel when you know you lost everything? Your house is probably gone by now.


I lived in an apartment in all if my apartment burns down i will probably lose about 10k in possessions. I make that back within a month and a half of wages.

I use all kinds of petroleum products, but I don't make my living producing them or otherwise profit from them monetarily. There's a huge karmic difference between "I eat meat" and "I run the slaughterhouse".

did you not have content insurance?

>I make that back within a month and a half of wages.
Or you would if you had a job to go back to and your industry hadn't slumped into oblivion.

Here let me foretell your employment future:
>would you like your double double in a ceramic mug or a paper cup, sir?

Man you seem to be so smart.

People die, people lose their shit. Nobody gave me money when I lost my house. It isnt my problem to deal with.

They can cry more, I have my own problems. But Im not whining about it.

But yea im just trying to be an edgelord. Nobody on Sup Forums grew up in shitty areas where they may have seen a child disintegrated by a car or anything like that.

Get over yourself child. These faggots in Canada can suck my dick on their burnt relatives ashes.

Unfortunately no. Due to the way the town runs, I'd say 70% of the population is renters. Due to the infrastructure to get proper renters insurance everything you purchase needs to have receipts copied and submitted to be claimed to prove price of possessions, or else they give you nothing. And I don't have receipts for the bigger ticket items.

What's a Canada?

That's not how renter's insurance works at all, and I know because I've made a claim when my place flooded. You don't need receipts of any kind. You're just a moron who wasn't smart enough to insure his possessions, and now you're getting what you deserve

All the job sites are north of the city between 50-120 kms away from the fire. The fire isn't moving north. The job sites all have camps which are currently housing evacuees that didn't make it out and giving them free food. The job sites also have airports and are flying evacuees out to Edmonton or Calgary. My job will still be there, and I can go live in camp and be flown in to work. I was suppose to be working nights when this happened, and my co workers whom were in camp already and didn't live in town were paid to go out on the highway with tanker trucks and give people free food, water, and gasoline.

>nobody gave me money
BAAAAW, nobody gave me anything when i needed it so why should I give others help when they need it!! also, you should of had insurance you dopey fucker.
>get over yourself child
that's rich coming from the guy with the childish mentality, you're acting like a fucking six years old. Nobody gave you a lollipop on the playground so you won't share yours, either. Effectively stunting your growth as a human being & remaining socially inept. Well played user.

i don't know if you're new here or not, but here's a tip.
please stop arguing with the autist user. don't fall for that shit-tier bait.

the pathway to friendship is paved with selfless generosity. people don't normally give people things, so you've got to take the incentive to just be selfless. trust me, once you open up friendship the gifts (whether they're just hanging out, or a car ride home from the bar) will come rolling in

Go call up the red cross and see if you got your money little faggot.

I really hope you have to watch someone you love get torn apart by wolves. You and your entire inbred family dont deserve to live.

This is OP, whoever your arguing with in that post isn't me lol.

Where are most of the evacuated people going? I'm from Edmonton and heard people are coming here to northlands or something. Traffic looked insanely busy yesterday

>man you seem so smart
Ad hominem is second to the bottom on the pyramid of argument
>People die, people lose their shit. Nobody gave me money when I lost my house. It isnt my problem to deal with
you have no way to prove that you lost your home on an anonymous image board. Nobody will believe you
>They can cry more, I have my own problems. But Im not whining about it.
yet you come on here and actively shitpost about how you don't care
>But yea im just trying to be an edgelord. Nobody on Sup Forums grew up in shitty areas where they may have seen a child disintegrated by a car or anything like that.
again, you can't prove that you have seen kids get killed to us, nor can anyone prove it to you.

please stop being a dick and maybe donate to relief funds that help the countries you say are in much more dire need, because you claim to be more interested in those matters

Your virginity is showing

I would but those people have no proof that it actually happened to them so Im not going to.

OP, few questions

1) Whats that like? is it really hot all around you? is it hard to breathe ? looks like a picture of hell on earth to me, like in all those apocalyptic movies.

2) How is your mental state ? are you in shock?


A lot of people didn't want to come this far, I'm currently in Edmonton. Most are in lac, wandering river, Boyle, Athabasca, and slave lake. Currently there are a lot of hotels giving free rooms and food and long term reservations. The one we are in in Edmonton is charging full price for everything so we are switching hotels today and going to one in Leduc. But the current hotel I'm in now is filled with evacuees, and when I went down for breakfast they had American and Mexican rescue teams here in uniform eating breakfast in the restaurant. There was probably 40-60 rescue members there.

