Cringe thread
Post your best cringe
Do it
Cringe thread
Caspian, my man!
>be me, 12 years old
>super fucking weird, literally would roll around on the floor having fake seizures
>sit next to a girl I like in my math class
>get her to talk to me, and she for some reason decides to draw a little (like 1 inch) doodle on my arm
>I cherished that doodle
>got home and took pictures of it from multiple angles to look at when it eventually wore off
>didn't wash that arm for days, and would constantly show it to her
>"hey look, I still have that drawing you did!"
I hated middle school me.
that's comedy you inept twat.
Sounds like OP is jealous that he doesn't have the time or willpower to make a nice car.
DO you like Hewey Luis NAD the Newz?
Oh man
>bronies, furries, reddit, minions, DA okay tier
>not atrocious, harmful, mediocre, atrocious, and mediocre respectively
>fb, youtube poop awesome not pretty good
>pc gamers below xbox and ps4
this guy needs to stop having different views than me.
A music video produced by my high school
You can check out their channel, pretty much everything in here is cringey
ill bet she smells about as good as that looks.
So this is why niggers are so stupid
at least he didnt do an awful Ps job
ow shit that faggot just sick me
"Berry my dick"
I see no difference.
I do. I can at least fap to the staypuft man.
Toe rings are gross.
What in the living fuck
Oc, imagine the pissed as fuck 12 year olds at the end of this game
>Mufukin hackr
>Stap killing meee!
>Oh my gawwwwdd
Good god
mother of god, what the fuck is that?
Fuckers have to be making these things up.
I deny this.
On what platform my nigger. I can see why Ghosts as well all recent cods suck.
this is when arabs can be used best
Ps3 ghost and I fucking hate new cod too
>cod finest hour and before fag here
That's actually fucking hilarious, you pussy ass faggot "hurr columbine wasnt a joke"
jesus chrst, if you can squeeze those fuckers out then i want some!
Dubs and a trip
what the fuck is that
Damnit I'm Xboner.
>inb4 PC maturbate
Call him a faggot
what is that
english is kill
*masturbate my bad
pic unrelated
What's cringe about that? Other then some of those suits are shit....
>a place where you can have fun
>A place where you can drink booza
>a place where you can dance to shit music
>a place where you can fuck After wards maybe if your not a cringe piece of shit
>Or fat
>or ugly
Far too drunk to read that. But I've saved it for tomorrow.
Thank you user. Unless it's bullshit, in that case, fuck you, you fucking fuck.
IKR I audibly kek'd when I saw it
>attracted to animals
>Be me
>Going to first orgy ever with some friends
>Lots of people I know from my program
>See this cute girl I know who is my friend's girlfriend
>It's an orgy so my friend tells me it's okay
>There's drinks at the orgy
>Can't help myself, drink one to many
>Finally cute girl is free, she comes up to me says I'm all hers
>Fuck yes I'm ready
>Try to put it in her
>Booze is affecting my erection, can't get hard
>Says it's okay, she tries giving me a handjob/blowjob to get it up
>Half an hour goes by, nothing still
>She's getting impatient, says she's going to leave
>Stop her, tell her I can do it
>She believes me, sucks on it some more
>I think I feel something
>Feel my deck tingling
>I think it's cum
>It's just piss
>Piss right in her mouth
>She gags and vomits on me
>Can't stop pissing
>Go to school next day and everyone is giving me a dirty look
I have an xbox in my closet, God damn red rings took her from me so respect
i bet that place smells terrible
I'm four beers deep but I swear it is 100% legit
Cringe? I never got this. I wish I could look half as dapper as he.
>COD Roads to Victory fag here
The cringe stems from you making this picture.
Wait. Those aren't fuckin chicks w/ dicks, are they? How the fuck are they on women's rowing if they are trans, biologically men have an entirely different skeletal and muscle makeup.
I've only pet a therapy dog once in my life nigga....
>Mfw every fur fucks animals
Maybe the fuckers on Sup Forums but Sup Forums beast "furs" even though they swear they aren't furries, and the people who attend the cons are almost polar opposite people, I would know...I go to both
I've got 360 and One, a PS3 with like 5 games cus I never played it.
I don't see any problem. Only problem I see is you racist af, crakkka
jesus, kill it with fire
Fucking nice,
>finest hour hard finisher
Was a bitch but I did it
We will not waver! We will not give up! Kill! Death to the German invader! Ehhh. ...even if I'm wrong you still get the quote I'm sure
Not cringe, just massive balls
Her hands freak me out