So, you think you know about Spen, eh?


*1 former capital of Spen
*3 kingdoms
*1 king/PM/President in the XIX century
*Decade of the Ist Republic
*3 rivers
*1 folkloric dance other than flamenco
*1 prerroman monument/site
*1 airline
*2 dishes (no paella allowed)

Other urls found in this thread:

Alright, giving it my best:

1- Toledo, wasn't it?
2- The Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom
3- Franquiño
5- Douro, Tejo, Guadiana, but those are shared. Ebro?
9- Tomato soaked Garlic and garlic-soaked tomato.


I know nothin im immigrant from thrd world in spen

2.- Reino de Leon, reino de Castilla, reino de Navarra!
3.- uhhhhhh
4.- Siglo XIX ?
5.- Ebro, Tajo, Miño
6.- Muralla de Lugo, Acueducto de Segovia..
7.- Iberia airlines (rip)
8.- Pantumaca, pulpo a la gallega

Valladolid under Isabella and Ferdinand
Aragon, Navarra, Castilla, Leon etc.
Martinez de la Rosa
Ebro, Douro, Tegus
Altamira cave
Gazpacho, tapas

>tfw no spanish bf

1 valladolid
2 galicia, asturias, leon
3 who?
4 1920?
5 douro, minho, guadiana
7 numantia
9 your dishes are bigger than ours, fatty

Cuanto daño ha hecho la logse...

1. Madrid
2. Aragón, Castilla, León
3. Carlos V, El nuevo Fugay o algo así, ¿Franco?
4. ?
5. Seguidillas y Zarabandas
6. ?
7. ?
8. Croquetas, ?

que es eso de la logse?
quiero ser como los americanos
no me hace falta conocer cientos de años de historia para ser un ciudadano util y cualificado para trabajar

>1 former capital of Spen
Toledo i think.
>3 kingdoms
Navarra, Castillia y Leon.
>1 king/PM/President in the XIX century
Idk. But im absolutely sure that someone has had name "Carlos"
>Decade of the Ist Republic
Dont know. Or it was The time when you had flag with purple stripe?
>3 rivers
:( Dont know too.
>1 folkloric dance other than flamenco
>1 prerroman monument/site
>1 airline
Iberia airlines ofc.
>2 dishes (no paella allowed)
Jamón and something with tomatos.


You failed to answer question #4 though

oh sorry I didn't see it, the answer is 1870s

1. Vallecas
2. Murcia, Gomera and the Great Island of Perejil
3. Albert Primo de Rivera
4. Before the dictadure of Julius Caesar
5 ?
6. Sardana and neogitano
7. Termas of Barcelona
9. Vallecas
10 The drinkable Casera and paella

tapas is not an actual food, just the name for when you serve a tiny plate of food
>purple tripe
that was 2nd republic (1930's)
pic related is flag of 1st republic

I can't answer any of these.
Spain confirmed irrelevant.


No salsa, Anatoly. Also Carlos IV, the last Carlos, would be correct (king until 1808 though) so you are lucky.

Manzanares, Ebro, Turia
Tortilla, cocido madrileño

And I lived here all my life kek

t. Jordi

SHEEEEET. Fucked up with salsa. Just don't like dancing since mi maestra de español picrelated refused my offer to dance and in general she don't like me:( Also im a common Alejandro not an Anotoly

>Castilla, Leon, Andalucia
>No se
>No se
>No idea
>Tortilla de patatas, garbanzos

Shit, 19th century...

1 - El Pardo
2 - Wei, Shu and Wu
5 - Nuestras vidas son los ríos que van a la mar que es el morir
6 - El chiqui chiqui
7 - Atapuerca (MUH ANCESTORS)
8 - Dragon Rapide
9 - Atascaburras and curcusillas

1. Toledo
2. Castille, Aragon, Navarra
3. Canovas del Castillo
4. 1870s
5. Guadalquivir, Ebro, Tajo
6. Jota aragonesa
7. Galician Castros.
8. Iberia airlines
9. Spanish Tortilla, Gazpacho



no more rivers
bud I love spen

Bon dia para ti también

>Castilla, Aragón and Navarra.
>El Juanca and Rajoy.
>Tajo, Ebro and Guadalquivir.
>yokseeee tiooooo
>Pollas y chorizo.

