So what happened?
So what happened?
too soon man
I always see this but dont know what it is
Fuck, too soon
And I've been here since 2010 and I never get it dude.. Probably b8.
>rip sweet princess
Illness, she died, fucked up dad took photo of dead daughter
To soon op
accusing bait with bait
OP here from, from 08 actually
fucking too soon have some fucking decency OP you fucking faggot
Too soon you fuck head
Sup Forums fucks jerkin off to this girl, later word spreads shes been dead in these pics. No one knows for sure if true or not
here come dat boi
it's a dead girl duh
Cute af, anymore
Samoans ran a train on her in Hawaii. Fucked her to death, heard she lasted 3 days on nothing but meth and jizz.
Easy to spot newfags in this thread
If she was dead, how's that her eyes are open faggot?
Mary-Ann Rialeb
drank anti-freeze
Shes not dead faggot!
This fag's lying
There's two stories to this.
Supposedly some girl was at a party, some guy spiked the drinks with anti freeze, thinking it would get people drunk faster and not realizing it was poisonous. She was the only one that drank this anti freeze spiked alcohol, while already being drunk. Shortly after she started complaining about not being able to see. Some guy convinced her to strip down and take pictures of her. When he came back to take pictures, she didn't say anything, and he just assumed she was cool with it, not realizing she was dead.
Now whenever someone posts pictures of her, people go "Too soon..." Not because they actually care about some girl they never met who supposedly died, but so they can be a part of this little inside joke.
The other story is; she's some supposedly dead chick that people post on Sup Forums, so when people masturbate to her, someone can come along and notify them that they just masturbated to a dead girl.
I call bullshit on the first story.
If she's not dead, then why is she lying on the bed as that, faggot?
Thats a porn star faggots
>Google Bo Summers nude
they're both wrong. cmon now newfriend.
Messed up girl passed out and BF took 10 pictures. Mostly only the same picture is re-posted but in the other pictures she is in slightly different positions as she moves in her stupor.She has a rave club wristband people try and pass off as a hospital wrist band and say she is dead
Rosy Cheeks
Dead girls don't have rosy red cheeks, or any skin tone resembling redness, as their blood is not currently flowing to produce such an effect. It's a commonly known fact that once the body dies, the blood flow immediately starts flowing with gravity; in other words, down. Blood would have collected in the back of her head, back and backside of any limbs, and the resulting visible surface area would be a pale yellowish white instead of a rosy tan.
However, there does exist something called "make-up". Using this "make-up", one may cause dead flesh to appear to be living again. It is extremely likely that someone would apply make-up to a dead chick's body for a few minutes just to mess with anonymous and other people on the internet.
Not dead...These faggots just want her to be dead to satisfy their fantasy but medfag here can clearly tell she's not dead.
Confirmed. Strong resemblance to Bo Summers.
Not gonna click that shit nigga
o shit waddup
Her eyes are in different positions in each picture. You can't change the eyeball position in dead bodies. They'll go right back to the same goddamn position over and over again, granted you manage to move it in the first place. This is because the muscles and tendons freeze up over time in death and moving them will only result in them returning to the position they were formerly in. It's 100% impossible to move one eyeball, let alone two, and have them perfectly coordinated. However, it is theorized that if you mix pop-rocks and soda and drip the solution onto a dead bodies eyes with a turkey baster, you can relax the muscles and achieve this. Lots of makeup and turkey basters are key to making a dead body look lifelike. But clearly we cannot see any empty soda bottles, pop-rock packets, or turkey basters, so there is no solid evidence. However, if you were on Sup Forums that night, you would know the story to be true.
As any experienced mortician will tell you cameras do in fact cause red-eye in dead things.
She Moves!!
There's that thing about dead people not moving. Yet, her lovely long legs are in a different position in each of the three pictures. Up, down on the bed, and then up and crossed. As you may or may not know, soon after death rigor mortis sets in which causes the body to stiffen. So even though she obviously could not move herself if she was dead, this also means that someone else could not have changed the position of her limbs manually, unless of course she drank anti-freeze before her death, which would aid in the breaking down of muscles.
She's Breathing
In two of the three pictures her belly is sunk in, in the third it is expanded. Beyond just having her legs move in different positions. You'd need to move her belly in and out.
The Cross Moves!!
The cross necklace resting on her stomach moves in each photograph. This could mean one of two things; either it was moved by a living Perfection Girl, or the necrophiliac photographer.
Death by antifreeze.
Basically, some dude strangled her and left the body to be found by the son. Posted about it on b.
nice trips
o shit waddup
too soon, kys.
And people are still saying "too soon"
Go suck a cropland of dicks, faggots.
oh shit waddup
I saw a leprechaun once. Fucked him right in the pussy.
I hope to god this is b8
Encyclopedia Dramatica has spoken
She's just a perfect angel that's sleeping, user
well trips has spoken
Rigor mortis only last a few hours
this shit again
wtf man too soon
bro, don't even ask.
it's too soon
Why aren't people posting more of her
she's stretching her back, just went to the chiropractor
fuckin edgy my dudes keep this meme a rollin