How was Sup Forums before all the fags took over ?
How was Sup Forums before all the fags took over ?
I'm actually interested for an answer
Considerably better
Me too. But everyone here now is fag so no answer
Anyone who's been here for any significant amount of time will tell you it's more or less the same. Sup Forums was never good.
Trolling was certainly funnier though.
Satanic get is very nice
Sick trips
quality contents
It was built by a fag
Gtfo now
Sorry not you, you're cool
WinRar wath ass hole?
Sup Forums was always bad, but some years ago people at least made OC and did fun personal army shit
now people repost those things and they think they are part of them
i havent been to Sup Forums in while now. Shits all traps and cartoon animal porn. fuk this
i bet there was less traps back in 1915 's Sup Forums
Fags have never not been in control of this board
OC? I am idiot newfag cunt nugget please forgive me
i feel you
It really hasnt changed since 2009. Same amount of cancer, no furries or traps.