Sup Forums

Sup Forums
People argue this is not the Queen of Geeks.
I don't get why people call her a fake geek girl
I get why people call Olivia Munn that, but not Day.

What's up with that Sup Forums?

felicia day rules

People say she's a Hollywood construct. Like Katy Perry or Britney Spears.

>noone's arguing
>noone here knows or cares who these people are
>shill niggers be gone

nah, if she was she'd be a lot more well known than she actually is

Videogames and anime are bro stuff, chicks can gtfo

how about her being a bitch to the true queen of geeks Morgan web

I've seen her before on Supernatrual Dean made her

She is pretty well known even by non-fans because of her roles on various shows.

>Morgan web
That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.