I'm not a huuuuge fan of meat, but fish is my go to favorite.
i was raised near the sea (Hamburg Germany) so i naturaly love the sea and fish, and also would allways go for a good piece of fish, problem by now is that were i study there are no real good places to get fesh fish... but only the best meat.
...all this chatting about food ... shit i go for some food i guess see you guys around (maybe later)
Dinner sounds pretty good right now
I'll be back in a little bit
See ya in a bit.
I think I'm gonna follow these guys' example
Actually eat something today and all.
anyone want to RP vore?
Yay I can post!
We're you in timeout? Or just connection issues?
I'm going to do that dinner thing too.
The mods put me on the naughty list for another thread I was in.
Yeah, that's what I get B& for most often.
for some reason they only B& me for 60 seconds...
Silly mods.
It doesn't take much to figure that out, does it.
How y'all doing?
Also, Greetings Mer Artyom.
THat muzzle needs to be fixed
only 60 seconds? You deserve longer haha.
I'm alright. Having to deal with shitty motel internet though....
Hello! How's life?
High five for bad free wifi.
Well, I'm sure they intend it to be longer but for some reason it just never stays active..
I'm pretty decent today.
Ey, you made it.
I'm curious did they put you in the naughty room for the other thread too?
Aww yeah!! I don't even know if you can call this wifi, it's real bad.
Well that's good.
I have to deal with terrible home wifi everyday, and that's not complimentary. Still sucks though.
The power is in your hands.
let me try this again.
Not him, but probably not. I've never seen 23.jpg have any sort of posting delay (i.e. ban or suspension).
My favorite meme :-)
gotta love telecommunication companies, always giving their customers the shit end of the stick.
the worst kind of errors are the ones that don't generate any errors.
Whoops, meant to reply to you:
Yeah, but was posted in a B&able thread.
try harder
How come all the g/fur threads disappeared?
duck typing is useful and good
Sadly no, the power is in the 9 other things my family has connected to it with the cheapest internet plan.
Comics anyone?
Just guessing here, but perhaps:
*new janitors
*it was gawker the whole time lol
Meh.. go into the settings and prioritize your device.
So the power is not in your hands at all.
I'd say "get your shit together", but I'm sure you've got retorts already prepared.
Maybe the mods are on a rampage against them.
Seriously though, I believe I saw one a few hours ago.
They've been on for more of this afternoon and evening than sfur has.
I almost expected it to be nothing but zootopia here, but I guess it's too early for That
Besides, the gfur thread IS up.
there is a G thread sitting at 147 immages...
>too early
Do you mean too early in the evening?
Because ZT porn has been out for AGES.
I made it alive
Don't mention that filth here.
Gotta love internet at work.
Huh, shows how much I pay attention.