Name one racist thing Donald Trump has said
>protip you cant
Name one racist thing Donald Trump has said
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"I am white"
I know right I hate how these fucking water head dipshits are protesting and when they are asked why they are all.. ummm... uhhh.. Trumps a racist, yea that's it, he's a racist. But they can never actually provide any source or facts.. fucking sheeple Obama liberals.. the TV tells them that trump is a racist and they run to the streets blindly. Fuck this country is retarded
"When I get into office I'm going to lead a mass genocide of Muslims, jews, black people, children, and all Spanish people. My goal is to literally be like Hitler."
I saw him say it at a rally.
Wrong.. he only wants to enforce the law. Did you know that we actually have a law that regulates immigration and provides security and stability.. but the flood of Mexican illegals has made it very difficult to screen and regulate this immigration. All he wants to do is enforce laws that already exist, to provide security and sovereignty to our country.. no racist undertones.. just common sense law enforcement
I hate Mexicans and black people
Okay me too, but you're supposed to name something trump said.
Black people or niggers? There's a difference. Some blacks like Thomas Sowell are decent people
"Gas the kikes. Race war now."
Thomas Sowell is rabidly anti-Trump. He's a nigger.
What is funny is the blm and mexican protesters are making an enemy of a person who is going to President. What kind of stupid moron would actively antagonize and provoke a future president. He will work tirelessly to underline amd destroy these faggots when elected. I can't wait to see thw looks on their faggot faces when the fbi and NSA goes to work on these hate groups. Lmmfao
"Mexican jew stole my bike ! nigga !"
Donald Trump, 1967.
you really can't but nigger faggot SJWs are like hes to mean because the truth hurts
White guy wants to enforce the law.. must be racist. Fuck off you fucking liberal asshat.
I was mostly joking. I'm half black and I'm supporting Trump tho.
He called all Mexicans rapists and thieves. Then he wanted to put all Muslims on a list. Granted, the latter isn't racist technically, but close enough to mention.
Please state and source one racist thing he said.
protip: Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion. Not that this matters, but most people seem to get this confused with racism.
Should about do it.
and that coincidentally means getting rid of a few brownies
its funny cause the hispanics like to vote for more border ptroal because the legal ones hate the ones ruining it for everyone else
I'm voting for him just to taste trigglypuff's tears
MUSLIM is not a race, it's a religion, which America is really tolerant about.
MEXICAN isn't a race, it's a nationality.
It's not racist to hate a nationality.
AND NO, Donald Trump did not say ALL mexicans are thieves and rapists.
Please show me a video of him saying such things, and it must include the word ALL.
Apparently Sexism is racist guys!
''Heroes are those who murder jews. Little kids want to murder jews'' - Trump at AIPAC
These shit heads are pissed because the liberal president and dems have babied the criminals and troublemakers for years. They have spread the entitlement mentality and socialist agenda to the point that anyone who wants people to be responsible and achieve something are viewed as greedy and hateful. Fucking insanity. Once the country is woke up and put back to work, we will begin to become normal again.
"There are Lies, Damned Lies, and Lies you read on the Internet"
Abraham Lincoln
>He called all Mexicans rapists and thieves.
Nah that's what John Oliver, Gawker, and buzz feed said.
State the Source of your quote, without proof, this post is pointless.
And Jews isn't a race, it's a religion.
Look how fucking retarded anti-trump people are!
has Trump perhaps been very clever in avoiding saying truly racist things?
or is it... he's not racist, just doesn't want 9/11 or illegals in our country again
He said that mexico isn't sending their best and do brightest. And yes there are a huge number of criminals coming across the border. That's a fact. And as for the mudslimes.. fuck them.. I would concentrate on depOrting them before the mex9can illegals. Read up on Islam and take a tour of Europe and visit some of the Islamic neighborhoods in places like France and Belgium and then tell me how.much you support the mass importation of thousands more.of these animals into our society
xd mudslimes
I think he's satirizing out of context quotes
>Something something attract idiots who believe they're in good company.
The bit about mexicans sounded like an inarticulate gaffe, and it'll dog him for the rest of the election. The media will be playing that soundbite like a dubstep remix for months.
The birther thing was also retarded as fuck.
