Well Fuck...
Well Fuck
I'd suck your penis OP
what, you have 3 fingers?
what's the problem OP? Did the mutilated kids in school bully you again?
I'm Batman...
phomosis ?
same... phimosis sucks.
This looks familiar...Crotchtits, is that you?
shave that shit.
Don't worry, circumcision is painless unless your dick goes diamonds days after the operation
Just pull it back a little bit more each day. Eventually it will stretch out.
Your pubes look like some muslim's beard.
because you're parents were dumb fucks who never took you to a doctor as a child. i was 5 when my doctor told me to peel back the foreskin every day during a shower so phimosis didn't occur.
If you're complaining about phimosis.. google phimocure. It's rings that stretch it out. Doesn't take long. Doesn't hurt. Works like how people stretch their ear lobes. Circumcision takes 99% of the feeling away. I have restored from it and talked to many others who have done the same is how I know. The amount of feeling it takes away is horrendous. Phimocure is simple, painless and cheaper.
Your doctor is an idiot and you were lucky for having an abnormal dick.
It is not normal to be able to pull your foreskin back at that age.
I couldn't do it until I was 11.
Google phimocure. It's like ear lobe rings for your foreskin.
I was about to say the same.
foreskins are the roasties of penises. you know, like rostie vaginas. l
The what now?
foreskin is supposed to loosen by the age of 3, so you're actually both wrong.
I never understood how people get this problem.
When I was young my dad taught me to pull back the skin for peeing, not all the way when I was really young, but little by little it started t give out, and then I pulled back to clean in the shower
Today am the proud master of this magnificent specimen
well some parents are not comfortable talking to their kids about their privates.
My dad told me to pull my skin back when I bat once when I was maybe 6 or so and then never again and he did not check if I did it or not. I tried though when I learned that touching myself fown there felt good around 8 (?) but couldn't do it for years to come.
Still remember when I finally did it. Was playing with myself at around age 11. Didn't know hwo to masturbate yet, didn't have an orgasmy yet and had never seen my glans before. pulle the sin down as far as I oculd before but it hurt and I could only uncover my pee hole. Then one night suddenly it felpt like *plop* and it was down all the way. Felt like champ that night and explored that newly found bodypart...