Walk into sister's bedroom and see this
>wat do?
Walk into sister's bedroom and see this
Burn it alive
suck it
fuck sisture
Hi sister, will you let me suck your dick again today?
Yeah right. You would blow that big cock in your mouth... Queer.
I dont have a black sister.
burn house
Get mad that she shit her bed again.
funny thing is that actually did happen to me but it wasnt with no nig.
Ask if he busted his nut yet, and if not get down on my knees and make believe I'm gonna take that 1ft alabama black mamba snake in my mouth, but then pull out a nice blade and cut the boy up.
Call her brother from now on
thats a nice ass
that actually looks tasty as fuck....i would suck it down without hesitation, then let him take my ass virginity,then getting aids and die 2 month later
prompt("Are you a top or bottom?");
var response
if (response=="top") {
do assumeBottomPosition;
} else if (response=="bottom") {
do assumeTopPosition;
} else {
Open wide, white boi
Not only would I smell his cock but the balls and ass as well.
Suck on his cock and srart a lasting homosexual relationship with him
I'd put a creep cam on her, jack off guilt-free to them, share them with Sup Forums. Basically, she's just used goods now anyway. Fuck her.
I hop on and ride to the sunset
stomp it out
Nail his dick to the bed
no homo but that cock is pretty beautiful, even i would consider this man
do you have more? for research porpuse of course
Fucking punch it.
I would Dim Mak it right in the muh dik
>walk into sisnters rtoom
>see dis big blacc wango
fuck sister while he's asleep
This is funnier than any ylyl thread I've ever read
i wouldn't do anything, but i probably wouldn't resist much if he tried anything
wow, that looks weird af, but thanks the pictures :3
Still straight?
lube up and bend over
i would say curious .....like i would suck a goddamn black guy right now if he were here in front of me.... im hard just from the thought....i think im kinda gay :/
can you upload a tiny bit more?
Fuck him in the poophole
Are you white also how old are you?
17 and yeah, why?
Under rated post.
Reconsider being a Kardashian brother
Wonder why my sister turned into a nigger and then fuck its ass.
I feel the same, and I think i'm straight
Always the same kind of people that do this shit.
Confront parents about adopting a transgender nigger
>hedge clippers
how the fuck, is there some black mans guide that gets passed down from generation to generation on how to grow a big or something? what the fuck
is my age a problem? im fairly sure there are a lot younger peoples around here who doesnt admit it... so i dont get it
genetics, further proof that niggers are more animal than human
It's fake, yo.
i personally don't bare but publicly admitting it will cause you to get banned.
then i lied, im 21 and everything is cool.....
its afraid
>its afraid
Beat it with a hammer.
Your sister is a cock hungry slut and so are you.
Suck it until your sister walks in and have a three-way
disown her
In case anyone didn't know, the world record for largest dick is currently held by a white man.
He's 13 inches.
>implying everyone in the world had their dick measured especially in Africa
Beat the shit outta my sister till she is black and blue all over and bleeding hard. Then call 911 and tell them that the nigger beat the fuck outta my sister. Hes back in jail for 3-5 and she hopefully learned a painful life lesson
that's a nice ass, I'd fuck it. I don't have a sister though, so I'd fuck the girl too if her ass is as nice as his.
>Stab the balls
>Watch their reaction
>Tell them to get the fuck out of my house
>"You don't fucking live here anymore!"
why are all these fucking cuck fetishists posting black cock? Why can't we celebrate the beauty of a black ass?
I'd take that mr Goodbar, and that candy too
I often here Sup Forums claim that the big dick black boy is a misconception, and the big dickus ration is pretty equal. Something about a tendency for porn to spread the notion.
Tell her to start sucking it in front of me.
Start jacking off.
Ask if I can suck his balls while she sucks it.
That's quite a nice looking cock...
I don't get it. Did someone shit on her bed?
Get on my knees and suck him to completion before my sister gets home
start tugging on it from behind while I start fucking him in the ass.