I have been jerking off to cuckold/submissive gay/gay porn for the last couple of months

I have been jerking off to cuckold/submissive gay/gay porn for the last couple of months.
I have met online an amazing and good-looking girl. We have traded a lot of pictures, talked for hours, etc. We've actually known each other for years but only started to know each other about two months ago.
She lives far from me but she has decided she would come to my place to spend time with me. This is clearly a romantic relationship so it will probably end up with us having sex - something which I want too, even though we have not discussed that openly.
Let's be clear that I am not fantasizing here - she says that she loves me and stuff. No friendzone.

So let's get back to my cuck porn problem. I have tried to get rid of this weird porn. I can actually have erections while watching straight porns, and I can cum too, but it will take much more effort and time for me to be aroused and to get pleasure from this.

She will come over in a few days. I don't want to be a cuck or I don't want to be gay or shit. I want to make love with her, and properly. How can I cleanse my brain, and will I be forever bound by cuck/gay obsession that will reduces my straight-sex abilities?

>inb4 go die cuckfaggot

>I have met online an amazing and good-looking girl
what site

Friendzone her.

On League of Legends, we used to play a few games together before and we started to rush ranked games together recently, talking on Skype, etc.

Don't jack off for a really long time. Until you start to have wet dreams again.

I've known some qts who play that but never played it myself.

Don't I risk to cum prematurely when we fuck if I stop masturbating?

Don't fap or watch porn for at least 2 weeks. It worked for me and it will probably work for you too. Good luck OP

Thanks! She's coming over in a week but I'll give it a try.

Just go out and suck a dick instead, you're obv made to be a slutty cock loving faggot gurl :3

You gotta post them pics for help

can speak from personal experience cuz i was in a similar situation OP, jacking off to weird or gay shit but if you stop fapping for a few weeks itll be back to normal its hard but you can do it bro

Just don't watch any porn and try not to think about the porn you've been watching, it probably won't matter. I kind of had the same issue, was masturbating 2-3 times a day and I was going over to a girl that I'd met online (she lived like a 4 hour drive away from me), and I have had some problems with my erection in my past during sexual intercourses. I was staying there for around 8 days and I'm not gonna lie - I had some problems the first 2 days, but after that everything worked as it should. Also, I'm 18. Again, best of luck!


Stop watching porn

If youre romantically attracted to her you should have a much easier time getting aroused. Love is a beautiful thing that can do wonders.
Overthinking and nervousness is destructive.

Simply put erections, receiving them and maintaining them, are 99% mental game. If you constantly tell yourself youll have difficulty with erection then you will.
If you can't seem to get past the mental aspect of it i recommend meditation, seriously helps get your mind at ease and relieves major unecessary stress so you may focus on things that matter.

Oh yeah. Also porn no matter how strange can usually never match a womans touch. Youre most likely overthinking it.

If you are jacking off to gay/submissive porn (assuming youve never tried it before) ask her to try putting a finger up your ass. It usually will get you going fairly quickly. Or perhaps if you enjoy being submissive, discuss with her your love of being dominated. If shes open minded she shouldnt mind being asked to experiment.

WORST CASE SCENARIO: you dont get hard. If she truly loves you, shell understand and wont make you feel terrible about it. Which should IMMEDIATELY relieve the stress youre putting on yourself to get an erection. Which will most likely help with getting one. If not use that time to eat her out or pleasure her.

Worst comes to worse you dont get hard, whatever not that big of a deal. If you please her im sure she wont mind.

Anyway youre going to be with the woman you apparently love! Enjoy yourselves personality for an hour or two before you immediately dive into sex. This will most likely build up sexual tension between you two and will cause erections to come easier.

>WORST CASE SCENARIO: you dont get hard. If she truly loves you, shell understand and wont make you feel terrible about it. Which should IMMEDIATELY relieve the stress youre putting on yourself to get an erection.

no joke

Thanks for all the great answers guys. I'll stop watching porn for the next 7 days (she comes over in a week), no fapping, and stop overthinking it. I won't go on Sup Forums either since this is full of porn and cuck shit.

Thanks for your help. I'll think (very, very briefly though) of you when I fuck her.

The error here is thinking you're addicted to the cuck fantasy when it could be something from yourself -- you are a cuck.

You could try pushing it away, or embracing it.

Also, yeah. I'm a cuck. Becomes much easier to manage once you know yourself.

fuck you faggot not everybody wants to be a sick fuck

Also, I'm not saying you ARE a cuck. I'm saying you could be mistaking your own desires with addiction.

And, as some anons said, you could try simply not getting back to it until you start having wet dreams again. It works pretty nicely.

You're on Sup Forums, son. Don't try to lecture me about being a "sick fuck."

good idea on the no Sup Forums part, i did that too and it helps, being on here is too tempting

U might be bi

Stick your finger in your ass and slap yourself in the face with it. Thus ridding yourself of gay thoughts.

Dude same problem here. Get on yutube and search the great porn experiment and quit masturbation hypnosis. If you stop jacking it for a few days you'll be fine.


I jerk it to literally everything and still get it up when it's time to fuck


> Just imagine you are now the bull