Going to get beat up/jumped tomorrow. Tips or advice?
Going to get beat up/jumped tomorrow. Tips or advice?
Protect your head and face. Don't try to fight back, just go into fetal.
Bring gun post results
haha that's what i'd do.
Try to keep them all in front of you, like keep moving to stack them up.
Fight dirty as fuck. Men with morals end up on the ground. Seriously Op, be cheap, use weapons, spit, throw dirt, whatever it takes to win.
avoid the fight
die trying, atleast you'll have done something with your life
Lube up so they can't hit you properly
Bring two paper bags of shit, tie string to top and swing those fuckers around like morning stars. You won fight gaurantee they will run like bitches
You clearly know the threat, it's source, likely much more.
Wisdom would beget a proactive raid, so as to choose the battlefield, and preclude self harm.
TL;Dr take those fuckers out tonite, and shame them tomorrow.
Get naked.
No one wants to fight a naked man
Unless they're arab. Those sand niggers will just rape you
post more gewn then i'll help
Stay safe, wear a condom.
If you were going to get jumped, you wouldn't know this far in advance. Unless you're OK with being beaten up, call the popo. Only ghetto idiots wouldn't.
Its going to happen. Wish it was avoidable but it's out of my hands now
Theres going to be a few of them theres 0 chance at winning really so I'm not going to fight back (that's a fine anyway which i can't afford)
isn't there any way to avoid this fight or get the cops involved? Anything? Film it and give the evidence to the cops, shoot them, shoot yourself, have a beer with a raindeer, shit on the carpet i don't give a fuck.
They dont know that i know
How they going to jump you? At school or what?
Also, why
what if you call the police a minute rigth before you meet those guys? perhaps they turn up at at the right time and you might get through this without too serious injuries
Idk because i am slighty guilty but not to the extent of getting jumped and its in a public school so there'll be evidence by that alone
Gwen thread?
Then sack the fuck up and throw some jabs at least, when they get you to ground just guard yourself. School will break it up fast enough to where u wont have any major injuries
I good-gamed a girls ass i used to know a lot in middle school and she bitched to everyone she knows (she knows all the big coons) even though she acted like it didn't bother her
Be cold and go for the serious hits, hitting the jaw sideways is a easy way to take people out. It completely ruins a persons balance and might even knock them out if you land a hit properly. you are gonna take some punches, so keep your mouth shut to avoid the same happening to you.
And don't be scared either. They're not gonna kill you despite saying it(unless they got a knife out), at worst you are gonna loose a tooth or 2, break your nose maybe. So don't be scared
I don't know your situation, but if the guy or guys think you're weak shit, you can get a good surprise on them. Just don't go down on the ground if you're out numbered. There's no getting back up again
what'd u do you faggot?
This thread is so fucking beta, jebus
Watch alot of Rocky
call cops? if you know who it is then just call the fuckin cops. or bring a baseball bat or somethin and bash their fuckin heads in
I would tbh but im worried about getting fined (so broke ) and im graduating in less than a month
LOL ya dun goofed OP
Move as much as you can, avoid fighting 2 or more at the same time. If you take out one of them, the rest will not be so confident.
bring a weapon. use it. claim self defence.
Will make it worse for me
Be ready to die faggot
so you're getting beat up because you touched a girls ass?
Tell the police you retard, they are there for a reason
Im getting jumped by coon motherfuckers thats not going to help
no fuck that bring a bat and bash some fucking skulls in dont just lie on the ground like a bitch go down fighting like a fucking man
Stupid right?
You're getting jumped by coons? Run. Run for your life user, because they will kill you
Im going to have to go back.. im graduating in a month
Take a baseball bat with nails in it and wear a helmet or mask.
Wait for them to show some intent and then hit one of them or take him to the ground, if you end up disadvantaged back up and try to get back on top. Inexperienced fighters have a little better luck on the ground when 1v1. You're gonna get fucked up but if you make your mark on at least one of them you won't look like a bitch.
ben out of ten
Would jerk to cousin again
Not from where you live, just tomorrow at school. You'll probably be safe(r) on Monday, but for tomorrow if you see them get as far away as you can
clearly it might be a little more than just touching a ass, give more fucking context, also how old are you?
well, I know you're about to graduate and all that shit but seriously. Go down fighting, if its at school they won't kill you and as long as they start it (be sure to have witnesses) you wont be suspended.
It will in whatever way you go, just bring a knife and fuck EM up and after that you will need to move or buy a gun
This fucking idiot needs to realize either they're just gonna pretend to do something and maybe crowd and slap you around with no real harm to scare you because you're a pussy bitch, so you can easily talk your way out of getting the shit kicked out of you, but if they're the type of fuckin immoral coons who just bash people for no reason then use weapons, it's fair if you;re outnumbered.
Wear a gum shield and don't underestimate the usefulness of a headbutt. Also go for the Alphas balls. May as well take a toll on their bodies too right?
