Unwanted sexual acts thread

Unwanted sexual acts thread

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Why did this make me laugh


I laffd hard.. idk dude


Another one


there was this video i saw last week
a girl sitting on stairs
a guy cum on her and run away
whats that called? or anyone has the video?




cum sharking

shes like the perfect woman for me. Can't explain, but faces like hers get me so hard

Where do you find more like these


For great justice

I wish dudes with like 7 inch soft monster cocks would do this. Its always some painfully average not that great dick

All i got the others i found are more that 3mb with sound so i cant upload here

>>thx Sup Forumsro

Ate chainz

how, just how


Can you put them on adult gif?

Staged, there is no way that the cashier didn't notice a guy blowing his load on the chick. That's just impossible

wtf is this, double chan???

Because the dick is like whispering to her "hey kid, want sum fuck?"

The vid is nice

Yes but i forgot the thread so look for it

ML /004D0C1

i knew i remember that picture
you have more?

Sure do, lol

Found em
atechan.net/ wx/res/ 1141.html
Replace ate with 8 and erase spaces


Doesnt work man.


you're welcome


Quads! Check them!

>whats that called
a felony?




that face

Clearly not unwanted based on dat facial expressions.

I whant a vid NOW.

that ending. top fucking kek


Damn she wants some

Got to have sound haha



your whore mother is a newfag

I think it's because she looks like...

Newfag confirmed

holy shit hahhaha


fuck it


everybody's a bro


I'm so done. You guys are all a bunch of savages. lol

Sauce pls

i lold too fam to be honest


are you a girl or a faggot?

All I'm saying is this is funny as fuck

Ahaha I remember these, go to efukt its the unwanted public facials series.

Why no surprise it's a nigger?

Kill yourself faggot. Also nice dubs

Anybody got more vĂ­deos where the guy gets caught?



nice try, that's not a real gun!

Or do they?

Bump for more!!

apparently so..

yeah, I got dubs

how about some cock flashing from a car

This is so perfect

wrong thread buddy.


> dis nigga gonn rape me


It's not getting dubs, it's what you do with them



Also if you are so fucking horny that you can blow a load that easy there is no way you could maintain the chill face.

Bo summers

>Google Bo summers nude


Does anyone have the one where the guy comes up behind two women sitting on a couch and he blows a load in one of the chicks hair and gets caught? I saw it on Vine before but I can't find it

That's real, homies. You have much to learn.

I personally don't do shit like that, but I do shit that's similar. And I'm telling you, it's possible.

The shit that I do is talk to a girl at a bar or club that is already pretty drunk. I ask her to come to my place or something of the sort. and often to seal the deal, I whip out my already erect cock for her to feel. I only do this if I have a good vibe about her and the situation. I don't do it in sight of any security cameras. Anyway, not once has a girl been offended. They're always impressed and embarrassed. And numerous times has it gotten me laid the same night.

can't be real

Just search for dublindare on motherless and you'll find an account with something likes thousands of these public flashing videos, mostly of guys jerking off on buses or beaches and some landing cumshots.



Lost my shit at the end. Lost my shit.

I thought it was legitimately part of the video, but then when I saw the clapping. Aaaaahahahahaha.


Good story bro

Holy fuck, that's awesome.

Shit. The nigger should have saved up his cum. Then he could have shot it from far away.

I had chlamydia for a while, and for some reason your sperm becomes thinner and you always shoot like 5 feet with that no matter how often you cum.

This is one of my biggest kinks glad I'm not alone

gold level tier.