I'm a Thai whore mongrer AMA !
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I'm a Thai whore mongrer AMA !
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which is better? filipino or thai? assuming you have been to the philippines.
Do you think you are the real china
How much is it? China is around 700rmb nowadays.
do u fuck any whores raw?
Of course, Thai. Thai women are wired differently.
I have been been with several SA prostitutes and Thai are the best in business
Yum yum
Safety first. I never go bareback on them, not even for BJ's
whats the point then. might as well get a fleshlight
interesting, only because i was thinking about going on a bender in the philippines and im going to be drunk 24/7 and the last thing i need to worry about is telling some girl to suck my cock.
i know bangkok and phuket are hot but whats the one place no one has discovered yet. or ruined?
I rarely pick up thai girls from Go gos , I pick up free lancers from the Beach Road or Soi 6 in Pattaya .
1000 Thai Baht + 300 Bar Fine for Short Time
2000 to 2500 Thai Baht for Long time
You must be a Virgin ?
I cannot go after fleshlights with a serial killer instincts out alone on the dark alleys of Pattaya and Bangkok .... planning what kind whore you're going to pick up next and how you're going to nail her down . When ever I'm out for mongrering ACDC Night Prowler plays in my head loud , I feel like Richard Ramirez :P
Tell some stories why not?
Pattaya Soi6 > Bangkok > Phuket
Pro Tip : Dont get too drunk that you bring a Lady Boy back to your room lol
What's wrong with lady boys?
well thats after picking up the girl im just going to get smashed. besides i got the drinking stamina of a kennedy. so how do the girls react to different races? im probably going to get the AA price when they see me.
I will tell you story of a girl I met last December ,she is 19 and we connected really well. Downloading data from back up drop box account ...and then I will begin telling you all the story ... i have lots of them ..
Only money talks in Thailand. They do not care what race you belong too. But a girl who has good market value will never go with a ugly falang (Falang is slang for white men in thailand)
What's a good dick size I'm 18 and 6 icnhes super self conscious
that's good. so on average how much does it cost for a 5 day stay? im probably not going to get a 2 week vacation from my job and where is a good place to stay at.
also do you post on isg?
ever done underage OP? Is it easy to find?
Do you live in Pattaya or are you here on holiday? What's your favourite bar on the 6?
I know Mod's bar very well. Next to 3 Angels and Perry Bar. Opposite Saigon Girls
This is Aw I met her at a Bar in Soi 6 during my Nov end Dec Trip last year .. I had Pattaya at 12 PM and the hotel did not allow me check in untill 2 PM so I headed out of Soi 7 where I had booked the hotel room and bought some Singha Beer from 7/11 store it was really hot that afternoon lit up few smokes walking and entered the most dirtiest lane on Pattaya "The Soi 6" (Soi means Lane ) all the whores standing out side the bar start cat calling " I suck you long time", ..... Come boom boom me now ... Ladyboys approaching me for "massage " ...and then I just entered a bar and sat there order some more beer ..it was quite as the business as just started t...did not see any girls in the bar ...It was nice and air con inside to I was relaxing and then I heard this amazing smell and look behind it was Aw she had just walked into the bar for work and I said "Hi Its me ! , she looked at me and and said "she is Aw " and shy away ...I got an instant boner I asked her to come sit next to me but she went out the bar to meet her friends ... another elder whore walker in named Dao I asked her what does Aw likes to drink she said Vodka + Red bull I ordered one for her ..she was standing and giggling outside the bar with her other whore friends and and I could see her through the glass ..she accepted the drink and looked at me and smiled I waved my hands to come and sit next to me but she moved away... after sometime I ordered another drink for her while day dreaming how Im going to fuck her today ...after a while I asked the waitress for a pen and paper opened google translater and whore in Thai " How many more drinks will it take to have you site next to me " the waitress gave her to note she read and smiled and came running to me and gave me a peck on the cheeks..
>pic related
Ask your mother !
these girls are fucking hideous
Up to you !
How do you approach a place like this? Just ask one of them for sex or is there a procedure?
