What album got you into metal?

What album got you into metal?

Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon

My guitar teacher played the title track, and I had no idea it was possible to actually play the guitar that fast. Opened up a whole new world for me for a couple of years.


Motorhead - Overkill
Motorhead - Iron Fist
Saxon - The eagle has landed
Saxon-Denim and leather/

I'm not super into metal but all the metal I do listen to was sparked by Mayhem's Deathcrush.

Mastodon Blood Mountain

When limpbizkit first album I listens to korn freak on a leash and ever since then I feel the parents hatin me

Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice Of Steel





first 10 seconds of the first song from that album always gets me going

One of the best albums of heavy metal history, 36 years today






Borrowed it from a friend out of interest and listened to it while reading fantasy books under a blanket and a flashlight.


Most recently? My Love is Higher than your Assessment of What My Love Could Be by Harvey Milk, probably.
