What the fuck is wrong with me?

What the fuck is wrong with me?
Every couple of months I start fantasizing about cocks. I want to suck cocks and get fucked by one. I finally hook up with a guy, I get excited and in the middle of sucking I am like, why am doing this, this isn't even pleasurable. After I cum, I lose interest for cocks for about two months and then I start all over again with the same conclusion.

tl;dr I fantasize about gay sex, but when I finally get to do it, I don't really like it. But I want it again soon after.

You're gay.

I prefer bisexual.

Same here. Sometime I fantazise about cock, but as soon as I cum I stop fantasizing about it and I'm disgusted from myself. But I never fantasized about dicks when I don't have a boner, and watching dick don't excite me

I'd be happy if I could just give someone a handjob once.

Just want to experience giving one.

low libido

make sure you get enough zinc, protein, sleep, and work out

low/minimal carb diet will increase libido by lowering blood sugar level

You're not gay, just a faggot
or "nerd gay" if you prefer

So, do you want suck some dicks OP?

Maybe his cock was shit because you could only attract supergayhomoshitcocks

You're a faggot.

Dicks sucks good right?

I just sucked one, so now. But in a couple of months, yes.
I think that cock isn't that bad.

Did you notice if it's correlated to the moon phases? You could be a werefaggot,

it's ugly and you know it


hmm, tasty.
With or without a condom?

I just sucked it, so no condom.

Who's cock was it? friend or graiglist?

A gay site in my country. It is filled with extremely creepy men, but from time to time you can find someone normal.

Where are u from ?




when was the first time you noticed this, that may have something to do with it!

what about something like: When im horny i think about cocks but the thought of kissing a gguy or even the rest of the body of a guy is disggusting?

Some fag sent me this on kik but maybe you'll like it


A few years ago.

I feel this way about women

Bi-fag here, only parts of a guy I like are his cock and his fuckhole. Not interested in any other part. Women I like the whole shebang.



OP is confirmed faggot with amnesia.

only cure is instant an hero

fuck off faggot OP


Neah, I will stick to girls for a while.

>faggot with amnesia

my fucking sides jesus christ


> isn't even pleasurable
>after I cum


This is normal. Get moar cock and you'll get used to it.

There are two kinds of Sup Forumstards. Faggots, and faggots in denial.

i think you might need to go see a shrink. might help you figure it out

Got the same thing with cummin on self. I fantizise and get real horny and cum on face then feel real gay welp

daca vrei iti dau eu sa sugi :). nu ma supar

I cum from fapping eventually.


God damnit op. Can you let me go five minutes without fapping?!

Fucking hell OP, you even fail at being an faggot, you... tremendous faggot.

OP watch this video:
pornhub dot com view_video.php?viewkey=2035914916
pornhub dot com view_video.php?viewkey=ph56f19d99c940d


pretty common feeling i think...

a thought.. we've all grown up with porn, and we've strongly associated seeing our cocks and the cocks in porn with arousal. In a good, proper, victorian society(haha), we'd never see our cocks when we orgasm because we'd be balls deep in a female.

I'm not a supporter of traditional views or anything... but I do wonder.

greentext story bro?

sorry, found the pic online and just gave it a funny name. no back story.