Autismo bread. Tell me how autistic you are, Sup Forums
Autismo bread. Tell me how autistic you are, Sup Forums
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In 6th grade i ranked every shirt i had and ordered them so every day i was wearing the best availie shirt
What was the correlation between shirt and shit?
My psychiatrist thinks I might have brain damage from birth.
Aspergers was suspected for a while.
I'm just awkward in social situations, not very outgoing. Also kissless virgin
I was very cringy brony,
I want to kill myself everytime I think about that
I dont understand most of the jokes my schoolmates say.
I feel uncomfortable when I'm in places with lots of people, I walk 2 kilometers to the shop because other shops have too many customers
a year or so ago, my brain was scanned. MRI it's called? Anyway they found many (I didn’t ask how many) black spots in my brain, they dunno what they are. But they think its brain damage.
You said you ordered it so every day you were wearing the best available shirt. What made a shirt the best available according to the shits you took?
Holy shit I'm the autistic one. I originally thought you ranked your "shits" and wore a special shirt depending on which shits you took. I'm sorry.
Some of us here still want to know the answer.
I don't know if it's related to autism, but I'm pretty ritualistic. For example, I always check the door 3 times before going to bed. I always need to do something with my hands, when having a lecture in class i sometimes snap my ruler, or don't notice when I've been clicking my pen for an hour straight. When i try drawing something, i usually just end up drawing straight lines, perpendicular to each other.
Another unrelated thing (or maybe not), I often "drift away?", i mean like.. even when someone's talking to me. People constantly ask me what I'm thinking about, I don't think I am thinking about anything..
Sounds like OCD mixed with being an INTP, but I'm no expert on disorders or personality types.
I was really interested how shits and shirts could correlate. I was thinking maybe this guy takes off his shirt when he shits, and the ease of that had something to do with it.
Diagnosed high functioning autism spectrum/aspergers a few months back. Myself, friends, family and school had always suspected it.
What are the effects of said damage?
I was diagnosed with aspergers.
I've done a couple of different meyer briggs tests, Gotten INFJ every time.
Is the damage manifested in your behavior?
What's different about you?
That's pretty rare as I'm sure you read.
I work a lot with food, so I feel that my main source of what people would consider autism comes from just trying to not cross contaminate shit. I do not use my hands to directly touch food that I am eating, I'd rather use utensils, even when eating chips or finger foods.
Strong introvert who has been forced into positions where I have to direct others and give speeches (largest audience of 390+).
>often "drift away?"
Yeah, I do that, but I am thinking and imagining scenarios. My wife will find me staring at an object for 20 minutes or more, meanwhile I am running scenarios.
Not autistic I got tested.
Do gave add tho *3*
For 20 minutes? What kind of scenarios?
>Yeah, I do that, but I am thinking and imagining scenarios. My wife will find me staring at an object for 20 minutes or more, meanwhile I am running scenario
YES, shit, I thought I was the only one.
I was thinking that he might have lighter colored shirts for days when he would have smaller bowel movements, and darker colored shirts for heavy days. Apart from Shirt/Shit correlation, he could have functional shirts vs. comfort shirts. (Gas station style for work, Plain white for leasure)
I wish I could get rid of every single piece of clothing I wear and just buy 8 matching dark brown suits and 8 pairs of sweats/white shirts.
I‘m always afraid people are going to beat me up for no particular reason when I leave my apartment (this goes especially for gas stations. nightclubs, malls and bus stops). So besides from going to university and groceries I avoid going out and talking to any people at all.
Zombie apocalypse.
hard to say I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia before the MRI tho. But maybe the damage is the reason for my bad short term memory, I keep forgetting... alot of shit.
