Why can atheists never define atheism?
Why can atheists never define atheism?
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Why do you keep fucking making these threads?
because they're fucking retarded
You can say that again...
atheism is the disbelief or lack of belief in a god or gods
What do you mean by "god?"
Because Not Skiing is not a sport
When someone tells you that atheism is a belief I tell them that bald is a hair colour and not collecting stamps is a hobby.
A lack of belief is a lack of belief. How do you not get that?
Whatever 'divine' entity a theistic claim is made about.
I'm getting tired of this
A man made being or beings given credit of divine intervention and or supernatural powers
But what is atheism a lack of belief in?
Atheists can't define their position.
Stop feeding the troll. This is now a dubs thread:
xd suck my dick, im atheist due to i dont want to spend my life in a thing that i dont know if exists
What do you mean by "divine?" How do you separate theistic claims from other claims?
Check 'em
(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
synonyms: the Lord, the Almighty, the Creator, the Maker, the Godhead; More
(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.
Check out these dubs
I like that bit where they're in like a ravine and the statues on either side have laser eyes
>man made being
Well, if you define a god as only being made up by man, what you have is a self fulfilling prophecy. Well done.
Gets are checked
hey reply to me:
i was the guy you originally responded to with the definition of atheism
talk to me faggot
>a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes
What does this mean? A tiger can run faster than humans. Does this make it superhuman?
>having power over nature or human fortunes
Humans themselves have power over nature and human fortunes. Hell, even the tiger mentioned above can easily use its superhuman speed to kill us. Do you not believe in tigers?
That's up to the theist. They usually tell us if it's a theistic claim or not.
The distinction doesn't matter to me, I'll reject theistic and non-theistic claims based on lack of evidence (or bad definitions).
So if someone tells you that they religiously believe in the laws of physics, and that theirs is a theistic claim, you would then reject the laws of physics?
ITT : Michael Ironside
No, I reject the claim based on the evidence behind the claim. It doesn't matter to me whether the claim is theistic or not. There is no pedestal for claims about god, they don't exist in some other category from non-theistic claim.
If a religious person tells me the laws of physics is a theistic claim I'd ask them to explain why it's theistic.
But you claim to be an atheist, and by your own definition, an atheist rejects all theistic claims. But you appear to have no idea what a theistic claim is.
Like I said, atheists can't define atheism.
Lol nice backpedal, you didn't like the way this convo was going did you.
I never claimed to be an atheist, and my thoughts on theistic claims are varied. My true position would be ignostic, that my response to various theistic claims depends on the nature of that theistic claim.
Atheism is a broad label term that roughly describes my general attitude towards numerous theistic claims, however it doesn't accurately define my position (nor most other atheists). Some gods I actively disbelieve in (Allah, Yahweh). Others, I simply lack belief in (deistic force, pre big bang creator).
It's the theists that can't define theism, which is why the atheists reject it.
Some reading for you:
I haven't backpedaled in the least. My original question was about atheism, and my point is about the stupidity of calling yourself an atheist. If you aren't one, then I have no argument with you, as you may not be entirely retarded.
because OP sucks too many dicks
You know what? Atheists don't have to prove or define anything. YOU'RE the one claiming you have an all-powerful invisible friend in the sky; the burden of proof is on YOU.
Now GTFO and stop making these stupid threads. We're all fucking sick of them.
atheism is the lack of belief to a supernatural omnipotent entity
also im trying to remember where is that pic from help anyone
Everyone has to define their position, and yours is weak, my angry friend.
You say you don't believe in a certain category of things, but you won't say what that category is. I'd say you're either deceptive or an idiot.
What do you mean by supernatural?
Again with the same fucking picture. Get yourself medication or something to help that psychosis.
Fine. My position is that there is no evidence whatsoever that any supernatural entities exist, and until we discover such evidence, I decline to believe in them.
You want to convince me I'm wrong, come up with some evidence for your claim. And no, the Bible doesn't count.
atheism is a claim that one is capable of having their own opinion and free will to discard ideas that are hostile to him.
You're still not saying what you mean. What exactly is the criteria for "supernatural?"
Atheists love to play these kinds of games. I'm not having it.
Is it? Because from the roots of the word, that doesn't look like what it means.
The dictionary doesn't say anything about that either.
Hell, I'm a theist and I discard hostile ideas all the time. Ideas like atheism.
And the only reason that atheism is 'undefined' is because there is no single theistic claim. It's the theists inability to agree on what god is that leads to the inherent uncertainty in what it means to reject that claim. Again, for most atheists, the term atheism is a broad label brush that demonstrates general attitudes towards claims about god. It's stupid that the term exists anyway, we don't have a named term for someone that disbelieves in unicorns or flindlesploofs, it's the religious that have put god on a pedestal that leads to these bad definitions, and which is why most arguments about theism/agnosticism/atheism descend into semantics.