Collecting that pic desu

*Reino de Asturias, Reino de Leon, Reino de Navarre
*1 Carlos II
*Duero, Ebro, Tajo
*Don Pelayo en Covadonga
*1 Spanish Airlines
*Tortilla, Bull testicle

el tonto útil

Tiene razon. Los americanos se creen que España esta en sudamerica y ganan mas de diez mil euros al mes nada mas acabar la carrera. La historia/geografia no sirven para NADA en la practica.

ye hlleo
spen of liks opi

escoria utilitarista fuera de mi país

Does this fellow look Spanish?
Asking for a friend.

with your flag i expected a pic of a latino, but no, that guy would pass as a local

He could be from anywhere in Western Europe desu senpai

>Bull testicle
You wish güiri :3

yeah I have a similar trogloditic look

1. Sevilla
2. Castilla, Aragón, León
3. Alfonso XIII
4. 1870's?
5. Ebro, Tajo, Guadalquivir
6. Isa canaria
7. Segovian Aqueduct
8. AirEuropa
9. gazpacho, cocido madrileño

mexico was a kingdom

>not eating the testicles of a bull you've killed with your bare hands

what are you, some kind of faggot?

100% moor
You surely belong to the lineage of the berber king Al-Mansur

t, friegaplatos

>cojón de toro al ajillo y con una miaja de perejil

No suena mal desu. Se lo podemos dar a probar a un catalán primero y si sobrevive, popularizamos el plato en forma de pintxo.

>moor like KANGdumbs
>Mario "the mexican Jeb Bush" Rajoy
>what is decade
>the nile
>the nay nay
>the pyramids
>kings don't use planes
>fried chicken, gritz

>Aragon, Castille, Leon
>Isn't it a desert?
>Begging for change
>Somewhere in the Celtic part, there's probably a shittier stonehenge
>Spain can't afford planes
>beans, hunger


i hear most americans and canadians unironically think this

another fine display of american humour

>yfw Spaniards make 20k more than Americans

Wtf is a paella

thats a lie though, you make a lot more

It's a drug I think

>Kingdom of Navarra, Crown of Aragon, Kingdom of Castile, Kingdom of Portugal
>Uh, Ferdinan II ?
>Guadalquivir, Ebro, Lanjarón
>El Jaleo
>Los Millares
>Iberia airlines
>Conejo en ajillo, salmonejo, ajo blanco, zarzuela, croquetas, bocadillos de calamares, chorizo, migas, gazpacho, fideo, caldos, tortilla de patatas, patatas a la pobre, patatas en ajillo, patatas a la brava, mejillones en escabeche, lomo, carne con ciruela, empanadas (Galicia), empanadillas, and much more

proofs are proofs.

pa = for
ella = her

Uh, I meant salmorejo, I know there is no salmon in this Cordobese specialty.

thats for the poors. unfortunately poors here receive money from the government or make enough to live well with one job, those have it better here, but as a software developer i wish i was an american

>unfortunately poors here receive money from the government

I don't know, madrid wasn't always the capital of the unified spain?
Castilla, Aragon y Navarra
Fernando VII

I don't know the rest also, I pretty much gave up, too lazy to even think.

Late but:
*1 former capital of Spen
*3 kingdoms
Castilla, Aragón, not so sure about Navarra and Dos Sicilias
*1 king/PM/President in the XIX century
*Decade of the Ist Republic
*3 rivers
Tajo, Ebro, y ese de Sevilla
*1 folkloric dance other than flamenco
*1 prerroman monument/site
Numancia it's a site?
*1 airline
*2 dishes (no paella allowed)
Tortilla, pulpo a la gallega

>unfortunately the workers are paid more than bread and water
>but as land lord I wish I was American

misread about XIX century..

1 oviedo
2 Navarra Castilla Aragon
3 Carlos Maria Isidro the real king. Isabel II sucks. Politician O'Donnell.
4 1870s
5 Ebro Tajo Guadalquivir
6 Jota
7 Numancia
8 Iberia
9 piperrada papas bravas

Fernando VII el hijoputa


That's a brand of bottled water

>el jaleo

Kek. Dunno, might even be.