>Do you live in Pattaya or are you here on holiday? What's your favourite bar on the 6?
I go on business trip to thailand 3-4 times a year.
>How do you approach a place like this? Just ask one of them for sex or is there a procedure?
How do you initiate this?
I'm sure there's got to be more to it than "I want some sucky sucky"
thai and phillipinos are the niggers of asia
you mean Indians and Indonesians
lol... dude thats a man
Yeah, even Thais look down on Indians. Rightly so, at least the Thais have mastered pooing in the loo
It does matter slightly what race you are. Many girls refuse to go with Indians for example and to a lesser extent arabs and blacks
>Walks in to a Thai bar
>Orders a beer
> lights a beer
>Gets relaxed
> Observers the enviroment
>Picks a girl and make her sit next to you
>If she is cool and I'm having a good body language with her then I will order her a drink
>The drinks you order for the girl is the time you can sit and touch her and decide if she is going to be good in bed or make her her understand what do you like to do in bed .
>Feel her tits to make sure they are real
> feel her skin
> do a bit dry hump
>finish beer
>Ask her for Short Time = 1 fuck for 1 hour
>Bars have small rooms upstairs
>Takes her up she gives good shower and HJ play with tities a little foreplay
>goes to bed and does boom boom
>Shower dress up
>Back to bar
>pay the girl 1000B
>Moves to another bar
>Repeat ...
>be me
>in korea
>hear about korean juicy bars
>go to juicy bars
>bunch of PHILIPPINE women
>would smash
>10,000 won for bj
>50,000 won for 1 hour
They just go up to you and ask you if you want to have fun, while they grab your hand
I have met many rich indian dudes who seem be having alot of fun with the thai girls.
I have been mongering there since 2013. Trust me they do not care about the race its only the money that talks.
Many girls do not even where India is , they say "I no Indian" due to bad word of mouth.
She was one good fuck Sup Forumsro I will post her nudes soon..
>pic related awesome 3 some for 3000 Baht
>>Feel her tits to make sure they are real
in the bar
>in the bar
I have had girls giving me Blow Jobs in the Bar ...Visit Soi 6 you will know it all ...
youngest person you fucked?
I live here and I can tell you they do care. I've been the only falang in a bar and a group of Indians have approached and they've said no. They are simply not welcome in many bars and GoGos. And the girls here often playfully insult you by saying "you same same India man" - meaning you don't spend any money or you need to shower.
Plus all the girls are aware of what happens if they go long-time with an Indian. Back to the hotel room, 5 more Indians waiting inside.. (but not 5x the fee)
>youngest person you fucked?
>pic related she is 18 .
You're correct. I was just sharing my experience with a flew rich Indian folks, They were ordering lady drink for every girl and spending money like they printed it at home ...
>>>Feel her tits to make sure they are real
>in the bar
What kinda virgin are you to find this so strange?
I've done this shit to women many times in US bars. Not a "honk honk" on some random woman, but a chick I had met that night and had been chatting up and knew was going home with me.
Most people are not fags or into trans shit.
You must be the sexiest man alive on earth .
We're on Sup Forums, man. Gimme a break
must be some sleezy as fuck bars
Don't let the retards get to ya. I don't know why feeling a pair of boobs is so far fetched to some of these kids, I swear half of them haven't even been to a dive before.
As a decent looking guy who has no problem getting laid here, how well would I do in Thailand?
Love how everyone here is just chill and then there's that one user who just wants to know if he can touch a kid out there...fuck off user
I like you OP, would share a drink with.
>As a decent looking guy who has no problem getting laid here, how well would I do in Thailand?
I repeat again ..looks only matter 5% its all about the money. Thai Girls will suck each and every penny out of you . Never fall for a Thai Whore or you will be in a big trouble. I had made this mistake during my next trip and I still got scars in my mind .
>Pic related . Its Aw in my room after our first Long time
Moneys not much of an issue. How much do you think it would run me to get loaded and fuck a half dozen whores before going home? Say I spent an hour on each one.
You know, some people actually leave their houses and talk to real people. Crazy, I know...