"Supernatural" refers to anything that cannot be adequately explained by the scientific method.
And I'm not the one playing games, here. You're playing the very old rhetorical trick of seizing on any verbal ambiguity and claiming that it renders the argument invalid. And I'm not having THAT.
if you want dictionary explanation - use wiki.
"I discard hostile ideas all the time" - so to those ideas you are atheist. Welcome to the club, pal.
>theistic claim
meaningless statement, you still can't define what theistic is
>general attitudes towards claims about god
But what is a god?
>It's stupid that the term exists anyway
You're damn right it is.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence for your position.
The disbelief in a god/higher power?
What about how the universe seems to be expanding at an accelerating rate? That can't be explained.
More to the point, let's consider the cow. Did you know that cows always graze facing north or south? You can't explain how they know which way is which.
Cows confirmed for "supernatural." I suppose you don't believe in them.
In that case everyone is an atheist and the term is meaningless, which is my point.
'What is a god' is a question to be asking theists, not atheists. There is no black and white definition, and it requires nuance. There may be a god figure in a video game, but that doesn't mean the creators of that video game are suggesting that god exists in real life.
Again, atheism is simply a broad brush, and deciding what it applies to depends on the nature of the claim made.
Btw, you said you were a theist. What is a theist?
i refuse to believe that these fedora tipping autist's are taking the bait
I wouldn't be caught dead in a fedora, but debating idiots is fun. At least for awhile.
So, why are you asking atheists to define theistic terms?
>'What is a god' is a question to be asking theists, not atheists
No, it isn't. Theists usually define their god or gods. Atheists refuse to define their position.
>what is a theist
A meaningless term, like atheism. But I'm not going to let you derail the conversation just because you're getting destroyed, and telling you my religion would let you do so.
Atheists claim not to believe in a category of things, but won't tell you what that category is.
The expansion of the universe is indeed an unsolved problem in cosmology. However, the fact that we don't have a complete theory does NOT mean that God did it.
I've heard that notion about cows. I don't believe it, but even if it's true, that doesn't mean there isn't a scientific explanation. Again, no proof that God did it.
But you are right about one thing: my definition of "supernatural" was imprecise. What I should have said is, anything which can NEVER, even potentially, be explained by the scientific method.
not everyone, there are "theists" that live their lives by their religion scripts/orders and are basically limited in ability to make their own decisions.
which is seen by those who can as being retarded. no offence - in the end they are free to believe what they want.
>not answering what a theist is because you have no answer and if you tried every bit of "logic" you've used against us could be used right back at you
you're embarrassing yourself
The acceleration is because every point in space is expanding so two points that are further away to begin with move away faster than points that are closer. The point is the expanse is in fact constant and not accelerating. The mystery is the source of energy which doesn't imply anything supernatural at all.
Atheism: The choice to only believe that which can be proven.
Theism: The belief that asking stupid questions on Sup Forums accompanied by pictures of this twat will convert people to your shit religion.
>Theists define their god
No they don't.
Theists used to define their gods, but now that we've become more knowledgeable about the world, they use vaguer and vaguer descriptions like 'exists outside of space and time'. What does that even mean???? They can't resolve logical inconsistencies in their gods (perfect/needs workship or omnipotent/omniscient) so instead make up stuff like 'he defies our logic'. What does that even mean?
Any well defined god can be pretty easily disproved, so theists resort to using the vaguest definitions ever.
ITT : people still arguing with this guy
Not to mention that they're always saying that God is beyond human understanding--but then proceed to tell us exactly what God thinks about the political issue of the day.
>Did you know that cows always graze facing north or south?
live on a farm can confirm this is 100% false.
I live in Sonoma County, California. Lots and lots of cows around here. They graze facing every direction possible, though they do tend to align with each other.
God I've always wanted to fuck her face
The game
OP...You are too childlike. As an adult you should give up on fairy tales.
i wish u would fucking kill yourself, you stupid cunt
>Dem tabs
>Faggot confirmed
Oh you
I think that's the joke
You must be new here
I though this shit died last fall?
The ride never ends.
Hey OP, did you check out those logical absolutes yet?
I'm going for trips
Im an atheist.
Why need a definition?
I am simply are an Atheist.
Do u have some kind of order-disorder? kek
gfto Sup Forums
>Atheists refuse to say what a god is because they're dumb
>So lemme just refuse to say too
>Atheism and Theism = meaningless terms
>It's not like they mean believing/not believing in religion
>Christians can be atheist too don't be racist.
Thanks for asking! I'm Super!
>believing/not believing in religion
What is religion?
oh shiiit! quads !!
I have never met an atheist who couldn't define atheism. Your question is nonsense