The most noticeable thing is just an extremely flat affect. I'm really articulate but my speech is very deadpan and I'm expressionless most of the time. Sometimes I have inappropriate emotional responses and people tell me I seem like I'm not there alot. I'm extremely sensitive to sound and touch and have alot of weird textural phobias (I can only wear very soft clothing, can't touch flour and I hate walking on snow). I generally feel no empathy and it's almost impossible for me to make friends. Interestingly, I've had a shit ton of girlfriends throughout my life.
i go on Sup Forums allot thats pretty autistic
why are you conducting a survey on us? what is this for? your homework?
Really depends on what is on my mind at the moment. Planning a garden, cost analysis for business, build optimizations on a video game I play, network layout for property I manage, story boarding. Shit like that.
Oh, and I'm very obsessive about certain aspects of my life and will spend huge amounts of time concentrating on particular subjects, but other parts of my life I just let go completely. I'm extremely organized and meticulous about my projects of interests but my house looks like a landfill.
What's your plan? I used to think of taking over a sporting good's store.
Sounds like it's not too bad a gig being you.
Just interested is all.
Not sure why it happens, but sometimes I can't hold my pee in. I'm 22. When I was in college, I would have to walk around with stains on my pants because I couldn't hold it in all the way through class.
I await the sweet release of death.
see i am actually autistic but these just take me a few seconds to work out they are impossible i am not entirely sure what the goal of these is it to make some autisit try spend hours puzzling over it
That's fucking rough. Ever go to a doctor?
it isn't impossible
What are those particularly interesting subjects of your life?
What's the greatest effect the schizophrenia has on you?
Maybe you should take a self defense class.
Yeah, they best they could do was tell me they don't know what causes it. Maybe stress. Thanks doc. This happened in front of the girl I love. Obviously she's with someone else. I want to kill myself, but I have family and friends who would be hurt, so I'll just keep living until God takes me out personally. I have some questions for him.
Yea, I think the descriptions fit very well. The one I'm a bit iffy about is the F, I sincerely think I'm both Feeling and Thinking, not just one. I mean, I'm a programmer, that must count for something.
I'm not trying to be demeaning when I ask this, but why not wear adult diapers?
The only consistent one is music. I've played piano since I was four and have been studying composition and theory since I was 13 (I'm 27 now). Other ones come and go. I spent about three years thinking about nothing but the rational distance unit square problem, for instance. The past two weeks I've been really interested in dieting and nutrition, to the point that I'll spend five or six hours a day trying to work out nutrition plans.
Everyone is everything, the types aren't conclusive. Programming definitely sounds more like a T career. I usually score INTP, and info on them says they really enjoy systems. I enjoy language and grammar, you seem to like computers. Both are a kind of complex system.
the most autistic thing i do is my life i stick to a routine i eat the same meals on the same days i eat lunch and watch a specific video i eat dinner and i have to watch a different specific video go to sleep at the same tie wake up at the same time i apply for jobs Tuesday and Thursday i go to see y dad one weekend then my mum the next i wont break this routine and if something stops it upsets me
the window solution isnt a solution
Idk i like some shirts better because if softness or style idf the shirt, i have a led zepplin shirt i really like
I'll have to look up that square problem. What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking.
Shirt ranker here, jeez you huys are autistic
Are you ... :^)
I tried to take over another company and ended up paying 3.5 billion to that company when Obama told me to sit the fuck down
I've considered it. Lately it's been easier to control, so i just stay near a bathroom at all times. The thought of wearing diapers disgusts me. I had to wear teen diapers to bed when I was young, I had a severe bedwetting condition which thankfully is gone now. I refuse to wear a diaper because to me that's a final admission of defeat. Maybe, with practice, things will get better.
Not autism but did do?
Delusions would be the greatest effect. I don’t have any hallucinations or auditory Hallucinations thankfully.
My medication keep the delusions in somewhat check.
Good talk, thanks.
I'm a piano teacher at a camp for the summer. It's usually really hard for me to hold normal jobs for longer than a month or two. I've been through tons of shitty restaurant jobs but I'm too awkward/antisocial even for the kitchen. Tried being a waiter once and it was a fucking disaster.
