Convince me why feminism shouldn't exist

Convince me why feminism shouldn't exist.
>Bonus points for statistics and numbers

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cause OP's a faggot

first define feminism you stupid faggot

good now are you done being a sad fuck?

Ima break it down for your dumbass,

The cartoon you posted sets up a false narrative about the western world. Brown countries still need feminism.

how about you provide numbers for why feminism SHOULD exist
and then ill debunk your beta faggotry

All this picture is proving is that single mothers are easily fooled by appearances, all she needed to do was to simply rotate 90° to the left or to the right then sidestep through the entry.

But doesn't feminism necessarily include special privileges like preferential hiring?

because its goals have been achieved

why yes, it does
feminism = enforced sexism

Because woman are just different. They let their emotions override reason and reality. It's not a conspiracy, it's the course of nature.

it should exist because perverts exist and women need protection

I think even a slow minded man-child could such as your self could understand the colors and numbers.

some dudes too tho


Its not what the picture proves its what you should do now tell me why. ;^)

So, by your logic, asians are systematically opressing white people. Theres a wage gap and it must solely be due to this one reason that fits my narrative.
>also, "earnings", meaning men earned more

keep rereading the third word until you understand what it means


Its not my logic its the fact if you dont agree than post proof dont cry because a white such as yourself believe the world revolves in your racist mind.

Because it is just another supremacist movement and supremacists shouldn't even be acknowledged as humans.

This is a fruitless argument. Spider-man, where are you? Get in here.

You're not considering the fact that these polls come from a general census. There are factors like, women generally work less hours, and also women generally work lower paying jobs. Do you know how to math?

>not realizing that they just take everyone's wages, regardless of experience, education, or other factors and just jam them together for that chart
>meaning that CEOs and cashiers are being treated the same
Studies that actually break it down by comparing level of education and experience have put the wage gap at women making about 95% of what men make. It is less but the hypothesis is that women are usually more likely to feel 'fulfilled' by their jobs and, as such, don't ask for as many raises.
Like it or not, he's not wrong.

Because most men allready bend over backwards for women, all femeisum is is women wanting more and the reality is a man most likely her dad gave her that train of thought. So men created feminisum checkmate.


Good troll, your b8 was 8/8 m8

you don't even know what the word "proof" means. maybe, instead of womens studies, you couldve done math or science and actually understood how to make an argument. but there must have been the patriarchy enforcer that day that told you "no, you're a women and therefore, cannot go into a STEM field"

Your point?

You're using a median that's why. Either way men work harder and go into higher paying jobs (generally speaking) so obviously our averages are going to be higher, now how about you find wages for specific positions.

But apparently a fast minded child like you, can't seem to undestand it if you use it as evidence for why we need feminism. That data has nothing at all to do with feminism, and feminism can't change that, unless it changes in favor for women.

who said i was white? dumb ass

Yeah, that's where we differentiate real men and beta fags.

;^) its my homework

bc men and women are already equal. third wave feminism is just tumblr cunts craving attention and aiming to piss of their dad

>full time jobs
>muh facts
nice now prove it without your opinion.

becuase it leads idiots like you to believe things like this picture are real

emphasis on idiots like you

i mean jesus you have to be some level of stupid to believe shit without giving it a second thought


Oh, yes because asking people questions about a shitty ideology ON FUCKING Sup Forums is a normal homework assignment


fuck tard thats a myth.


Kys everything is an opinion

That graph is not specific enough to prove a god damn thing and you know it. Speaking objectively and not choosing either side, that graph is biased and pointless and I doesn't take a genius to see that.

so you post the most well-known garbage feminist lie of all time
good job bro

proof you're a faggot:

give me something with substance faggot

the numbers dont lie


Get thread.

Those numbers are screwed. Mothers take years off.

Women also don't take on a lot of the high paying shit jobs men do. I scaffolded in mine sites making over 100k a year. It really sucks therefore you see less women around.

These graphs are screwed. My wife as an example works in oil and makes a load of money. We don't have children and therefore she has years on her female peers who had children.

She earns more than them too.

the problem is you are throwing numbers up without knowing their true meaning.

this is why statistics cant be used to judge people or really any aspect of life

you can make minor assessments but to choose numbers over people makes you the type of person that shouldnt be giving moral advise.

otherwise ... niggers...

Thanks bro this is going to kill tomorrow in class.
love you


because bonus points are given to companies for hiring women and minorities.
its the white male that has it hardest
>scholarship limitations
>chosen last for gainful employment because of bonuses for minorities and women
>no credits given by society just for being that gender or race

we literally have to earn and fight for everything we have while giving what we earn to those "less fortunate"

and yet we succeed
step up your game bitch. put up and show some initiative or shut the fuck up and wait for your handout.

Do you need anything else?
I am armed to the teeth with actual knowledge to shut down feminist and SJW trash.

Remember to always put the burden of proof on the tumblr faggots, like I did by asking you to state why feminism has a purpose -- rather than allowing you to put burden of proof on me (although I provided it anyway).