Found out about it less than 24 hours ago, around the time when worldwide media started picking up on it.

Hi OP. I'm from northern California, and we have fires like this yearly. The smoke gets so bad in fall it's almost like a permanent fog for a while. I feel for ya op, fire can be scary. Stay safe, hopefully your apartment is still standing when you get back.

I also don't care, this is the first time ive even heard about this shit

Fuck off cocknucks

Here's a fire we had nearby last year

what are you even talking about? You said in a previous post how nobody cares about the "25 kids that were shot and killed in other countries" You were saying that relief money doesn't go to them and instead goes to canada which was, by your morals, an injustice. Have you done anything to help them? or are they none of your concern because of your own problems?

I'm 450 kms North of the fire currently. At first the fire closed off access to flee the city south towards other non burning cities. So we had to go north towards all the oil sands mines and their work camps took people in. We spent one night in the work camp and then woke up at 430 am and while there was no wind we sped through the city while it was on fire. Because there was no wind it wasn't very scary, it was like silent hill, couldn't see very far. Everything was smoking with only small flames. Every few light poles were burnt off from the ground up 10-15 feet so it looked like the power lines were holding up burnt crosses. And people ditched their vehicles everywhere so it looked like scenes from the walking dead whenever they encounter a highway and there's just cars in disarray everywhere.

Just because you love in ignorant US doesn't mean no one cares. Fuck you're stoopid

This is why Canada needs Saddam Hussein to come take over.

Relax, we're just visiting...

Hey look over There!

Yeah so we need to take down all your trees because they're dangerous, they hide moose and bears, and they make a mess every autumn, don't they? So yeah- were just here to take your trees down and let you relax.

Relax buddy, take a seat

Wow. Calling you ignorant is like saying the sun is kinda warm.

So you don't care. Yet you open the thread, read about other people suffering, scroll down to find a likeminded individual & state how you don't care. Nice fucking logic, faggot.

Honestly, can we just purge these low IQ chimps, please.

fort mac is the shithole of canada, its a cesspool of hookers crack rocks and jacked up trucks where everyone wears sunglasses upside down on their baseball caps and tapout t-shirts. BUT i do feel extremely terrible for everyone effected in this horrible incident, and im praying for some rain for you guys. stay strong

I said help them INSTEAD of the free healthcare country. I dont help ANY of them because I could care less. I wont help you until you help me.

People are all in it for themselves. Youll realize that sometime. For now, die in a wildfire :^)

Correction, I'm south not North. We were North first then fled south but had to drive through the city to get this way.

Also my mental state is pretty much numb, just trying to not read Facebook because I don't want to finally find out my vehicle and apartment is gone. Everyone I know is safe and unhurt so that's not a worry. But my girlfriend is glued to the news and Facebook and constantly updating me on every ember that falls from the sky so it's a bit annoying and stressful. I stunk like fire and was covered in dust so last night I bought beer, sat in the tub and watched movies on my iPad while getting drunk while my girlfriend raped social networking.

from an albertan, we know that feel regularly haha. BC is on fire pretty much the whole summer and all the smoke blows over to AB.

thanks for the sympathy cali-bro

i can understand that this situation may be brutal and terrifying and sucks to be those people that were there.

but really, why the fuck would the first thing to pop up in your head after you escaped be "oh hur dur let me post this on Sup Forums"

in that sense, no, nobody gives a fucking flying fucking fuck shit. it's really stupid. "ask me anything guys!" go fuck yourself special snowflake. i hope canada burns in hell and it looks like it has already begun, bitch.


Op here in Vancouver stay SAFE. I feel for you. Fuck these other faggots posting shit. I hope your kids get ran over by cars or something on the way home from school. Or your parents die just because there peace of shit. OP stay Strong

I opened the thread because I didn't know what fucking fire you were talking about, then I found a kindred spirit and decided to add my voice to his

What do you want, an apology?

Does someone have a detailed map of the fire?

>doesn't mean no one cares

I'll give you a D for not being able to read

you ever try touching the glass on your window when you're next to it, its hot huh? :)

No you didnt. In the op is states where the fire was, you searched the thread to shitpost/troll.