It sounds like things are getting better. Seeing as though you can now sleep without wetting the bed, I'd say the problem is stress. Sleeping used to be stressful for me as a kid, only difference was I would just get really scared of the things I imagined. I guess what I'm saying is, your tendency to wet yourself is your cross to bear, but it does seem like something you can conquer.
i am here from the day 1
get on my level bitchs
I used to wait tables at a retirement home for no tips, didn't enjoy it one bit. I ask, though, because I think your ability to conduct complex thought could be put to good use in a higher level field. Maybe physics or something. Only problem is getting into the world conducive to your strengths.
MAXIMUM autism.
I don't know if i have mild assburgers or i'm just selfish and psychologically scarred from my school days combined with mind social anxiety.
Either way i have absolutely no natural ability to be social at all. What everyone seems to take for granted in social situations it takes me a lot of concious effort. I don't know how to talk to people and i get rather panicky when i have to, even if it's just making a phone call - and even then 9 times out of 10 i'm sweating by the end of it.
And i don't even attempt to talk to attractive women. You'd think at 35 i'd get over flushing & sweating like crazy when talking to them right? Wrong.
I also am a douchebag too; sarcastic and a little dickish but i just don't realise i do it until minutes afterwards.
I'm having trouble understanding the problem. Could you explain?
What were the delusions like before medication?
Somebody must be screencaping this
I also sweat a lot. It makes me wanna move out west somewhere with low humidity.
Thanks user, I think I'll be alright. I've already lost the girl I love because of that and whatever else is wrong with me, I don't think I'll ever be with her again. When i met her, she was with this angry little faggot who would constantly berate and ridicule me because he knew she liked me. I'm sure he talked shit behind my back to her. I still talk to her on fb, but I see he keeps in touch too. This is the only fight I want to win. I feel like she can never see me for who I am because that faggot twisted her view of me.
Forgive my long rant but I have no one else to talk to about all this.
I was thinking/hoping the same thing.
more autistic than that kid apparently, the ducks would have been in order from biggest to smallest without the shoes and other degenerate order.
I are not, he
Does she care really about your issue?
This thread's creeping me the fuck out.
I can relate to a lot of things here. Too many.
>too old to accept being autistic now
It'll be on r/Sup Forums i garuntee it
you are right i hate that fucking solution because it makes no god dam sense
I only come here so I can steal your jokes for reddit
my wife did it .... is she a autist
do i have autism?
She doesn't know. It happened once when I was with her but I don't think she noticed. I cleaned myself up by going to the restroom. I didn't see her that often, the times I did were brief. I fucking pray she never noticed.
Felt like I was being spied on, was convinced my neighbors had it in for me and was planning to kill me, I felt I was followed everywhere I went outside, I would only drink bottled water because I was convinced the tap water was poison. So yeh, it was a bad time in my life.
Another autistic thing ive done
> i memorize the nam of every girl i have ever liked
>there started to be too many so i had to figure out a way to write tgem down without anyone knowing what it meant
>i got a piece of graph paper and wrote the names diagnoly down to the right
So name one started at a1, b2, c3, d4... name2 or n2 = a2, b3, c4,d5... >If the name was too long it wrapped around
No, probably just stupid.
If that's the case then I wouldn't go so far as to say your chances with her are ruined. That's not to suggest that your problem would even be a problem with her either. I think there's hope.
>I sweat a lot
Lose weight, tubbs.
I'm still convinced there's something fucked about tap water. Even filters have me suspicious.
One letter in each cell?
wow. autism/10. when were you diagnosed?
I'm so autistic, that I only fuck hot women. Don't know why. Must be the autism. Only hot women
I'm 140ish Ibs and I sweat a lot.
I'm 5'9 & 3/4" and weigh 170. I think I just sweat a lot, could be something like hypohydrosis.
Thanks user, I hope so too. I just wish she would talk to me instead of the abusive faggot she used to be with. Time will tell.