Britfag here, I am and always will be openly jealous of our Cousins to the East, 'Murica...

Britfag here, I am and always will be openly jealous of our Cousins to the East, 'Murica. With your rights to bare Firearms, Ive' always wanted to legally own a Select few for Fanboy reasons. But alas, I guess its just safer this way.
>no i don't want to shoot swans

Other urls found in this thread:

Guns are fucking stupid,

How many mass shootings were prevented from other people having guns? 0

Coming straight from an amerifat

Suppose that's true, I could just join a Recreation Society for WW2, I mean. I already have a German Infantryman Uniform. Get one of those Replica Air-rifles, They're legal with a license.

They're in the West you fucking moron.

You havent searched hard enough.
Maybe bait?

oh ffs, give me a break im stoned out of my mind





East is just the scenic route. You still get there in the end.

>implying that people that commit crimes buy their guns legally

Buy a gun then... I'm a uk citizen who legally owns 3 shotguns and 2 rifles


In Nor'n Ireland?


No, England. However I do own pistols in Northern Ireland

Its bait you fucking imbecile. Stop making us look stupid.

Mass shootings account for like 0.1% of murders. The focus on them is a red herring meant to disguise the lack of a link, and potentially small inverse correlation, between gun ownership/gun freedom and overall violence and murder. And you got fooled, gj user

? Wut? Did you even read it?
Fuck. I bet you own a gun too :(

OP Here, Defiantly not Bait, I was just watching shit about Ameria-free's and their guns on YT And typed this up in like 10 seconds.

See? ONE person saved the day. This is why we ALL should carry guns

No one suggested we should all own guns.

Have you noticed that most shootings happen in "gun-free zones?"

I'm in the UK and own a really big love gun.

This - I have a kid now and the little fucker just won't stop nosing around, so no shooty-shooty for me now. But up until 2012, I had a shotgun stored at a friend's farm, and would shoot twice a week. At least study up on the law before wishing you were a fucking Septic, chap - that's pretty drastic.

I am

OP Here. It sounds like you dislike your child.

Well, Yeah. I know you can -Legally- Own firearms. But, I just kinda wanted to create this thread expressing my jealousy for the "Relative Ease" Of accessing ameri-fat firearms

swerve it ye melt

Bitch you wish you were me

How can you tell how many shootings DIDN'T HAPPEN???

Can you also tell how many times Rapes didn't happen?
Or how many times drugs were not takes?

Fucking idiot...

No. I, for one, have not noticed this. Even if i had, what of it?

It's the relative ease thats killing gun culture in the us. I for one am happy we have these precautions. I do wish we have more range of gun though.

I'm jealous of your gun laws, the US is a shit place

Ahhh-..I see your point. Good game to you sir.

Yeah, and how many times did a spontaneous singulauty not appear near Earth and suck us all not into a black hole?
Use a little logical thinking son

>One ended when an armed citizen responded with gunfire.

Don't they always say "even if we only save 1 life it's worth it"

Hey we're usually stopped before they became mass shootings. Thus not reported as such. Try again friendo

Wishful thinking much?

Funny on more than one level

Nope, I love my kid - but he's smart, and at the age where he's rebellious... so BECAUSE I love him, no more guns. Safety first, man - I know people who lost kids, and it's a fucking shit-show so I ain't fucking around.

Are holding the map upside down?

You can't stop a criminal with a gun if you're not allowed to have one.


>no i don't want to shoot swans
Too fucking right you don't, mother fucking swan would own your bitch ass

Not him but a law abiding gun owner is not taking his gun into a gun free zone. Thus making the gun free zone sign a sign that reads "criminals come here and do harm. Nobody here is armed" I'm lucky I live in GA. Noguns signs here carry no weight of law unless it's a govt building or has police as armed security. I usually walk right past the sign laughing inside as I carry concealed well

Idk what happened. I'm sure you know what I meant.

Biometric safe with only yours and your wife's fingerprints. Problem solved. Unless you're worried about out of the safe accidents during normal use. And depending on your comfort level I can agree with your stance.

Never been more than a casual - honestly I'm a bit of a cunt for drinking lots and shooting squirrel, rats, rabbits... I'm not exactly Captain Safety-catch myself so...

Can I see the uniform m8, I'm intrigued? Also is it authentic?

Ever since I was but a little boy, I have always wanted to punch a swan in its stupid swan face.

Fuck the queen, fucking swans.

Thats fucked up that a civilised country actually has to use signs to try and stop people carrying guns around schools and government buildings and such.
Its pretty depressing actually.
There just seems to be so much fear.
Fear breeding more fear etc etc
I struggle to imagine what thats like.
I pity you.

*this post sponsored by the NRA

I get that. I've had training and carry every day. Like it's not an option anymore. But I see your side. Good on you for caring about your kid(s). I would probably lose it if anything happened to mine

Oh no its not Authentic, Its just a Replica. I might have "Lied" a Bit, At the moment i am collecting bits and pieces for the Uniform itself So its not actually complete, But you can have this.
>Inb4 "Decal in the Wrong place"
>Inb4 someone recognizes OP

I don't think about you at all

Lol, i know who you are

Proof m8

B b b b but you just read my post and replied to me.
Am i really real?
Or am i you?
Youre blowing our mind me


Still waiting.

You tripz moth fucker

>Cousins to the East
I think you need to review your cardinal directions.
>inb4 hurr durr if you go east you'll hit the west coast eventually

I don't need to explain my choice of magnetic field to you.
Dude, you need some snake oil or some shit?

You liar. You're late.

There are ways around gun laws in the UK, antique guns, decommissioned guns and air rifles are legal can be converted to live guns fairly easy. Black market weapons also. The only difference is if someone wanted a gun in the UK it would take a lot of effort and probably attention from the police.

Even if it was bait, how would what one guy says make "us" look stupid? How long have you been on this site?

Where the fuck have you been?
Your new is showing

Exactly, OP is the stupid one here-..


The guy that killed Dimebag Darrell was shot by a cop before he could kill any more people. Dude had like 35 rounds left.

Exactly how might you reason such retardation my dear Watson?

It was a meme friend. And you don't need to fear me. And I don't fear anything but my own mortality. You would never know I was armed unless you tried to kill or severely dismember me or another person in front of me.

Wow, a reasoned and understanding response, on Sup Forums?

Cheers, user.

It keeps your average person from having a gun, but that doesn't do a lot to prevent mass shootings. Just look at the recent attacks in France

Cheers buddy.

Why not swans are horrid animals mate. We'll probably have our own Emu War soon.

Depends what the swan was doing, minding his own business, sure let it go about its day. Charging me with a knife, bro id gun that shit quicker than a South African on bath salts

No, you won't. The Earth is flat you fucking sheep. Wake up.