Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums

the rejected wo man

The Outdoor Kitchen Experiment

The Cell Phone Simulators

white trailer trash

Suicide Squad

limp spastics

Axe Wound 5

Femme Fedoras

fortuna and the friendly gals

Unknowingly Experiencing the Best Days of Our Lives.

>Jean and Jessica die in a car crash in '23
>Audrey gets stage three breast cancer in '25
>Melody is arrested for possession, spends 6 months in county where she ends up stabbing a dyke and gets 20 years.
>Stephanie has three miscarriages, the fourth baby is healthy. He lives to be 16 when he OD's the first time he tries coke.

wide gash five

The Kind-A Fuckable 5

Retarded Russian Rejections

ho,ho,ho,ho, whale

Hormones and Hair


The Thin White Dykes

The unnecessary spectacles

Rug Munchers

Experimenting in College

Gender Queers

The insane autists

Smelly Fingers Five


Sisterhood of the Period Pants

Femenazi and the cis scum

Jane Jaine Jayne Jain and Jayn

Gross Ginas

The fuckable 4

The lady in the back

Squat squad

The Fresh Slits of Bel-Air

"3 idiots with broken eyes and glasses and 2 women"


faggotry madness

Hillbillie Juanitas