Swiss here. tell me why i should move to your garbage country

swiss here. tell me why i should move to your garbage country

No. Don't move. Stay there in your shitty country.

You shouldn't move here, gypsies will stab you and steal your watch, wallet, phone, dog, waifu, house, bank acount, organs and soul.

You mean romanian beggers and thieves would do that, right?

move to brasil if you like cheap steroids, easy girls, and dying

No Muslims and Gypsies

Switzerland master race

>master race

You do have a point. They come from multiple different cultures and ethnicities.

You shouldn't.

please dont


To almost any other country in euro:

because switz is expensive as FUCK. unless you're loaded I don't see a point of living there long term honestly.


bergdeutsche latinos

Hey OP, wanna switch places?


Well, being from the U.S.A., in particular California... I'd have to say you'd be a complete idiot to move from Switzerland to here. Maybe the grass is always greener... but god damnit, I hate this place.

Then again, they are the most prosperous country in Europe.

No shitty Weather
No depressing city
Not everything is controlled

it is because they're multicultural

a multination country where everybody can do whatever they want is nice for economy

Freest country in the world too.

You shouldn't. We're full.

Ja zum Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen Bergbruder!

There are lots of positives to living in Switzerland. For example, the flag is a big plus.

bro, question for you:

My dad is swiss and my mother is Thai. My current citizenship is Thai. I didn't ratify my citizenship at 18. Now im 45 and want in. What do?

no idea honestly.

is your thai mom hot though?

nope. Basically the type you see in ASM

Switzerland is fine. Amurrifat here who visited many years ago and loved it.

OP should move to Nigmerica for a year so he/she/it will run screaming back to Switzerland, kiss the ground with relief, and thank Odin he wasn't born elsewhere (except perhaps Iceland, but Swiss actually know how to run a banking system).

appreciate it, been to the US and liked it but I understand that living there is a different story.

fucking dont. give us a reason we want you here

You shouldn't, fuck off

idiot, if you work in switzerland you earn enough to live here

I blibe da, so wi du.

Sure buddy, there's no destitute people in your country

There is actually an extremely low poverty rate.

i am a nigger and i am coming to switzerland

you'll fit right in with the other ones, don't worry

We are number 1 in prison population!

why is there a low poverty rate? because nobody without money wants to go there.

> if you work in switzerland you earn enough to live here

Okay, maybe scrape by, but why when you could go to a different country and be much better off financially.

those people dont work. the working poor dont really exist like in other countries. the minimum wage is at 4k, if you're married your household can easily make 60-80k per year

which in switzerland ISNT that much as it would be somewhere else, but living on minimum wage is still much much better than in other countries

Great i have always liked smalll little white cunts

>implying he'll get in
Switzerland has extremely strict immigration policies.

fuck off, its easy. You just need to be a nigger

>implying Switzerland is as fucked as the rest of Europe

you shouldn't. Switzerland is objectively the best governed country in the world.
Proud American here.

because Norway is better.

Don't move, please stay in hour own garbage country, thanks.

if you are willing to work, then switzerland is better.


No mudshits, not cucks, closed borders

Stay in Europe. We need more pro-gun European countries.