>jew is a religion
"yes I know about this. Look okay I'm sorry but we have a Muslim and a Mexican problem. Plain and simple okay? Look I love the food but hate the people. Well love is a strong word okay? It gives me the horrible shits. So the Muslims and the Mexicans. Yeah I'm gonna get on that. I'm going to get people okay? Good people, smart people on it. The best. We're gonna put them in these camps see? Not just any camps, camps with large ovens. You can guess what the ovens are for okay? I mean it's just come to this you know? Don't get me wrong I love Mexicans and Muslims, half of my friends are Mexicans and Muslim but really they've brought this on themselves. People like to say I'm Hitler, call me Hitler. People like lying Cruz or Woman card Hillary. Let me tell you this, I'm going to go past Hitler. I'm going to surpass him in every way. I'm going to make this country great again."
I found this quote on buzz feed the other day, seems legit.
Trump supporters: He's bigoted not racist!! Get it right!!
You are confusing patriotic and law abiding with bigoted. Just because mexicans are breaking a. Certain law.. does not mean that if you support the emforcing of said law, that you are anti mezican. You are simply pro law.
"OP is a nigger. A lying nigger. You know, I have no problem with niggers. Niggers love me. But this OP...I mean what a lying faggot nigger."
Same reasoning goes.for violent felony convictions aND the representation of race in prison.. facts are African Americans commit more violent felonies and drug offences. Therefore they will represent a larger presence in prisons.. it's not racism.. it's just the way it is. Mexicans represent a large number of illegals, blacks represent most violent and drug crime, mudslimes are responsible for terrorism. Sorry of the data is inconvenient.
lol what
Nothing in that was racist
Say all you want, you know Donald isn't a racist now!
You cant your right
The way Killary and Bernie pander to the blacks and grovel around like cucks seems more racist to me than blatant opinions of trump. I get sick to my stomach every time I see Killary giving a speech in Harlem and talking about how terrible the world.treats blacks and minoroties.. jesus christ! Do people actually fall for this shit. She doesn't give a fuck about blacks. She takes fuck loads of money from rich bankers and financial groups who fuck over minorities every day of the week. Liberals support the ideaology that blacks are less than whites in society and enable the victimology mindset. Worse than any blatant racism. This prevents many blacks from ever succeeding.
"Mexicans love me"
"Chinese love me"
...Everybody love me long time.
"Only Rapist, murders and drug deals are coming from mexico"
This is hilarious, but not racist:
Yesterday at Breitbart News, former Mexican president Vicente Fox was the guest, and they were discussing Trump being offended by Fox's cursing. Trump said, "That's bad. You don't say that." When he heard that Vicente Fox had dropped the F-bomb, Trump said, "You don't talk that way. That's a shame. For a former world leader to talk that, that offends me." So Trump was asked what thinks about it, and then Vicente Fox was asked by Breitbart what he thinks of what Trump said.
FOX: Yes. I'm humble enough -- as leaders should be, compassionate leaders. If I offended with you, I'm sorry.
RUSH: So Vicente Fox apologizes to the Trumpster. Don't misunderstand what the apology is for. The apology is for using the F-bomb. The apology is not anything to do with the wall or immigration, although some might extrapolate and think that it is. So then here's magnanimity. Here is graciousness. Here is... This is the kind of behavior that many in the GOP think defines proper political behavior in the world today: Grace, humility, kindness, and so forth. Vicente Fox, "Yes. I'm humble enough -- as leaders should be, compassionate leaders. If I offended with you, I'm sorry." So last night Bill O'Reilly was talking to Trump. "You got any message for Vicente Fox, who's gonna be on the show later?"
TRUMP: Yeah: Get your money ready 'cause you're gonna pay for the wall."
TRUMP 2016
discriminate against blcks
heis dad was in kkk
say all Hispanics are rapist and child molester
"Ban all Muslims." Not racist, but essentially the same.
>tfw Bernie said an entire race of people can't experience poverty but it was okay because he said white people
Bobby we are talking about trump; please turn the gun and spare us one less chumptard.
"I HATE EVERYONE" - Fraule Trump
>Not racist, but essentially the same.
Mfw the funny thing is I can't even tell if this is bait, a joke, or serious. This is what "racism" in our society has turned into.
>Insulting women is sexist
>Can't insult women, only men
>We are so brave to defending equality!
libs be like...
