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onision is the biggest cuck lol
onision hate thread?


Leafy is funny

>using this much energy to care about YouTube personalities

Poor kids must be bored.

Just like every other person did a month ago?
Way to go for onisicuck on beating a dead decayed horse


onision is a fucking homo and the ppl who watch him are twelve year old boys that play call of duty

At least leafy isn't retarded enough to leave his fucking turtle out in the sun in a Tupperware container

onision makes the most autistic points ever
>"i see why he doesn't have more subs"
>leafy past him in subs and has one of the fastest growing channels
this faggot is really mad
>all his fans are dumb 12 y/o cunts who want to fuck him.
>his wife is a tumblr fan girl of him
need i say more?

That fagoo is married?

Who gives a fuck. Anyone who watches youtubers is a fucking faggot

who the fuck cares he is just trying to jump on the LEAFYISHERE bandwagon to help him get noticed.

>all his fans are dumb 12 y/o cunts who want to fuck him.
This applies to leafy also. You guys sure are projecting.
Whatever fuck you underage faggots shtting up Sup Forums with your shitty youtubers.

Sup Forums drama

You newfags sure like to abuse the slang.

Cuck... You guys don't even use it right

If you care about anything related to youtube stars you are actually retarded and should be drug into the street and shot to make the national IQ average skyrocket.

ya his wife is 9 years younger than him and he was pretty much boning her when she was 17
its fucked

to a 17 yr old (hes 30)


Onision is a huge cuck and Leafy is a fucking tard.
At least tards are funny.


onision cant roast anyone lol look at his music



you haven't seen how he talks about his wife in his vids
its pathetic and the defintion of cuckery
he goes on for like 3 minutes about how much of a perfect goddess is when shes a tumblr dyke bitch

leafy's fans want to fuck him?
gayonaisse alert


Don't lie and say you're not jealous


"10 Things I Hate About Meat Eaters - Onision"

Onionboy is cancerous and a crazy fucker too. Always looking for drama and starting shit randomly. Dude is an attention whore.

And he filmed his ex having a seisure, killed a turtle by putting it in the sun in a plastic container and also abused others. He's awful.

Kill yourself if you have a youtube account

faggot detected. Really though keep being 14 and watching these retarded youtube people like they mean anything.

>>slit your nips

I only have one to shitpost

I think you meant to write *Faggot 30 year old man insults some edgy 19 year old.

Videos of god-tier Onion cuckery:

"Why Do Some Girls Oppose Feminism?" youtube.com/watch?v=OAaDqhKXby8



Cringe-level: 9002


>slit your nips
Holy fucking shit. Kill yourself immediately. For the good of the human race please.


leafy's extreme clickbait titles attracts the blackest 12 year olds, fuck him
and onisions a bit of a twat too

Fucking faggot.

I used to make minecraft videos when I was 16, and I recently took them down. Goddamn watching as a 21 year old as the cringiest thing

If you have an opinion on youtubers, you are one of the 12 year olds they attracted.

Onision is such a fucking hypocrite in nearly every single way imaginable.

>Hates on leafy for "bullying children"
>Onision literally bullies everyone ever on his channels
>Hates on leafy for being a white whiny attention whore

Onion tries to be morally superior like he cares. Kek. He made retard jokes for years and tells people to kill themselves on twitter all the time. Nigga is stupid.

faggoo drink my donkey load you sweaty homo

That doesn't surprise me. Drink some bleach ok?

Who gives a fuck about those two faggots lol
We should be talking about eDups roasting that retard Keemstar

tbh i am

What does Sup Forums think of Acnekun?


You are the epitome of a faggot who should not be here. Must have fell in from reddit.

I made a video that too when my tits leaked online

both these faggots are worth their shit

and OP and the posters here must be underage to even give a shit about these retarded youtubers

>talks about microphones


No one cares, please kill yourselves youtube fags.

what kind of logic is that

Really please don't breed.

thats not fucked brah
thats legit as fuck


hes such a fucking faggot
>ruined the video with his cringe level jokes

>having a life so uninteresting that you give a fuck about youtube drama

sad as fuck. these guys are all cuck faggots calling each other cuck faggots.


I'm considering it, just need to gather up the courage

onision is even worse than leafy. biggest beta male on youtube

Ill just head over to Nicovideo and watch japanese then

Greg's other video roasting Leafy was better t b h familia:


Didn't he fuck some houseguest and apologized on jewtube?

hes some desperate for relevancy at this point
he just wants leafy to make a video about him so his view count can stop being dog shit

Do it please. Literally no one will miss you. Just do it fast, don't think about it, just get it done go eat all the pills you can find and take a nap!

Kill yourself.

Nice try Onision.

I feel like Sup Forums would be big leafy fans.

Ya'll a bunch of edgy 12 year olds.

i dont know who either of those two are then again I am not a millennial.

someones jelly as fuck.. both are faggots.

>watching some faggot emo kid

ain't nobody got time for that

>dat forehead dent

who the fuck cares? onision is a fucking retard. watch literally any video of his and your IQ will drop by several points.

I can see the cuckery now, in fact

He's cancer.


cuck and cancer are also good terms for him.


Naw bro, I was speaking about you and all the other 12 year old kids who love emo cucks. What is wrong with you kids these days? It's extremely obvious how defensive you kids get when someone just states there like... opinion man.

Fucking tree stump millennials should get a job

Good Lord onision makes me sick. Franku and Hot to Basic are true artists. I hope onision get in a fatal car accident.

they're both dicks

>Onision calls Frank ugly

>Has he looked in a mirror lately when he's not covered in 20 pounds of makeup, light blinding his camera and filters?


you think I give a shit about leafy is here because I dislike onision?
you must be just as dumb as he is.

Are you still trying to radiate your faggotry all over this thread? Come on kiddo, it's time for bed.

so I'm guessing you're either someone who took all their lessons on "trolling" from onision, or you're actually onision.

I wouldn't be too shocked if onision visited Sup Forums

honestly I wouldn't either.

>Leafy > Onison
>gay retard just put up a vid on keem where he roasts him for 20 mins straight and you're talking about this shit

The fact that you pay attention to either of these people is a testament to your retardation, OP. Kill yourself.

e-celeb dipshit fag vs e-celeb dipshit fagfag

it's like nothing vs nothing

why even care? OP is shill of just really, really bored. Go play games OP.

>Emo-fag makes a shitty video calling another persons videos shit

>tfw he says the title of the example video but still censors it