What should I do before I kill myself, Sup Forums?
How do I use my worthless existence to make this world a slightly better place?
>shoot up a school :DDDD
No, fuck off.
What should I do before I kill myself, Sup Forums?
How do I use my worthless existence to make this world a slightly better place?
>shoot up a school :DDDD
No, fuck off.
Live stream it
shoot up a mosque ?
Try to smile and begin the most happy peroid of your lifetime. Even if it will be short - do WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT!
Write a song
Take someone we hate with you, like Clinton or Memestar.
Attempt other methods of suicide that take a while to take effect, then see which one kills you first. It'll fuck with the autopsy lol
These two
make a shitty post on Sup Forums, o wait u already did that
Burn your house down
Take lsd, about 500 microgram
Do something risky but awesome like swim across the entire ocean
kill off your old self, go move to a brand new country, you'll die if you want to, just kill the shit you dont like.
hur dur fucking pussy
Live the rest of your life, then die naturally.
>make hotdogs via picture related
>feast on them
>don't take off the wrapping!
sticky micky is no chill sticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chillsticky micky is no chill
find hitler’s body in a bunker, fuck it, then kill yourself with his gun and use his decomposed dick to fuck the exit wound :)))))))))))))))
Shoot up an abortion clinic. You might save some lives before you go.
trump rally
Why do you assume that if you killed yourself the world would be a better place? That would imply that have an impact on something.
Please don't kill yourself. Somewhere, sometime, someone is waiting for you. And if you kill yourself, they will never find you. You're important. Don't kill yourself. It will be the biggest mistake you've ever made. Wait for nature to take it's toll on you. And now is not the time.
Hope you get better, user.
Shoot up a fucking school.
It's not a mistake if he's dead. Once you're dead you're dead. 0 fucks given without existence.
Shoot up a university
But if you reaallyy dead set on it...
>swim across the entire ocean.
Are you retarded?
Do you have access to explosives? Might as well show musfucks how doest it feel to get attacked by a suicide bomber
You might think your life is really shitty right now and there's nothing better to do than just kill yourself.... But just one small move to the game and you can change your life completely. If you die now, you'll die knowing you never got the chance to do whatever is waiting for you in the future... Don't kill yourself OP.
Dont kill yourself OP we need you for the "cleaning"
I know this is a stupid idea. But get killed doing something heroic. This is because you will use your life for someone else. Go and kill your nearest drug dealer or go on a criminal shooting like punisher. Try to make the news as the worlds second superhero.
fuck i know this guy, whats he ffrom?
I'm a Slavshit.
That's Zorak, the evil space mantis from Space Ghost. Obviously.
>shoot up a Muslim school sounds better
Thanks. Honestly. But I don't think there's much else I can do. I fucked up every part of my life, starting from when I didn't find a qt gf that I could fuck at the age of 8.
At least you are not black
Move, change your name, maybe dye your hair. Start life over.
That or go to Tibet to become a monk.
take a DMT trip. You will not want to kill yourself afterwards
I love how these threads are just at bait as anything you'd ever see but so much of Sup Forums is terrified that they will post this one day meaning it themselves.
Thanks for the advice, everyone.
Love is not everything. If you really hate yourself join the army. Do some good there.i mean what is the worst thing that can happend? Better than suicide for sure
Try to enjoy life more than you do now. Do things you've never done before. Be it drugs or whatever else you haven't done. Your perception on life will change drastically and you will love being alive. Try it user, you won't regret it
tip over the post card stand please
Keep fucking up OP. We all do. Just keep fucking up
What possesses people to say shit like this? You have absolutely 0 way to know any of that.
There's thousands of people living in complete isolation, total social outcasts and rejects, with nobody waiting. You're selling false hope, you dickbag.
And then, that one day you go out to get some milk, you stumble across some girl who fell on the ground and hurt herself. Your typical qt 3.14 that nobody really notices but you find her pretty. You start helping her up, and he says "Thank you user, that's very sweet of you. Not many guys like you out there that would help a qt 3.14 like me. Would you like to hang out sometime, you seem like a cool guy?"
And voila, your life has changed drastically just because you went out to get some milk
Agreed. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for many of us.
Make a change in your life and that pot of gold will appea
add c_handel13 on snapchat and send him dick pics or some shit
no wonder how depraved your fetish user, there will always be some chick out there to go along with it
There's around 7 billion people on earth. Now let's assume half are men, half are women. You got 3.5 billion people you can date in this world. Now let's assume half are married or dating (kek, you can still a married girl anyway), then you got 1.7 million girls you can date. ?????????