Mexico is not sending their best and broghtest. They are sending criminals and rapists. There are crime reports and statistics to support this. Legal immigration provides a pathway for good people to enter the country. Illegal immigration allows drug dealers and criminals in. There is a huge criminal underworld that exists to sneak people and drugs and weapons across the border. Along with millions of dollars. That's why the Mexican gov. Isn't doing shit to help.
Reread that sentence and use your brain to comprehend the meaning.. for example.. the first two words mean..?
Seriously. It's pathetic. "Racist" has become the new "fascist", to mean just anyone remotely rude or politically incorrect or right wing.
>Not racist, but still racist
Why, Western society? Why?
I hope you guys a trolling.. otherwise the autism is too much for me.
I could further explain what I meant but honestly what is point.
>Why, Western society? Why?
When you can't attack the facts, and you can't attack the law or the logic, you attack the person. It's call an ad hominem attack.
>banning an entire group of people
Yes, that's bigoted. Not racist but just as bad.
Also, what the fuck could that possibly accomplish?
You presented no facts or arguments. Your entire argument was "This isn't racist but it counts as racist anyway".
Fucking moron.
Banning a group of people.. what is I this a chat room? How can you ban a group of people?
"I have a great relationship with the blacks"
>A person who is flat chested is very hard to be a 10
It's not nice but it's true. It also isn't only talking about women, men without pecs can't be a 10 either
>Next two are attacks on a specific person who had previously attacked him, not women in general
>"She had the height, she had the beauty, she was crazy. But these are minor details"
Saying that how someone looks is just a minor detail, how they act is what's important is apparently sexist
>Next one isn't an attack on women
>One after that is actually attacking sexist media outlets for hiring women who are pretty but terrible at their jobs
>"That must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees"
I don't actually know the context of this one but the woman he was talking about said that it didn't offend her and she thought Donald was a great man
>Talking about a nosebleed and assmad women go straight to their vaginas
>"Women, you have to treat them like shit"
Don't know the context of this one, sounds pretty bad
>he only wants to enforce the law
Gets caught breaking that law.
It could accomplish having less Muslims in USA. A good thing by any measure.
Islam is an ideology, a set of beliefs. Judging people by their beliefs is the polar opposite of racist, so no not "just as bad".
The definition of Bigoted is being intolerant of other opinions. So I guess if you don't allow Nazism or racism, you're also a bigot.
Basically "bigot" is a useless word, because everyone is a bigot technically.
>Referring to African Americans who are from Europe
Context is a bitch.
"Make America Great Again"
That carries with it, so many racial overtones. Basically shitting all over other countries, and especially the ones populated heavily with brown-skinned people.
Xenophobic not racist
"I love Mexicans. I love African Americans."
Some girl from a movie about nazi Germany said to another crying girl that Hitler was just making their country great again. There's more factual proof that trump is racist.
>>"Women, you have to treat them like shit"
>Don't know the context of this one, sounds pretty bad
It's not a direct quote first of all, and the context is
"His contempt for beautiful women who like to be abused is boundless..."
So yes, completely misrepresented and another lie. It's becoming predictable.
loretta lynch made mention of this and many agree.
>Making USA great is racist
who left the door to the tard pen open?
code words, or hidden meanings. a.k.a. racial overtones.
>EU vs. US
>le fatty McHamburgers
>le gun and crimes
>le stupid american schools
>le terrible at footeball
>i le racists, shock le blue!
You are a big racist poopy head. There -- I couldn't attack any facts or reasoning, so I attacked YOU. That's what I was trying to say.
He's not racist like SJWs say hes just retarded.
Considering the choices I'm staying home on election day
So in other words, you're voting for Hillary.
a.k.a. projection and dishonesty.
pfffffffft, go back to school buddy
shows how educated trump supporters are
my life is fine right now. why not?
>being this new
He hasn't said anything racist, people make that shit up out of nothing. This is coming from a Hillary supporter too.
I wish we would base our votes on facts and not dumb shit that some tabloid site made up for clicks.
>code words
Damn, you lefties are spin-masters. Try to take anything you can and spin it to fit into our agenda.
You do realize that 90% of people can see right through this bullshit, and are sick of it. This is exactly the kind of BS that made Trump do so well.
fucking sign me up for Trumpland