College bars. How old are you kids?
And yes, I have been to dives. Years ago, I used to go to this dakr goth/ industrial bar and once got a BJ at the tables near the dance floor.
I know, right. It's not like I was claiming that i ran a train on 17 women or some shit. The autism is pretty high tonight.
Anyways...continue, OP. I truly am interested in what you have to say. I'm always considered taking a trip to Thailand for that reason, but just haven't gotten around to it.
bumping for OP.
Sleeping with whores who sleep broken english but gives me good fuck ..now I have got wired differently in my brain. I fail to establish normal romantic relationships with non-sex worker girls
Sleeping with whores will definitely change you as a man , its hits you like cocaine . I have spent a lot of money on it but it does not regret me .
I highly recommend a trip to the adult Disneyland to every man.
>Pic Aw in my loom (room ) after shower
>9 dollar blow jobs
>50 dollar fuck
South Korea confirmed for best Korea.
Up to you !
>This is what a thai sex worker will answer to this question.
Tell us the bad story about falling for a Thai hooker already!
smoking a cigarette..will continue
why not !
when you show us your tits, only a fucking chick would care about having greentexted how he had tender emotions for a piece of asian pussy
>he fucked a hooker
>she got under his skin
>started making more and more demands
>whoremonger got a thinner wallet over the month
>whore went onto greener fields
Lol, tits? I just want to hear how he managed to let it happen. Fag, by the way.
I've fallen for several hookers and strippers over the . I worked as an assistant manager at a strip club so I had them around me all of the time. Some were very hard to resist.
>Fag, by the way.
forgot where I was
Not docking ya cuz strippers and prostitutes have souls. Just horribly wrecked souls governed by their mangled snatch.
>ub so I had them ar
>I have never shared this with masses. But then what is b for ..
Bow, She was at the other end of the Insomnia disco. She looked beautiful. Black and long hair, a very slim and nice looking body. She was exactly my type. I didn’t wanted to loose time and didn’t wanted any other monger to take her away from me. My friend was actually waiting for his girl to join us, so we stayed close to the main entrance and I couldn't stop looking at her. Suddenly I lost her, I couldn't see her anymore. She reappeared a few seconds later just next to me with a group of her friends.
Bow was turning her back on me. There was no possible eye contact. She was there 100cm from me. I said hello to her friends first, just to “get inside this little group of girls”. I started to introduce myself to them, and then she finally turned around. After I talked with Bow a bit I asked her if she wanted to have a drink with me, she didn’t answered and looked like she was thinking. Her friend (actually the one that liked me) made her a sign telling her to “Go”, and we went to a place with more space and started to talk together. She was a bit shy and definitely not like the other girls. She didn’t like to dance. I try to kiss her shortly after, and it was a soft and little kiss. She really was behaving like a very shy girl but she agreed to come back to my room.
On the way to my motorbike she asked me questions like: “Do you know why Men come to Pattaya”? I answered: “yes, for holidays” (LOL). She said: “No, you know why they come, I want to hear it from you”.
I’m not sure why she insisted about this but I answered:
“Yes they come for the girls, Men come to Pattaya to look for ladies”, and I don’t know why, but she seemed satisfied with my answer.
We went back to my room and I really felt that there was something strange with her once we arrived. She acted really shy, like it was the first time she was coming back to a hotel with a Man. I had the feeling that I was with a “first timer” from back home. I told her to sit down and relax, while continuing to talk with her. It was then that she looked at me very seriously and told me that she was the mother of a very young baby girl. I answered: “No problem, I don’t care”. (We all know that almost every lady in Pattaya has a baby somewhere, if not with her, then somewhere with her mama in Isaan).“No problem. You not care because it’s not your baby”. I just answered: “Yes of course”.Bow said that she was sorry but that she could not stay the entire night with me as she had to return home to take care of her child. The baby was staying with her mother at that moment in her house in Pattaya. She went to take a shower, I went after her, and when I came back in the bed, we had very good sex together. It was amazing. Damned, this girl screamed and was really horny. She had bitten my neck and was getting really crazy. I honestly never had heard a girl scream like this. It was so loud, I thought she was exaggerating it, but she wasn’t. She was totally wet and it was amazing for me, and obviously, for her too. After we both finished, we laid down on the bed and relaxed a bit. She then had a look on my neck and apologized. Why was she apologizing? I was expecting maybe a very small mark on my neck but not more. I went to the bathroom and saw my neck: Holly Shit! This Girl had bitten and sucked my neck to blood. I had huge purple and red marks everywhere, from my neck up to my ears.