It's not my obligation to change my life. I can live however I want. If people don't like how I live then they can suck a dick.
fight isis.
you might want to forget the women that are 90 (or not he might be into that), and the ones who are attracted to him
>1.7 million
probably a typo but more likely closer to the actual number, which is still good
Attraction is only half the battle. A girl can be attracted to you only to decide you're not her 'type', at which point you find yourself in the friend zone.
this. die like an true hero
Are you kidding me?
learn about personality theory and you will know which girls to go after.
Where you live user? If you can online bet, put all your life savings on something first. If you lose you're killing yourself anyway and maybe if you win you'll be a bit happier
If that's illegal or something, I don't know, buy a shitload of coke and snort if off a hooker's tit before you go
Piss off faggot. No one is waiting for your, his or my sorry ass for the future. You're not special, no one is. No one will care about you, people move on.
Yeah. If you're dead on set on killing yourself, do something you wished you could have done when you were little and do it now. No shame in doing it if you're going to die anyway. And you'll have good memory before you die
Donate all your shit to people in need
Spend some time and give back
>mix 10 lb of tannerite
>duct tape it to your head
>.357 to be sure that it offs you
>jump off a high building
>pull trigger before you splat
>people will wonder where your head went and you'll have the EMTs and coroner crack a smile
Join isis
>you will love being alone
No one loves being alone, it's just what lonely people tell themselves to feel less shitty.
Is this the kind of world you faggots still live in?
>How do I use my worthless existence to make this world a slightly better place?
>kill myself
well there you have it, you gave yourself an answer before you even asked
why wait, just do it faggot
If you think that your life is pointless now, just think of how pointless it will be when you kill yourself before you've done anything with your life.
If you can't bring yourself to a reckless action that will have no consequences because you will die, then you have not really thought about the permanence of your decision. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want to; none of the repercussions matter. You will be dead.
If you have a mental illness, it can be treated with medication/therapy. Ultimately it is your choice though, and I'm not you.
And then here you are, complaining.
You say that but a friend of mine killed themselves recently. He was living with good friends of his, and his family care about him. He did split up with his gf though, but there were many others who cared for him.
You faggots piss me off so much. Like boo hoo my life is bad i wanna kill myself. Well either kill yourself (who's stopping you?) or fuck outta here and go live instead of eating shit. I'm not some dude that never went through shit and is just saying this without knowing what it's like. But don't you ever get tired of being miserable, and alone? Doing the same shit over and over. Constantly talking about the same thing how you wanna die and you're depressed. Not everyone is meant to succeed at life. Some will be failures. It's how it works, in nature too. So just end it and stop wasting space and oxygen.
>You got 3.5 billion people you can date in this world
why cut me a half, faggot? why can't I also date men if I like, you fucking fascist biased cockswallowing faglord?
and even if I go for your nazi restricting bullshit, not all of that 3.5b are qt chicks, you know that? there females of all ages you fucking spoiled disney cunt
go drink some bleach before you go to bed
follow OP's honorable example and kill yourself
okay, well if you like men and don't mind wtf they look like have that whole 7 billion to yourself.
I'm not complaining. I'm not OP. People can live however they like and if they are rejected for that then it's not their responsibility to change.
I see now where all those obnoxious romcoms of which all of us probably had to see few at some point for the sole purpose of getting laid have come from
Fuck off back to Tumblr.
>I told some user on 4chins to go back to tumblr/feggit/9fag, that'll get him riled up good xD
(OP) #
>pack up about 50 feet of piano wire and super glue.
>Go to top of tall building, right around 10 stories.
>Tie piano wire around neck and other side around strong holding structure.
>Then super glue hands to head.
>Jump off building.
>Body looks badass because it appears as you tore off your own head.
You're welcome.
kill as many muslims as possible.
>imblyimg he wouldn't just splatter all over sidewalk
Fool people have fallen out of airplains and lived after hitting the floor. They didn't splatter everywhere, it's not a fucking cartoon.
>fight for isis
fixed that for you
Kill a bad person
>Fool people have fallen out of airplains and lived after hitting the floor
prove it
jump off a building
itt: government agents advising people to fight for Isis so they can lock them up in a supermax jail.
Long live Libertarian Socialism, may the state and capitalism be destroyed.
Try as many drugs as you can! I'm doing it right now
join isis and say you want to be a suicide bomber. blow as many of those fucks up as you can
For science!!! I'll post results
You make the world better just by letting people love you.