Some crippled faggot left this on my car. I parked in the handicap spot for 15 fucking minutes...

Some crippled faggot left this on my car. I parked in the handicap spot for 15 fucking minutes. I got the dudes license plate on my dash cam. Is there a legal way to look up info on someones license plate to get name and address

I hope this is bait. Could OP really be this much of a faggot?

You deserve it, could be worse.

Maybe don't park in the fucking handicap spot, faggot.

There was no other spots, I left my emergency lights on and the line was long, or I would've taken less than 5 mins

Why do you think going to the store was an emergency? Are you mentally handicapped?

>I left my emergency lights on
But it wasn't really an emergency, was it?

I was cooking, and forgot to pick up bell peppers and I left the stove on simmering.

>I left my emergency lights on

Oh, that makes it okay then.

Need to run a red light? Just turn on your emergency lights.

Driving home drunk? Just use the emergency lights.

Are you a faggot like OP? Better use the emergency lights.

That's not an emergency, that's stupidity. Maybe you should take a list with you instead of wasting someone else's time because you feel your dinner plans constitute an emergency. It would have been wonderfully ironic if your car was towed and your house burned down because you'd have nobody but yourself to blame for what turned into an actual emergency.

I work in disabled access and to be honest most wheelchair users dislike the idea of disabled parking spaces. They want to be treated just like everyone else rather than face what they veiw as discrimination.

True story.

Congratulations. You've proven that you're retarded enough to deserve to park in the handicap zone. Contact the state, make it official, and get the license plate to show it. Then people won't leave notes on your car.

Nobody cares what you think. How about you go suck off OP after you pull your nose out of his ass.

Why didn't you cal 911 for this faggot? It's literally what they're for

Newfags taking the bait.

Man, fuck op, he is a faggot.
And fuck you too.
And fuck me, right?

Also, did I mention 'fuck you'? That was the important part.

>wut is sage

im a doctor and so many lazy fucking slobs demand that i sign their disabled parking form, usually for non-disabling bullshit like diabetic neuropathy. god i hate people


It's not bait, you retards. Out of all places, it's only natural that such autist would appear in Sup Forums, nothing out of ordinary, such faggots do exist.

They should get rid of it. Every fucking time I go to whole foods there are 10 fucking empty spots in every lane of the parking lot for handicaps. No one ever is there parked why do I have to park 200 ft down and walk up because im not a handicap

I worked in a car park and generally I don't approve of people abusing handicapped parking...


If this nigger took the time to go out of his way to make a snarky note then he's not that badly off. Generally disabled parking is more about having space to load/unload vans full of potatoes in wheelchairs because these poor cunts really need the accessibility. If you're not a completely fucked up vegetable and can still get around then you really have no business getting this bent out of shape about parking.

Sounds to me like you're the asshole here

As a cripple who has plates and 2 mirror hanging tags I'm getting a kick out or this thread.

What would u have done? Just

TBH I've never had to deal with not having a space.

I had a cop check my kids car out this weekend [I was with her] but he was disappointed when he saw the mirror tag hanging.