>start dating qt japanese girl from college >together for over a year >sex pretty vanilla >drinking and watching netflix >ask her what her sexual fantasy is to try and spice things up >"when i was in japan, i was only wanting to date with a foreigner. still, i want to experience a black" >............
So I guess I'm on the path to cuckdom. I'm gonna ride it out and try to get a 3 way with her friend if she's gonna get some bbc.
Pretty disappointed
Zachary Perry
You sound like a cuck faggot.
I would have walked away.
Michael Baker
No you wouldn't
Mason Foster
Yeah, that is one of the most disgusting things ive heard in a while. I couldnt look at her anymore after that without being repulsed. It would be over.
Adam Perry
he asked a fucking japanese what her sex fantasies are the fuck would you expect
Michael Diaz
I thought they were all about the white D, not the kokujin
Jose Jackson
It's over. The only way they get over black is if they actually date a black. The black treats them like dog shit as niggers do.
But one night stands will leave her wanting more.
Aaron Ward
Sounds like she's going to end up boring some other guy. Unless she turns up the heat for him, then that would be some cucked up shit.
Also I think it's been reported that like 70-90% oh women fantasize about black men. That 30% or so are probably all the black women that aren't interested, so if you know a woman who isn't a nignog she probably wants the black dick.
Oliver Wright
Yeah. I'm going to subtly enquire more and see if she really just wants to get it over with. I'm not gonna sit around going on dates when shes got black sausage on the mind. Best to get what I can and bail. Damn shame. She was wife material.
Carter Rivera
>Wants to spice up sexlife >Ask significant other of her fantasy >She was into trying black cock once >Guess I have to find a black person to have sex with her >I'm sad about it
Nigga you the one that wants to put that plan in motion, be disappointed in yourself moron.
Chase Hughes
You propose I stop her? Tie her up in the basement? Check for texts? That's not what it's about. And where did I say I wanted to find a black person for her to fuck?
Isaac Anderson
You made it seem like in the OP that you simply asked her what her fantasy is. Then you followed by saying that you were going to find a 3 way with her friend. Who is presumably black.
>I'm gonna ride it out and try to get a 3 way with her friend if she's gonna get some bbc Was that not implying that?
Jayden Hernandez
Lol bro. I've always wondered what I'd do if a girl told be she wanted to try anything other than I. I decided I would push for a ffm first then say we can do whatever. >get the three way with her and another >bounce the FUCK out
Sebastian Robinson
how can you be dissapointed when youre gonna go through with this? you are so stupid. please keep fucking japanese chicks. from my point of view, they are trash. ergo your taste is trash, thus you are trash. I hate you, so much. you're supposed to be a human, not some sex crazed loser whos going ot give up his own sanity his own principles and set ways of life for some pussy. GOD youre pathetic. more pathetic than the waifu losers.
Chase Diaz
I think I wasn't clear. I figure she's going to fuck a black guy anyway. So if she gets what she wants, then I want to fuck her and her girlfriend at the same time.
I fucked up and make it seem like I wanted to join in which is not the case,
Michael Carter
Join in with fucking the black guy. I do not want this.
Jacob Nelson
Ohhh, well then I think that's more of my bad. Still, fantasies are fantasies. I wanna fuck a hot brazilian in sexy maid wear. That ain't happening. Just because she had a fantasy back in wherever doesn't mean she's prone to straight up cheating on you with some other guy.
Brayden Perez
Yeah, and I don't think she would. But now I know it's there. That's her desire. Not for me to dress up like a fireman or some stupid shit. A lifetime with never fulfilling your fantasy seems rough.
Hudson Ortiz
who cares what your inbred gook gf thinks - in her culture the blacks are probably downtrodden and looked as 'as foreign' as they can be so it's only very logical for her to want to try le black dicku.
but in fact what is happening here that she is a boring person and doesn't have any kind of imagination or proactivity.
you are a loser as well. but if you want to be a man, get a new girlfriend or fuck your current one in ass or slap her around don't be a pussy.
but she's just a boring asian girl and by no means a proper woman at all. don't fall to think what she thinks: who cares. do what you want and change woman
Kayden Rodriguez
You're cool
Dylan Morris
First of all you're not going to marry this girl now are you??? So who gives a shit! Get the 3 way with her friend, tell her it's OK to fuck a black guy, make sure she takes lots of pics getting fucked, breakup with her find a better girl then post all her nudes and fuck pics on Sup Forums.