I'm trying to lose weight after years of drinking, Sup Forums. Have any of you ever tried the keto diet? Was it successful? Recommendations? stories?
I'm trying to lose weight after years of drinking, Sup Forums. Have any of you ever tried the keto diet...
30 days cutting out all alcohol, sugar, readymeals,1200 cal diet water only and working out 5 times a day. small improve in 30 days,
Just go total cold turkey and work out, first 3 weeks is a bitch.
also /fit/ is your friend. good luck user
Lost 30kg on keto + cardio, both fat and muscle. Was skelly afterwards, decided to get some muscles and hit gim. I regained those 30kg now. I have more muscle than before but I prefer being super slim. Trying to loose this fat again.
How many carbs are you eating a day? What kind of workouts?
Stay away from diets that you "go on." It just means that you'll eventually stop eating like that and regain all the weight. You have to change your lifestyle. It'll be a slower process but it'll be a permanent change.
look op dont be a faggot get up early run for 30 mins on an empty stomach then work out hard then eat a big fucking breakfast and eat clean dont eat bull shit no soda no junk food u tubby piece of shit. wait two hours then snack on something healthy wait two hours and have veggies for lunch bc you need the good kind of carbs in ur life, wait two hours then snack on something healthy wait two hours then eat dinner preferably chicken with rice or fish some shit like that you can work out again now if you wish, wait two hours then go to sleep wake up and rinse repeat. do this 5 days a week for 3 months and you will notice a big difference do this for a year and you will be a completely different person.
What are you eating? 1200 cals sounds rough.
hey Josh
I stole the cardio from p90x and regularly beep test (google Tony Horton and beet test) Bodyweight excercises , planks, lunges, dips, lateral raises, pull ups etc etc, whatever feels good and hurts .
1200 is not much! I'm eating about 1500 (but I get sports exercise everyday ) and I definitely weigh less than you to begin with, so mb I need to cut more
GJ though! You've made good progress. Keep it up
Good job user :) Keep it up!
Diced banana and oatmeal for breakfast, Tuna... tuna everything! Optimum nutrition whey with ice cubes and yoghurt blended.
Boiled potatoes with letteuce and small amounts of pasta.
Leek and onion soup. some really good recipes out there, fill the hunger voids with water.
I love to see progress pictures with timelines: a few weeks really isn't very long and you both have noticeable progress in that time, so I just need to hold it out a little longer to start seeing visible progress.
Beer contains 0% fat you retard.
Hi eddy.
knows nothing about how beer metabolises within the body...
use chia seeds they fill you up this with water no sugar also just eat less
once you see it you will want to push so much harder, it really isnt something you can explain to people, they really just dont get it unless they see it in themselves.
yeh heavy drinkers with 'beer bellies' are just big boned.......
I'll take distension and Sugar conversion for 500 Alex.
gr8 b8 m8
>look miserable as fuck before the weight loss
>look miserable as fuck after the weight loss
not miserable , just trying to look as neutral as possibly.
Basically this,read the sticky