Get two large socks. Fill one with butter, fill the other with shit(or if you're a betafag fill both with butter). When they jump you, take both out, start hitting the shit out of them. Then, find their social media and spam them with Sup Forums threads and traps. They'll never fuck with you again.
underrated post
Its going to be unavoidable if i go to school because i have at least one person in on it in every class i have.
That's literally it. I good-gamed her. I get home and my friend showed me the text she sent him about it and 2 of the guys who wanna jump me tried adding me on fb
Is this in America? Those coons must be pretty stupid to try to fight you with all these zero tolerance policies. Good luck OP you're getting expelled and going to an alternative school even if you dont fight back
Shit in your hands
bring a knife fag
Record it then post it here
Don't cry, laugh it off mid beating and they'll spook
Dont go outside OP
nah, get one sock, fill it with batteries and start fucking swinging, hit one in the jaw and he won't fuck with you.
Well then when they jump you just focus on one of them and fuck him up. Try not to get stomped out. You just have to last until the SRO gets there
Go into fetal position.
I think you can miss a month and still graduate. He'll, I missed quite a bit back in my school days.
If they don't want to fight fair bring a brick or a pipe or something. Hide it in the location before,
wear break away pants and a button down and when they start attacking you, rip off all your clothes to reveal a pink bodysuit. and bring the most ridiculous weapon possible (Brick, stapler, baby, etc)
Get your ass out and face ass first to them bending over
Nobody wants to fight a guy with his ass
If that don't work suck that niggas dick for free
That makes absolutely no sense user. If you do that, they'll just come at you again. If you make them think there's something seriously fucking wrong with you, they'll be too scared to even look at you due to the fear of rape.
You get a ticket for just being involved.. Go down fighting..
Is this ass whoopin thing on sight or do they have a schedule for you? You can try to reconcile with them and stick the main goon in the face mid conversation. You probably won't, but it's fun to dream.
Thats what my plan was really because im not gonna look like a bitch over some stupid shit but im just worried about the consequences after like getting a huge fine i cant afford and not graduating
Carry a basketball with you. Throw it into traffic when they show up. Their instinct will force them to chase it
let them add you on facebook, ask them straight up over facebook chat, "hey are you after me in some way, why?"
if you have been threaten on facebook or other shit(something with a chatlog), you got a case to sue or defend yourself. Just keep in mind that anything said over facebook can be read up in court.
And of course you don't fucking tell them that. Cuz that would be stupid and cringe
I miss a day a week already so i cant miss anymore even so it'll be just one day and ill have to come back
aight op i went afk I promised advice first off why the fuck are you getting jumped by these niggers
Tell a friend to video it and use that video to get the asshats sent to jail.
Assault is a serious crime. (in my country at least)
-->no shirt
-->nothing to pull over your head
-->well try not to fight everyone at the same time
---> cup check
-->get naked lol
--id try and run away haha
You fuckin' serious? Even if theres proof i didnt do anything?
if you "good-gamed her" then why the fuck is everybody in on beating you stupid? share the text
Your going to get your ass kicked so post their names and social media stuff. We will fuck em up for you.
check a faggot in the throat with a swift karate chop den hit em with a knee to the nose GGGGGGGGGG
dont be a bitch. niggers swing wide so step in close and fuck at least one of em up
How many of them? Bring a weapon, like a knife. Focus on protecting yourself. They're probably going to circle you and hit you up. Only fight back if you see the opportunity of striking a good blow (balls, eyes, knees) and then run like you've never before
Stop posting Gwen hentai and toughen yourself up. Pussyboi.
You'll never win in this life.
checked but fucking kill yourself faggot
>We will fuck em up for you.
fucking cringe cancerous newfriend
Yeah but in America, you got rep. You have an image. If OP went around sending people to jail for hurting people he would be a snitch and a bitch.
His friends might even think less of him. Girls might not find him attractive.
The only advice my father gave me in elementary school was this - if anyone gives you shit, punch them square in the nose
OP if you're going to get jumped and attacked, carry a knife on your person or prepared to bite and kick and choke and defend yourself until blood is spilled and it takes more than two people to pull you of of someone. go to hell and back. FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE PIECES OF WASTE! FUCKING MASSACRE ANYONE WHO THINKS THEY CAN ATTACK YOU FOR NO GOOD REASON!
GODD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're all faggots in this little wasteland called life.
What race are they? Can you fight them?
any fight or chance of winning ends if it goes to gorund, whoever is on top will win, Never let it go to the ground, Always take a back up blunt weapon , no sharps or you will get killed with it, take a side man if you can to step in if it goes south, but dont bring him into the fight itself, good luck mate, and remember there is no honour or rules in a street fight , biting pinching ball kicking and punching are all legit , do what you got to do to win at all costs.
Never hit the head if they are down , it is immediatly classed as attempted murder after that, cant promise they wont do it to you, but dont do it to them , peace out.
Black people can't swim OP.
Use it to your advantage.