/balt/ + /balk/ + /v4/ (+/ausnz/ i guess)

santa edition

Other urls found in this thread:


anime is haram


nothin much, you?

i'd rape everyone itt. even fat estonian


How's he doing these days?

LOL I arrived here when I was 14 (14) I'm nine now! Time sure flies oh boy!


>+ /ausnz/


doing a post


3D women are NOT important.

next time add /cum/ and /deutsch/ as well

since we are slowly annexing all of Sup Forums


It makes me happy

we should totally make a meme exchange union xD

it sure does.


I've lived to see a time where the Balts annex everyone else. What a time to be alive.

/cum/ might work, but absorbing foreign language generals is impossible. tried it in the past, they just spoke in their language for 10 minutes and then went back to their regular thread.

post funny stuff, ill start

My gyros just arrived AMA


how is that still alive

where did you order it
how much did it cost


how much did you have to borrow to order them

they will assimilate or will be wiped out

this is a balt world now

How much debt are you in?

hmmm considering making myself some foods but i'm too fat so better not

What is dead may never die.


But rises again harder and stronger

>this is a balt world now
May the rupjmaize stand in piles and may the rivers run black with balsam.

hmmm i think im gonna make some too desu

hmmm good comparison

what is the ratio of meters of dick sucked by greek mother to meters of gyro?

Oh my, how terrible. Tell me more

Like my cock XXDDDD

he apparently met her at a party, fed her some extasy and then fucker her in an upstairs bedroom
you're gonna have to ask him for more details

Aik tu nx

an aussie!!!!

Oh no...! xDDDDDdd :DD

pisau tavo moce XDDDDDD

I've got enlightened

i have my pizza

more like
an australian

more like
am i right?

3Euros desu
0E desu
this desu

oh wow, that's fucked up
did he post the girls photo? how did he like her?

Davai iseini y lauka

More like

no he didn't and he said that she was as limp as a dead fish and shit at oral but that she bled a lot and was pretty tight


dok adresa nx suspardisiu krw blt

haha tru x))

Sansa feeds Ramsay to the dogs.

i'm wet. wish to have such bf.
>tfw too old

really makes you think.


would like to try it myself some time 2bh. would you?

t. definitely not the police

Smug mustache man is banned in balt threads


Miss him yet?



b-but... that's Riga in the picture

I'm 40 AMA

we war u, fashisty.

what's your favorite color


You're at the point now where you're not getting older, you're just getting old.

want that haircut so bad, but my hair is too short

Do you prefer the SU or RU?

prefer ur mum 2bh hahaah

You see, im a christian man.
Everyone has their sick kick, sure,but that is just.. Simply way too much and wrong .

Piedod man, bet tas ir faktiski.


es zinu

kaut es varētu pagriezt laiku atpakaļ un labot šos notikumus

girls at 12 already have full pubes and b cups in this day and age
you can play where there's grass, or how does the saying go?

>Sup Forums will be free of generals
Who started the generals cancer anyway? Frogs?

Su, how about u?

probably started with the japanese thread and then everybody wanted one of their own


this board will be known as /balt/ in the future

I think It was brits. Can we let them have their own general? I don't like them too much.

I honestly think you're the popo, trying to get me.
not today, mentas.

haha mikoto-tier haircut
kys, religious scum

>weaboos and anglos
should've expected this


I don't like them either, it's probably the most autistic general of them all
But then again I enjoy laughing at their cuisine

Nu, Latvia was doomed from the Molotov-Ribbentrop onward. Nothing but the power of the atomic bomb could've saved you.


not on my watch


There could be a way

i know it, just give me a time machine

>Su, how about u?
I like current day Russia better.

I like /brit/. I always get You's there if nobody responds me on /balt/ and /cum/

I don't post anywhere on Sup Forums outside of generals tbqh

Fuck off attention whore

here is a you for you volodia