Clearly this is God's wrath on Canada. You guys up there pissed him off, you done goofed.

Hot enough for you?

The fire has been going for roughly 5 days. I evacuated 2 days ago, and have been laying around a hotel doing nothing other then drinking beer and eating pizza since yesterday afternoon. Figured I'd see what kind or horrible things the neck beard bros had to say, and see if any other Canadians were creeping b and in the same situation.

Now he's telling me what I did

All right bud think what you want. Obviously you're way too mad

An apology? Your powers of deduction have missed their mark, Sherlock. My "want" was clearly stated. I want to purge all you low IQ chimps from the world - but I'll settle for just the board right now. Now stop shitposting on my Sup Forums, nigger-kin.

Really? Shit dude, well good you found somewhere at least. Everywhere must be filled up by the sounds of it. Whereabouts is your hotel? I'm in the downtown core in a highrise smoking a bunch of weed. I bet the clubs will be busy this weekend with the new guests

I'm glad the U.S. Is helping you, I'm surprised that they don't invade because they would be claiming you guys can't handle your WMD trees and bring you guys some freedums.

"Yeah we invaded Canada- they were going to burn down the oil sands we bought already. And let me tell you- fuck their rivers- we don't give two shits about Canada. Let them use Maple Syrup for all I care."
- Donald Trump 2017 Inaugural Address from the steps of the Capitol building, with Canadian slave lake slaves like liberated and presented after being clothed and taught American.

>people are seriously bitching about a happening thread
Sup Forums, this if not actually a porn board. This is a good thread. Op is reporting from the middle of a large forest fire. Why would you think this thread was shit?

Yeah but that's not happening, I figured that you'd be intelligent enough to realize that. The implication was what do you want [instead]?

I'm at the Rossalyn in the north end, but I'm checking out in 20 mins to go to the Leduc hotel though.

why the stupid name?

Not at all. Not even the user you were talking to, just saw the bad logic in your poat

He isnt in the fire

dude there are a few people telling you to fuck off in this thread. maybe you should fuck off.

>low iq
>giving others money because you want to feel good about yourself.

>tfw the government takes a chunk of that money and puts it into an account that they keep rolling over for the interest

Its all a game you stupid fucking cuck. Thinning the herd was this fire.

I was in the fire the town was on fire for 3 days, the opposite side of the town from where my apartment was, before the wind picked up and the entire town got evacuated. Plus I had to then drive through the burning city to get to the south side of the town to start traveling towards major safe cities.

>whoa man people on the internet are telling you what to do
>why arent you doing what people on the internet are telling you to do

Eat shit cockfag, jump into your fire

I used to live near there! I banged my ex gf a lot in that place. Good luck in Leduc though. How long you planning on staying/what's your next move?

Whoever you are arguing with isn't me either. Just because people are acting like faggots and unintelligent swine doesn't always mean me(the op) is the one arguing with them.

Firefighting canadafag here. This fire cant be put out by people. No amount of guard digging will stop the spread and spotting. And as far as tanker drops go. I have seen blazes eat retardant like it was nothing. All we can do is wait for the cumulative heat to force the rains to begin. That and maybe some back burning. But that's assuming a pilot can even fly in that heat

Speaking of retardant, some of the people in this thread are so fucking salty, I could throw them in a batch of that shit, drop it on the fire, and it would probably do some damage.

Anyways. You'll get through it OP. The Mac may be a cruel mistress, but she will rebuild.


>drinking beer and eating pizza
Yea everybody run and donate to all the faggots sitting in AC doing shit. Not even looking for a job or trying to work.

And this is why I just laugh, stupid fucking faggots.

Yeah but he implied you were currently in it. If you have pics, post bro

Why do you still keep slaves up there near that lake- do they work for free in the pipeline and squeezing the oil from sands and using solvents to rinse the sands to get even more oil and pollute your rivers for us? How cool is that!! Yay u still get to have slaves but don't you guys care about your rivers??

Are your politicians starting to be bought and sold like us real actual American Americans are having done?

You shoudlint do that- it's bad for the environs.

I cannt belive u guys do that.

Makes me sad but Hey- I get to buy a gallon of gas for under two bucks.

Yay anerica

>Ask me anything!

Canadian chicks, they're like moose, eh?