>Juan Carlos
>The Madrid, the Barcelona, The Valencia
>Bull stuff
>Basque country
>Paella and taco

t. don't know much about Spain apparently

t. Juan Manuel García Martínez

yes unfortunately because its from my taxes. and by keeping them on welfare they prevent them from starving which ensures they're a burden for several decades

im not a landlord though im a working class man, in fact i live on 25k a year here

I know this was a brand, but it's the name of the water source in Sierra Nevada. Btw I just had no idea of river.

Jaleo is actually some sort of andalusian dance and related to flamenco. But I got you this time, admit it.

Hijo, deja de shitpostear en internet y ven a cenar. Y a ver cuando encuentras trabajo que llevas ya casi 30 años en casa.

En verdad soy brayan jesus

t. podemita

nice projecting

*1 former capital of Spen




Into the trash you go

et tu, denmark?

En las próximas los votaré solo para joder a neoliberalitos edgies como tú

*Al-Andalus, Castilla, Leon
*El Caudillo
Duero, Tajo, Ebro
Cartago Nova (not sure if it survived ?)
churros, magdalenas, polvorones, mantecados, turron, flan...

Vale, total, este pais ya es una mierda igualmente gracias a gente como tu.

No estoy ganando ni una cuarta parte de lo que me merezco por mis conocimientos porque aqui apenas hay empresas, y de la mierda que gano me quitan la mitad. Gracias izmierda

>Cartago Nova (not sure if it survived ?)
The city is still there, and I think you can still see some Carthaginesian ruins (though the most famous monument there is a Roman amphitheatre)

You didn't get me because I admitted that might be. There are a fuckton of regional folk dances...but well done.

Cuantarazon,cuantocabron y portugal
10 years
el tamahamahal, amazonas y pacifico
Las multiples estatuas fuera de las oficinas para emplear
El de fuera de este pais
tacos y tequila

Not a Kingdom my friend, it was a regional name for provinces of a caliphate later it became a Caliphate of Cordoba.

>*1 former capital of Spen
>*3 kingdoms
Aragon, Castilla, Galicia
>*1 king/PM/President in the XIX century
>*Decade of the Ist Republic
>*3 rivers
I don't know
>*1 folkloric dance other than flamenco
>*1 prerroman monument/site
la piedrahengita
>*1 airline
er spen
>*2 dishes (no paella allowed)
paella valenciana
paella catalana

ilik alod
much of many

Argentina has El Messi, the mighty sperg

Hay tantos beneficios sociales en Espana ? Cuando veo el sueldo minimo de ~700€ o las colas de gente para comer puto pan barato me parece ser el contrario.

>>*Decade of the Ist Republic
that's the second, you silly pole
also salsa is south american
you fucked up

Oviedo fue capital del reino de Asturias gallego imbecil

bud lik
pls no

Hay bastantes que yo sepa. El sueldo minimo es bajo, pero la gente suele ganar mas salvo que su trabajo sea una autentica mierda, o viva en una zona con coste de vida muy bajo haciendo de camarero o algo. Las colas para comer pan barato ni idea.

And Polan finally happened in the thread

Asturias wuz no forma spen
dei wuz nly 1 answa nd it wuz toldo


yeah you're right I forgot about cebollitas

1. Barcelona?
2. Castilla, Spain, Spain?
3. Ricardo?
4. 1900ish?
5.river of rabbits, river madrid, el rivero costa capital?
6. the macarena
7. Big mosque?
8. Spainish Air?
9. el grande kebab and el grade pizza un mince meat?

Tu lo has dicho, chicano, de Asturias. No de España.

esa mierda fue vista fuera del pais???

I cant answer 2/3 of those questions
Am I retorded?

Nah nobody is getting it right

>de Asturias. No de España.
Alfonso III (c. 848 – December 910), called the Great, was the king of León, Galicia and Asturias from 866 until his death. He was the son and successor of Ordoño I. In later sources he is the earliest to be called "Emperor of Spain." He was also titled "Prince of all Galicia" (Princeps totius Galletiae[1]).

Kingdom of Asturias was Spain.

> the king of León, Galicia and Asturias
>King of all the Spanish Kingdoms he could obtain
>not Spain
Kingdom of Asturias certaintly wasn't rationalist.