Hi Sup Forums, I just finished fishing. Here is one of the fish I caught, it's a halibut.
Hi Sup Forums, I just finished fishing. Here is one of the fish I caught, it's a halibut
put it back in the water you cruel fuck
Did you catch to eat? Or just for the halibut?
What did you catch it for?
I did, I don't really like to eat fish other than sushi
It's illegal in California if it's under 22 inches but I fish for fun
Halibuts are fucking weird looking.
gj OP.
Not halibut. Ass
if you arent eating them leave them alone you raging faggot
I would but I support the abuse of fish
nice fish bro
I can't believe there is a species of fish out there that has eyes that retarded. Spends so long laying around it has developed autism and down syndrome, should be Sup Forumss mascot.
Oh Pee please put it back.
Here's a spotted bay bass I also caught. These were caught fly fishing
It's ok I did
What's the difference between a halibut and a fluke?
How big are they, hold them up to something
can´t you see his hand?
hell, i would love to be fisherman, but i`m too unpatient
>not eating fish from a test tube
it´s an optical illusion dude.
He could have like tiny baby hands
I'm not really sure, I think fluke and flounder are usually found on the east coast but I know that any flatfish that isn't is a halibut is round where as a halibut is pointed like a diamond
A halibut what? Fuckin finish your sentences, asswipe.