So i have had people bully me at school for the past couple years, it never ends, so as of today, i have decided im going to end my miserable life.
What website could i stream my suicide to?
So i have had people bully me at school for the past couple years, it never ends, so as of today, i have decided im going to end my miserable life.
What website could i stream my suicide to?
Stop being a faggot
I'll watch, link please
Fuck the niggers
Twitch do it bitch
Don't kill yourself. Shoot up the school and make those Chads and Staceys suffer.
you are evil, I like you, we could get along
Fuck the hottest chick in school but make sure she is tied.
Be on twitch -- stream like hearthstone and then just jump out the window or shoot yourself in the head.
Do force fuck some girl before doing an hero OP
Do it quick though faggot because they tend to remove that type of stuff
He ain't gunna do it. OP is a faggot and will be lonely for the rest of his life
you know what OP? fuck suicide.
bomb those motherfuckers. plan it all out. every name,everybullet. make Dylan and Eric proud. wipe every motherfucker out. use 1oz slugs too. make sure its a bloody fuckingg massacre. make your face the sight of satans demons.
do this and you will be the strongest link, the bullying you have forgone was a test to see is and isnt beneficial to the human race, i will salute you if you choose this course of action
Something phone users can Enter too (I don't think twitch is compatible with phones)
And then you realize
He's from your school
it is as far as i know..
works perfectly on my samsung galaxy
why do people bully you OP? no matter what, youre gonna be out of school eventually and then you could find a job where you could be out of the public eye. Whats the big deal? You could reinvent yourself a few times before youre 30 even. Dont do it
Don't do it man, usually at the end the bullied fare better off than the bullies in life
Dear OP I'm not gonna try and stop you trying to kill yourself. I wish your God places you in heaven and your sends happines. I'm not religious guy but rest in peace. :)
scool chooting or gtfo
please dont kill yourself. i've been there just ignore them and keep on reminding yourself that soon you'll have a better life than them. if you do this then they win. i know you're better than that. im here for you if you need it, just please dont kill yourself.
please make the world a little less gay and kill yourself faggot. I would feel safer for my daughter knowing that a pussy ass faggot who would kill themselves because of how gay they are gave me a boner ;)
I think he already did it. :(
Do it. Life sucks then you die anyway. Doesn't matter if we off ourselves or if we die by some other method. Eventually, we all bite it anyway.
If you commit suicide they win. You don't need the people who don't appreciate you for who you are so just stick to the people that do. Focus on your study and in 5 to 10 years time you'll be glad you didn't end your life.
That may sound cliche but it's true.
Why are people bullying you, OP?
On one hand, man up. This is a small part of your life and you can change it by changing yourself in to someone who's good at something.
On the other hand, if this is how this effects you and this is your answer, perhaps you SHOULD off yourself.
repost this on r9k theyll help