Got ingrown toenails removed. Who else here got this shit done and how long were you off your feet?
Got ingrown toenails removed. Who else here got this shit done and how long were you off your feet?
I got ingrown toenails to but dont want a fk doc to remove them to pain full
A couple days to a week. They had to cut into the skin to permanently remove parts of the toenails. Hurt like fuck when the numbing wore off. Kept me up all night.
Yea the numbing has just wore off me now and that shit is more painful than expected. I said to my Boss I'd be back to work on Monday but don't think I can now
It's a painless procedure and worth it. U get a few needles in your toes to numb them but that's not sore either. The pain afterwards is a bit extreme but in the long term will be well worth it
Had it done twice. I think I was off my feet/heel-walking for a day or two, then the pain wore off. You get a really weird sensation when you can finally use your big toe again, but oh man.. You made a good choice. Cutting those out usually fixes the problem and you'll be amazed at how easy it is to walk around now. I was so relieved when I did it. The second surgery was on my other toe btw not a repeat.
Stay off your feet as much as possible when you walk do a stupid walk where you only let the balls of your feet touch the ground and just be lazy to help speed things along
I had dual ingrown toenails for about 5 years, over 7 surgeries, each time I was off my feet for about 2-3 days, but I soaked my feet for about a week each time. Hope yours heal after the first time not the 8th.
Pic is my foot.
Forgot pic
Jesus Fuck. Kill it with fire.
Wear sensible shoes, you dumb niggers.
I hear people talk about ingrown toenails every now and again, but as I've never had one I don't really know what it's like. What does it entail? How does it happen?
Yeah its fucked.
The nail digs into the skin so it feels like a dull blade in your nail bed, every step. You basically have to learn to walk without your big toe.
It's almost like a toothpick in your nail.
you clip or pick your big toe nail too far back in the corners, then when it grows back it starts to curl under and turn inward on the edges, digging into the skin.
the real question is how did you let it get that bad and what the fuck kind of shoes are you wearing?
In my case, they were growing outward son the nail was too fat, this caused them to dig into the nail bed.
I had one so bad it literally grew through the other side of my toe. I cut it at the base and pulled it through the pus pocket that formed in the tip of my toe. It was infected for months leading up to this. It was extremely inflammed and had bloody pus oozing around the area. It smelled like fish food oddly enough. The pus pockets would form every now and then. I would just cut the skin and drain it until it eventually grew through it.
barley a day. it was just numb. make sure to keep putting gauze on it and washing it or it will become infected.
>smelled like fish oddly enough
Yeah, decay has a odd smell. Dirty ass Jew.
Fish food.
wait, how does it become like that? is it like a fucking disease? like should i be concern or just keeping the foot clean? what the actual fuck
bitch I do this myself with heavy clippers and pliers. What kind of pussy are you?
Well I had just soaked it in that picture, but it got so bad because I had already had 6 or 7 surgeries so I was fed up with them. Keep your foot clean and what not, its unlikely it will get as bad as mine. Though, its possible.
Depends on how you cut your nail
and also if you keep your nail cutter clean
which alot of people dont
It is recommended to never cut the sides of the nail cause if you do the nail will start to grow to the sides which will cause pain.
Dude, seriously? Just let them grow out, pick the skin around it and you're good. No need for all that crap
yeah had it at both big toes, went to a feet specialist to get an "emmert plastic". it was pretty fast and painless, was able to walk normally a few days later. Definetly worth it, had that shit 2 years
Literally just got mine removed today. Kinda starts hurting an hour later but I really don't feel much. I can still walk but it's pretty hard
Sometimes it's unreachable without having to cut off your skin and X-Ray the shit out of the root.
Now do all that without anesthesia
I had ingrown toenails for like 3-4 years before I got them them lasered. One of the best decisions I ever made. It was so painful for so long and it was so easy to fix.
Maybe because I also had fungus, but I had little pain after getting the nails removed.
A few days, but I had it done by someone who I found out much later was completely unqualified, which is probably why the anesthetic didn't work and it felt like torture.
Last one I couldn't really walk for about 4 days, 2 weeks before able to run etc.
Happened 4 or 5 times now, keeps growing back. Last time a fucking surgeon did it (didn't trust gen practitioner anymore) and it still grows back. Its not as permanent as they want you to believe. The cut bit does grow back perpendicular the the rest though, I've got 2 sections of nail on both toes now. So thats a bonus it won't grow in as fast. But I really don't get how they can fuck this up 5 times over, how hard can it be to mutilate the nailbeds so it doesn't grow a fucking nail anymore.
I'm terrified of needles so I really hate the procedure.
You can go back to work monday, depending on what you do. Perhaps a crutch if you can't put weight on it by then.
So going to look into this. Now one toe is a fucked up fungal nail on purpose so the nail is too brittle to grow in. The other one won't get infected though so it'll grow in again in time.
I got mine done when I was a kid. Full left big toenail permanently removed, partial right big toenail permanently removed. Hurt for a few days but nothing major