where's my refund
your whores are literal shit
Kill your self virgin basement dweller
So is Thailand the best asian country to go to if I've got yellow fever and wanna have rough sex with teens?
About how much is it in USD?
I stayed away from the skanky druggies for the most part. Still friends with a few of the strippers.
pic related. one is a stripper, the other is my wife.
Mm-hmm, lovely.
whats a base ment
whats a virgin
go to google.
Type in 'convert 10000 bhat to dollars'.
Yes, it is that fucking simple.
$284 for a suck and fuck?
That's a bit much.
There were a lot of things about Bow that I learned only at the very end of my holidays.
Bow recently turned 21 and had lived in a very small town in Europe with the father of her child for a long time. This man bought everything for her starting from the day they first met. She was 16 years old back then and, like many other girls, had left her village in Isaan to work in the Pattaya Bar scene. Prior to that, she had been married to a Thai man at the age of 15, a Thai man that (so she claimed) had paid a Sinsod of 200k Baht to her mother in order to marry her. Bow was very young and had a lot of success. Being so young attracted a lot of customers who sometimes paid her up to 10.000 Baht to spend the night with them. In a good month, she usually went with 30 to 40 customers. Sometimes things at the bar didn’t went well for her. Fights, Jealousy combined with the use of drugs and rivalry with the bar “colleagues” had become part of her daily routine. She worked 6 months in Pattaya before she met this man. He was going to be the one who would give her life a whole new perspective; let’s call him Lars.
Compare that to the prices of the legal brothels in Nevada...
dude not the same guy but alot of these thai whores are hidious and look like asian men. their bodies are nice but i don't get how so many of you find them to be attractive.
There was an extra 0 in there.
>prices of the legal brothels in Ne
The day Lars met Bow, he was spending the evening getting wasted at her bar. She didn’t like him at first, and said to herself that she would never let a man like him touch her. He started to talk to her, and later, decided that he wanted to barfine her. He offered her 500 baht for a LT. She refused. There was no way she would go with this man for this amount. He started to get angry about her refusal and left. On the next night he went back to the bar, and after sitting around for a while, smoking and drinking, he offered her 1000 baht, and she agreed. After 4 days spent with her, Lars, who was only on his second trip to Thailand, handed his wallet over to Bow and told her that she could take the money she wanted out of it. She was surprised but refused. After a week spent together, Lars’s trip was coming to its end. He gave Bow much more money than she expected, asked her to stop working at the bar, and told her that from that moment, he would take care of her. He rented an apartment for her to live in and started a sponsorship of 1000€ / month. She stopped working. Time was passing by, Lars was in Europe and Bow in Thailand. At some point, he decided to take her to his home country for a few months visit, but as Bow was a minor back then, he needed the legal consent of her mother, a consent that Lars obtained after a short visit in her Isaan Village. A tourist Visa was given by the embassy and both took off to Europe.
it's "farang"
not him, also not a virgin, but i agree with him. if you cant even get a bj without a condom then fuck it, id rather jerk off or find me a fatty i can dump my seed in.
>Thai Girls Loom == Room and Farang == Falang
How much are the brothels? At least the girls are checked for anything nasty before hand.
kek. beat me to it.
hey OP I am looking for a site where mogers like you post amateur videos of bangin thai whores, can you tell me which one? not professional stuff, I want real amateur stuff
you have shit taste op. why pick girls that are 3/10 at best?
anyone got Korean stories to share?
On continue on with the story of Bow
virgins dont understand, it's less about meat and more about the game
youre da man