Non-Porn Webms

Non-Porn Webms


i'll hook up with her when the zombie apocalypse hits







Is this supposed to be special because it's a girl?




kill me pls ...

That's the same place those other motor fags got in a accidnrt

fuck, that shit made me jump.




I would've gotten out of my car, run up to him and show him what he has caused and tell him to let us through and take a break.
Fucking idiot.

>Kids playing regular games in 2016



I shat bricks user



Yeah too bad the ass you see was the guys ass.
Notice that the left one has the red hoodie thing and the right one (with the ass) doesn't, and that was the guy next to her.

dat filename



It's an all girls team you fucking knob'ead


Movie title??


you think thats cute? Thas ruining a wild animal for ever.

the grifter


Good luck with that friend, the whole world will run out of ammo before the first year is up





How did the black guy suddenly turn white?

This isn't porn?




is the kid on the left fucking sammy?







fucking cyclecunts

lel cobras are so slow and derpy


she's literally dancing 100% in time with the song i'm listening to, that was weird af


The killer inside me

I just cant imagine what music she is dancing to...

She plays life like a video game.


EU is so fucked


Holy shit they must have huge dicks!




Her father can be proud of himself.
She will be pregnant with a dindu within a year.

that and the fact that in that video she's 12, I believe. she's quite good.





wtf is that suppoused to be?
its sarcasm right?

gif is acceptable

anybody else getting a little tired of the whole nigger dancing thing?

i remember that fat nigger, some white chick twerking on his fat

nope, sadly it's real, hope the one that made it got fired

>Every documentary after 1999

now thats one hell of a suicidal dog

whats this all about here?

Yes. Its retarded in every sense of the word.

>my natures its so fragile
You do know that nature is a horrible place where everything dies horribly and is constantly in fearful alert. You nature faggots the conservatives of left side.

haha this was on liveleak a while ago

>being this autistic

It's an all girl team, then again, you've probably never met a girl before.




yep, dumbest shit ever and totally unattractive


anyone has the webm where the guy dances and tears his pants?



i like how the perpetruator is white even tho this is clearly made because refugees

my nigga, thx user


>White people

